As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Friday, November 14, 2014

The New Solar Minimum And Coming Ice Age Break From The Heat

Odd thing isn't it, the way weathermen now rarely if at all ever mention the Solar Minimum when discussing weather and especially cold weather like we are having now. People in the loop are conscience of this science but the greater populace have not made the connections and no doubt it has been determined that there would be potential for panic if weathermen made much of a serious change in the Sun's output. People do however understand simple analogies and the Solar Minimum is a simple concept relative to our weather. People understand that when you turn down the flame on the house furnace the house gets cold and when the flame goes up the house warms up. The fire goes down you get cold, the fire goes up you warm up. It is simple and understandable but it is also an in your face reality when confronted.
Our sun that has long heated our planet is turning down it's flame. This is the 11th year of the 22 year Solar Cycle which means the Sun should be at it's peak output but it is, as they put it, strangely quieting down. Actually this Solar Minimum(when the sun goes into a reduced state of output or activity) began in 2006 but scientists didn't believe it would slow it's heat output as much as it has during this peak in it's normal Solar Cycle. Stars or Suns, as it were, go through cycles but there are certain signs that indicate entry into a Solar Minimum and our Sun has met those criteria. In other words we are potentially into a Solar Minimum of which can last 30 or 40 years or 300 or an all ending ice age epoch. Scientist have expressed concern that this is a 30 or 40 year event and some signs indicate something more.

There are however two forces at work. There is increased global warming from man made activity and the new Solar Minimum. Both of these mesh and fade in and out together forming a pattern we are only interpreting now. Global warming was clearly on a tear since 2006 when many record heating patterns were recorded stateside and around the world. We all attest to this but in the last two years record cold events have occurred also as you know especially in Northern Europe, New England and the Great Lakes. The lakes have almost completely frozen solid the last two years and incredible amounts of snow have fallen from Maine to the Mid-Atlantic seaboard. Cold events globally are escalating that are not consistent with normal warming and cooling relative to long recorded weather patterns.

Global warming scientists brush off the effect of the Solar Minimum stating that it should have only a balancing effect against the warming trend and global warming opponents embrace it as the reason to stop all efforts to curtail industrial pollution of the air. Both are more than likely lost in their endeavors. Just as the turning down of the furnace flame clearly and without a doubt cools the house so should the dwindling Solar furnace cool the earth. Had the Sun not gone into a minimum phase in 2006 we can only guess what the effects of global warming would have been in the last 6 years or what it would be in the coming years but the Solar minimum now appears to show signs of being with us for an extended time. The combination of both of these intermingling global heating and little ice age forces should portend momentous weather events ahead. Both global warming scientists and scientists opposing should accept both scientific realities and work to prepare for what is ahead. It will mean money spent to prepare so if either one of these sides are only in it for the concern of money for themselves or to save money for corporate clients then we all have a hard row to hoe. Global warming is an in your face reality and the Solar Minimum is in your face as we speak.

I believe we should see this as a respite for the travails that await from increased global warming. If this Solar Minmium lasts for what some expect will be a 30 or 40 year cycle then we should consider it a break that will allow us to catch up, adjust and reduce Co2 gases in the atmosphere. Almost all global warming scientists recognized that we were past the point of having any real chance of hindering the coming effects of severe global catastrophe. Did someone pray for a respite to do something about global warming? God is watching over this planet. Do you think this Solar Minimum coming now is just a coincidence?
For those on the political religious right arguing against global warming I would say consider your prophetic timetable. If you believe that the end is coming soon and most on the Christian right do then I would ask this; Is the end-time as presented in the book of Revelations, and for that matter other biblical prophetic books, about the cold or about the heat?  It is unequivocally about the heat but man is not left without a means to change his ways. Man's unbelief, greed and succor to the shortsighted rich and powerful may result in nothing being done about the scorched earth condition presented in the book of Revelation but he will have his opportunity present in the emerging Solar Minimum break from the heat. You get your chance, better take it.

Just a little reminder: Trends rarely ever move in a straight line.

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