As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Misguided Rationale of Invading Iraq

It was misguided and reckless to think that a country with a leader embracing a high profiled religion(christianity), opposed to Iraq's religion, could go in and win the peace. It is far from wisdom, in the first place, to even think you can go into a country with a zealous to fight, extremist influenced religion and win the elements of society necessary for peace. Was it the will of God that the devoutly christian crusaders should have gone into and defeated the (Islamic)Ottoman empire? No, or of course they would have won but they did not, they were thoroughly driven back. France learned the hard way, unable to win the peace, and pulled out. Britain learned the hard way and pulled out. The Crusaders,France,Britain and us in Afghanistan had initial success in the mid-east but the point is the folly of trying to permanently establish government the way we want it. The U.S. is learning the hard way and will pull out but because of the prideful determination of this administration it will no doubt go on and on, many more civilians will probably die and many more U.S. boys. Ignorance is at the core of this invasion and the fruits of it continue on. For many this war is about spiritual pride and before it is too late our leaders need to give this one over to God for the sake of so many more to come.

Friday, June 17, 2005

More Surrender to "Efficiency" of Facist Policy

Those liking to sneak around in the dark using facist tactics do not like to be exposed and so it is no wonder Bush's selected chairman at PBS, Tomlinson, will not debate Bill Moyers about the new move to "control" PBS. Whether it is this or the refusal to remove the Patriot Act right to monitor all library use of American citizens, the Bush administration cannot stop it's decent into the surrender to the "efficiency" of facist policy. If we were chasing terrorists instead of being bogged down in non-terrorist related Iraq we would be on top of the terrorist threat which would give Bush reason to lighten up on the American people but you know we cannot have that now, can we? It is unbelievable that with all the networks and radio outlets owned by conservative corporations and with FOX night after night so clearly biased toward the right and the republicans that Bush is nervous about PBS and what it might let out on to the air. Facists have a tendency to worry about the truth getting out and Bush has plenty of reasons to be worried, from decieving the people on Iraq, torture in Guantanamo or sticking the Patriot Act to the American people.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Government & Corporate Control of The Peoples Airwaves ---- monied interests control of our media

As a Christian I understand that there is good and bad in both the Democratic and Republican parties. I also understand that President Bush had nowhere near a landslide mandate in 2000 or 2004 and it is alarming that he continues to try to govern across the board as if he did. Without a public mandate and with polls telling us the public is clearly satisfied with PBS programming the Bush administration is pretending programming is too far to the left and that there is public disatisfaction and is placing an ombudsman to screen PBS programming for anything "controversial". What that means is that they want to intimidate, control and prevent any negative reporting about corporate America or U.S. policy here and overseas. The Bush administration is highly vulnerable and PBS is one of the more likely stations to report the truth. With all the downward pressure already impinging on the truth from conservative owned networks and radio stations this administration wants to squelch any chance the broader population will hear the truth on public T.V. PBS is somewhat of a counter to the clearly rightwing oriented news on FOX but it is a pull back to the center, not to the left by any measure. Tomlinson, the chairman of PBS placed in charge by Bush, is spearheading this effort to try to intimidate the truth. I got news for Bush and his PBS chairman; the truth is controversial. There is no insult like the truth and you know, they cannot stand it. With each passing month this government is showing it's weakness in surrender to the "efficiency" of facist policy. The movement in past years to move away from the promise of the sanctity of airwaves owned by the people to all but completely handing it over to corporate monied interests has betrayed the original principle for the free expression of the peoples opinion in order to critically and fully examine not only their government but the corporate behavior of the same monied interests that have control of the airwaves and needs to be returned to it's original purpose which somehow has been allowed to be gradually weakened over the years by law makers evidently compromised by monied interests. I wholly disagree with the former FCC Director Mark Fowler in concluding that "the perception of broadcasters as community trustees should be replaced by a view of broadcasters as marketplace participants." This is an unbelievable concession to ignorance in regard to the power and influence of money and should be completely reversed and restored to the community trustee ideal. The temptation to quell commentary that may seem critical or painful to the interests of "money" and the market place has become too great. It is not hard to see how society has become skewed in so many ways in regard to the interests of the wealthy and it is in significant part due to the repression of wide open opinions "threatning" to the wealthy in which now are only found in the corners of the internet. Also the efforts to leave our public air waves in the hands of fewer and fewer owners has gone beyond alarming betraying the common sense of the need of the diversity of opinion and we need to dig our heels in here and say no more to this misuse and abuse of a "war on terror".


Can you believe the Bush administration. They have put measures into place to watch over the "controversial" content of PBS. Why? The Bush people are afraid the truth is going to come out about corporate misbehavior and their own policies. Polls taken of PBS viewers show they clearly approve of PBS content so there is no need for an ombudsman. The public is satisfied.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Church, Nationalism and Patriotism

The church, that is, the kingdom of God should be "in nations" not "of nations". That is to say we should not be too attached to the interests of any nation to the point of compromising biblical teachings, whether economic,social or political for the interests of a nation. God's kingdom covers the earth and the church should see itself in this light, not a nationalistic one. The church should lead the way and attempt to teach the nation and all nations to walk in the ways of God. By fully following God's ways and teachings you will be by default TRULY looking out for the best interests of any nation. A nations best interests cannot preclude the commandments of God, so you need to be looking out that your country's leaders are following God's ways. What a country wants to do or thinks it needs is not always best for it. The U.S. pursuing unbridled profits for it's maiden corporations in other countries while oppressing those countries to get profits does not impress God. In Matthew 6:24 God said "you cannot serve both God and money". There is a reason why God made money the alternative to Him, it is the major problem.
The spirit of nationalism inherent in the trait of patriotism can be deceptive. If you are not careful you can find yourself defending things you should not, in the name of a country. So we need to be careful and we need to be wise to the emotional pull of the world.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Christians Against Child Slave Trafficking

If there is one good thing George W. Bush could do before his administration is over, it is to get over this Iraq debacle and declare a "war on human trafficking" especially where children are concerned. Talk about a Christian thing to do; wouldn't that be a great cause?

In case some think child slave trafficking is about serving at the table, sorry, it's about sex. It's about kidnapped, terrorized children being for the most part sexually abused. You would think American Christians would be up in arms over this kind of thing. They need something now to occupy their time since Bush has already said he will not attempt to ban abortion saying "America is not ready for it". Were you ready for that?
Well, here it is. The cause of causes, because this is something both liberal oriented and conservative oriented Christians should be wholly passionate about. This beyond abominable practice also goes on in this country and is an absolute and complete outrage that these abduction networks even exist. You want to fight to keep children coming into this world by banning abortion, well fight to keep them from these rich money corrupted perverts that pay whatever it takes to get a 5 year old plaything. Yea man, you better cringe. We better get to doing something about this.