As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Friday, May 08, 2015

Just Where Do You Think We're Headed, Our Boiling Frog Syndrome

You're on a slippery slope of a shifting baseline and you don't even realize it or you don't even care. You are like the frog setting in soon to be boiling water that never realizes his predicament until it's way too late.

Thanks to Edward Snowden we have discovered the NSA is allowed to track all our calls and e-mails and when key words are found they do in fact listen in but are you "listening in" to what goes on around you?

The Obama administration has unbelievably cleared the way for the use of domestic drones in U.S. airspace but the public's resistance to the use of drones is weak and compromised by the setting up of a hypocrisy for the public in the face of the flood of camera surveillance drones offered to the public in the marketplace. If the public accepts these private drones how will they be able to stand against the full expansion of government drones. Wouldn't that be hypocritical?
There are for now FAA restrictions against the use of drones for domestic use but FBI use of drones is expanding. This is about drones flying over the U.S., covertly and silently over your homes and property allowing the government to take photos, film and record whatever they want, anytime they want completely unknown to you. The recording part of drone surveillance is exactly why the US turned the Iraq war around because with drones we could hear the slightest words coming from terrorists planning attacks. We honed in and bombed each and every one of them and that is your turnaround in Iraq. As of now here at home they cannot just listen in freely and wideopen but how will you stop them without you, the public, spurring public representatives into passing laws to stop it as they tell you it's needed for your security. You will have to shove it right back down their throat but I doubt you got it in you. You are as of now complicit in the spread of drones. This is where we are. You are constructing Big Brother and I understand you don't see him yet.

Hundreds, even thousands of common every day events are more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack but you so far willingly give up hard fought for foundational constitutional rights in fear of the terrorist attack. As Samuel L. Jackson proclaimed in his T.V. ad during the previous election but here in a family friendly version; "Wake The Heck Up!" but truly we don't deserve that version so let me slightly paraphrase Bob Dylan:

You're an idiot America.
It's a wonder you still know how to breathe.

America has not been threatened so badly that it needs to allow the extremes of the Patriot Act, NSA wholesale spying and domestic drone surveillence. Terrorist events are exploited for ulterior ends.
The real goal of the establishment power-structure rightwing and leftwing is to eliminate as much crime, all crime as possible in order to have a more efficient, smooth running, financially stable society with the emphasis on financial. They see a panacea or solution to future problems in so much control. The neo-left, fall for it as some kind of step toward a utopian society where people, because of a near elimination of crime no longer need fear each other and so can come together in peace and the neo-con right push it as punitive deterent in order to protect the owners of amassed material possessions that are otherwise fearfully fleeing into thousands of gated communities nationwide.
Anyone expecting dark evil motives is just doing seekers of the truth disservice. True darkness, in this time of relative democracy must rely on seduction of the human race. People don't go running into hell or the fiery hands of the devil. They, as they always have been, become duped by the promise of a better world or duped by money and material possessions.

Make no mistake America you are the frog sitting complacently in the pot on the way to a fiery full boil. In the name of peace, safety and security you will willingly walk in as the cell door locks behind you.
I always had a deep conviction you would but now with the subversion and essential defeat of the Freedom Act, I don't just believe it, I witness it today before my very eyes and your willing walk into the proverbial cell will  have never happened before you had a chance to do something about it and that is the frustrating thing.

You are constructing Big Brother and of course you don't see him yet.

You're an idiot, babe.

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