As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lack of Lobby Reform Impacts Everything

So what do we have now? A Republican government, legislatively and executively, beholding to major oil interests. Why? Well, it is normally what they do but without lobby reform and continued money influence reform, which would return the beholding to the vote of the people, the interests of the oil lobby are provided their every whim. There is no oversight, no real investigation of oil price gouging and clearly no resulting laws with real teeth. So where does that take us? That takes us everywhere. Continued gas prices with few exceptions run up the price of everything in one way or another. This is called inflation. Inflation in turn is the prime mover of rising interest rates. As interest rates go up the borrowing power of everyone goes down, whether its on credit cards, cars or homes. The housing market has been characterized by some as carrying the national economy over the last few years. Now, rising interest rates have finally caught up with it as mortage rates, of course, rise.

So as you probably have guessed there is a root cause to all this. The love of money? Most assuredly, in the broader sense, but how has it manifested itself? It has manifested itself as the influence of money in government. If you do not appreciate the importance of lobby and campaign finance reform already, you should now. The state of the economy is directly related to the policies of government and those policy decisions are influenced by you when your vote carries weight. The problem is, of course, your vote has not carried weight and your vote has not carried weight because its influence has been neutralized by the influence of the wealthy's money upon our congressmen. Congress has therefore been influenced by oil campaign money instead allowing the oil companies to continue maintaining unjustified high oil prices raising the price of everything, raising real inflation and then finally raising interest rates resulting in the slowing of various sectors of the market but especially the housing market. If the bursting of the housing bubble results in an economic downturn or recession you can lay the blame for it on your bought off congressman but the blame should be layed firmly at the feet of the American voters for not pushing reforms to remove the influence of money and I do mean push. 65% of the voters do consider lobby reform very important but Congress is still corruptly trying to get away with doing little or nothing about it. The media has let it ride but then they are owned by mega corporations that also like to influence congressman with money. Lobby reform is no small matter. It can change virtually everything. As it is you have seen how congress has been run, from immigration to gas prices to mortage rates to the environment and those are just for starters. You can let the wealthy run government the way they want it or you can have responsible government the way you want it. It is up to you. Push it.

Contact Your Congressman

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