As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Limbaughs And Becks Easily Exploit Religious Right

The Republican religious rightwing, unable to face themselves or the mistakes they have made the last 10 years, turn to anyone who can come up with an excuse(explanation) for why they failed the country/trashed the country. Those such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck understanding the rightwing inability to face themselves in the past implore any convoluted reasoning for the desperate rightwing to again avoid facing their failure exploiting this weakness to the max using fearful thinking in conjuring up conspiritorial possibilities for why things did not work for them. It becomes salve for the burned consciences of the rightwing lost in the darkness of failure as they grapple for anything or any reason to explain why their "god inspired" ideology failed.

The rightwing, so rarely ever able to admit they are wrong have pinned and equated their politics to God therefore trapping themselves in an "ideology that must not fail" predicament. People like Glenn Beck are perfect outlets for these religio-political failures that must have or find an explantion besides being wrong. Wrong is not an option. The rightwing crowd beg for an out and the Limbaughs and Becks oblige at every turn and every season as if the religious right should actually never be wrong and if they, the rightwing/religious right are in perfect agreement with God they cannot be wrong....ever!
And so these rightwing TV and radio pundits have job security.

It might even be that were it not for hucksters like Beck and Limbaugh many rightwingers would have become suicidal. Remember if your politics become as one with God in such a way then your politics become infallible and you cannot be wrong. Many of those on the religious right were probably about to lose their minds and if there is any benefit at all to people like Beck it is that he may have helped save some lives. (laughing but not too loud) Seriously, facing yourself and getting real before God is not just the best option it is the only option.

You would think that if those that profess to be Christians, and were in fact true Christians, they would have the wisdom to discern their exploitation but this nation has in deed fallen away from the true spiritual wisdom and strength of God because we have allowed money, flesh and material things to dumbdown and downgrade our spiritual soul and our spiritual eyes. It is people like Limbaugh and Beck that have deceived Christians into binding a love of money ideology with faith. Every thing they preach protects the interest of those who love money whether in private or public business. As one of them often loves to say "follow the money trail" ,as if to turn this axiom back on it's original intent, but I indeed encourage you to honestly follow the money trail in all this because it is not that complicated and if you really care about it you can see through all of it to the truth.
These rightwing pundits, out of the fear that money is losing it's influence, make claims like "the teachings of Jesus might promote socialism but to that I would say who is your God? Jesus or capitalism?, Jesus or money? Let the teachings of Jesus bear fruit to the truth and if they want to decry churches that support social justice I would say there was no social justice until God brought it into the world. The Limbaughs and Becks criticize social justice because it often involves using tax dollars from the rich and powerful or themselves to fulfill the programs that deliver social justice and they love to tickle the ears of those rich and powerful with anti-social justice rhetoric because they know their own deficient deceptive thinking will be promoted by the rich and powerful in order to sway the masses to serve the interests of the rich and powerful. For the Limbaughs and Becks it's scurrilous job security. Like I say really follow the money trail. These exploiters of a failed ideology and it's adherents want to make money any way they can and they know there are those like themselves that do not want to share little at all and that want to keep all their tax cut money and it is this that is at the root of it.

If a man does not have his soul, that is his honest conscience before God, he will not have the means for courage in resisting money or fear and what you should be wary of are those who exploit, manipulate and preach without that kind of soul.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Joke Is The Tea Party Is Anti-Establishment

Headline after headline is trying to drum up support for the Tea Party in an anti-incumbant year by claiming the Tea Party is anti-establishment but LOL for frigg'in crying out loud, the Tea Party is the establishment trying to escape higher taxation because the establishment is the $200,000 and up a year crowd. The Tea Party is the $200,000 and up a year crowd. They are one in the same. They always have been. They want to keep the Bush tax cuts which mean more money for themselves and they don't want to help pay for health care for working Americans for the same reason. They don't want to change anything, they want to keep things established for the establishment as they were during the Bush years and before. There is nothing noble, nothing protesty, nothing anti-establishment about the Tea Party. They are just looking out for their miserable selves. They are in fact the Republicans in stupid disguise and when is the media going to get real about it. On that note much of the media is also the establishment and thusly the nurturing and caring for the image of the Tea Party as some kind of "heroic" anti-establishment movement, lol again.
The truth is this year it has been essentially about the establishment trying to take back power from the anti-establishment leftwing after only a year and a half following the establishments(rightwing,tea party,republican,whatever) worst economic disaster this side of the Great Depression. Only a year and a half after laying a once in a century jobless slum at Obama's doorstep the establishment Republican Tea Partiers are crying jobs.
For some Americans, heading out of the toilet for a year and a half is more than they can take and you can be sure if America votes Republicans(tea partiers) back in, to the toilet we shall all return. Come on people,lol Wake up!

Unbridled self-centered greed one way or another always collapses on itself and us.

Want to do it again?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

George W. Bush's Campaign Manager Comes Out Homosexual

George W. Bush's campaign manager and former leader of the Republican party Ken Mehlman reveals he is gay. In fact he said he is going to begin lobbying in support of gay marriage right away. In a way it's not that unusual in that it shouldn't be so unusual for those that suck up and curry to those with wealth and power to be so corrupted. This could mean that a significant majority of Republican politicians are potential gays with their nice little neat haircuts and haughty indignant manner when confronted with the truth. As an independent I can honestly say that when I see the Democrats confronted they do not act this way, they usually seem to be up to the debate but the Republicans too often act like an old white bitty confronted.

Remember when they were in power and thought they could do whatever they wanted.

Sure we want to set that situation up again?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Somebody Chose To Break A Vicious Cycle

Somebody chose not to complete one of those vicious cycles of life. Somebody just refused to pass it on. Thats why there is a little light everyday someplace,somewhere, a breakdown in the thing that would suffocate us all if it could. Sometimes you can just feel it moving from person to person with each person obeying the primal order to send on the vengeful darkness again and again unable to resist the thing that must be satisfied but a little break in the circuit of the hypnotic trance of gossip,hate and mindless retribution can change everything. When you know what a difference it makes it is easier but it is never easy.

Don't think you can do it much without Jesus.
You can try but
I need all the help I can get.

Befuddle the dark ways of the world. Be the break.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Proof Americans Favor Keeping Obama HealthCare Plan

In the latest 6 national opinion polls out in July Americans favor keeping Obama's new healthcare plan. They may support changes but they reject repealing the new law. When you poll Republicans only you get clear rejection of the law which is clearly contrary to the will of the majority of Americans. The primary election in Missouri was mostly a Republican turnout so therein the deceptively magnified result by the Republicans caring more about serving those making over $250,000 a year(whose Bush enacted tax cuts will expire now) than the needs of working people unable to get healthcare.
Although voters do not approve of Obama's handling of it they favor keeping the bill and still they favor Obama handling it over the Republicans. LOL. Gotta love it!
Even in the new Fox opinion poll 57% of voters favor keeping or changing the new healthcare law as opposed to 36% repealing it.

The first question in the polls are about Obama's handling of healthcare with the second question usually concerning retention or repeal of the law.
Here is the proof Americans favor keeping Obama's new healthcare law.

Click > < for proof

:) put this in your pipe and smoke it Boehner and Rove.