As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

1977 Vision - Back To The Future << >>>>>

When all this began last August there was a real possibility the 1977 vision could begin to take form 2016. The cyber attack aspect relative to the election certainly came to the forefront and is at the forefront of the news as we speak but much of the rest of the vision is apparently not for this year. We could still have a national crisis but for now or at least this year the possibility of the vision's triad sports element is over.

It was interesting for a while with the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series and both Dallas and Oakland moving against most expectations to the top of the NFL charts but it is however not to be this year. I hearken back to a statement made in the last paragraph of a previous vision post "Past Vision of Our Future Now - Updating The Vision" where I recalled my friend telling me the World Series win by the Cubs during the triad sports element would not be the first time in those future years that they had been in post season action. He was essentially telling me the triad sports element year was not ready yet and so that little memory that I was not certain about at the time has become prescient. It was funny that i remembered that comment from my friend just as the Cubs were about to come back from being down 3 to 1 in the World Series and win it. It was like yea, it looks like the year but remember this little memory before you get carried away. Well, I put it up there hoping a delay for the triad sports year wasn't true but especially after the Cubs won but alas, here we are. The lesson? Don't disregard the little memories.

A cyber attack or war could occur at anytime during any given year and escalate from there but most of the vision is a fall/winter event, an election, baseball/football and an earthquake tied to a football game. Other crises and events will occur surely throughout a year but this vision seems to be framed around events of the fall and winter.
Does that mean time to take a break from this? Well, sort of but things are getting too interesting now to ignore. Our new political leadership has the potential to do much good but also the potential to unleash serious calamities. For me this vision reinforces the fact that incredible things are on the threshold of occurring but I don't even need this vision to see that. The signs are all around us.

The first earthquake of the vision is a destructive earthquake in the S.F. bay area that will damage a stadium but unless that earthquake occurs in the spring or summer it should be a fall/winter event. It is not impossible for it to occur in the spring or summer damage a stadium that takes that long to repair but it seems like it occurs not long before the game where repairs are rushed to get the game played in the damaged stadium. It is however still possible this earthquake could occur at any time.

Got a short simple overview of the Trump presidency, imparted to me by my friend, minus the rest of the vision's possible events but it's still kind of hazy. The mind is too cluttered right now to see into all this so I need a mental clearing where I can get some clarity and room for remembering. That's how and when it usually manifests but I'll take it on it's own terms whenever. What little can be recalled now is the individual that takes over after Trump. My friend said something about a man of smaller stature or a shorter name. I remember him mentioning one person and then saying no it's the other guy. Lots of help huh? It seems like he said the name Biden but that's most improbable isn't it. Isn't it? That could however be something from this last election influencing this but he was always in the background so like I said it's still unclear at this point.

Well that is about all for now. It will take some serious developments or remembering more of the vision to return to this subject before next fall. Since no year is attached to any of this except 2020, if I don't see it happening there is no point in posting on it even then next fall, I mean I don't have a proclivity toward writing on this subject as is attested to by all my blog postings before last August but I have always thought this subject very interesting. The truth however is more important than what is interesting but the truth here is that my friend did have this vision, did reveal what has been written here and did consider it very important that I remember it in the future. If that is not true then I do not exist nor have I ever existed and I'am reasonably sure I do and have.

I haven't really mentioned this yet but the reason my friend said he needed me to remember this vision is because he saw in the future that he would become too involved in other business to "tune" into this vision. That future is happening now and he is. If I had my way he would remember all of God's vision and pick it up and take off with it himself but if he actually has some dates and years when much of this happens then you will no longer have to hobble around with paltry prophets and predictions.
You will know who is the Lord of all, the Father of heaven whose son is Yeshua Hamaschiach

I do believe some big things are close to happening, they surely must be but until then this vision is back to the future.

Funny that the Cubs would win the World Series in 2016, 
just 1 year off "Back To The Future's" 2015 prediction and that we 
would also have a casino owning bully loud mouthed president 
similar to Biff Tannen coming in at the same time.
It is also interesting that this 1977 vision awakened in 2015
with the Cubs prediction(wasn't relying on Back To The Future I promise).
Self-balancing "hoverboards" appearing in 2015 surely was a marketing ploy(wasn't it?).
Actually I would trade the Cubs,Trump, hoverboard and all
for the flying Deloreans but alas.

Are little bits and pieces of visons of the future
being contributed by thousands out there
and does it all make for a clearer big picture?
There are no more prophets but millions of believers
out there indwelt with the Spirit of God
and ability to receive visions and prophecies.
 Maybe if we put them all together we will finally begin to see.

Just out is the clearest high resolution picture ever taken of the earth by a NASA Satellite.
This clarity will also be a two-edged sword.

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