As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Failing Fake Trump Presidency And The Laughable Bubble World Of Fox(Faux)(Fake) News Right-Wing Denial Shhhhh!!!

The incompetency is clear for all to see except that is for the Fox News bubble world blind as a bat followers(trumpettes,groupies,lackeys). The fake is in your face arising from all the bald-faced lying Trump talk of reforming the money corrupt system/draining the swamp/returning power to the people/and providing better healthcare than Obamacare. Fake is fake whether you lied, deceived or whatever. It is fake not real. Compared to the fakeness of Trump, the news media is a sterling radiant example of truth.

You can't however get this through to the closed-loop bubble world trumpettes. Sssshhhh! Don't say a word. No words of discouragement in the bubble world. No negativity. No self-examination and so dead in the stagnant water wrong. Previous consequences of this right-wing insular mentality included the 2008 economic collapse courtesy of George W. Bush or should I say the minions of the Bush right-wing closed-loop bubble world

Do you live and learn or just live again and again in the stagnant failed ideology of ignorance and stupidity. You either let in and listen to new and clear water or you go brain-dead stagnant never learning but always confirming yourself in the "truth"(almost always self-serving) you close yourself into.

Your president was always a potential fake and lying president and you probably had to acknowledge that yourself since so many of your own sycophant Republican corporate politicians did the same but now that it has manifested itself in all it's glory for all to see you refuse to see it.
Have a party, have a rally, flood the airwaves with ads when the product sucks, pretend it's fine and moving along great...geee Trump is doing great isn't he?

What happened? Trump lied and deceived the people. God cursed the right-wing government of George W. Bush and the same is manifesting here. What goes around comes around. You lie to the people and you think you are such a con-man, a great salesman(liar), you're art of boosterism so sharp but then all the con comes around and bites down hard.

Things are not going so well are they? Oh yea, that's right, every things fine in the bubble world. It's just all fake news isn't it? I could go down and list all the so-called fake news here that is fact and you would just go glassy eyed but let's see you gain a little more hot-air altitude so the inevitable fall will maybe wake you up this time. There, that's long enough.

Trump's False Statements - Yes, that first page is the first of seven.

Almost every one around acknowledges the bad news for Trump is fact not fake news. Virtually all the media, even the Republicans in Congress, most people in any places of responsibility recognize the bad news for Trump is real. Only the Trumpette groupies(mostly Tea Partiers) and those around Trump licking his boots refuse to step up out of the darkness of denial. I want my tax money(greedy), I hate the blacks and Mexicans but now and I don't know why really but I love the Russians are the groans and moans coming from the don't have a clue denial dump.

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is fired. The next man Trump offers the job to refuses Trump because of the incompetence and turmoil. Would such a qualified man refuse the job if this was fake news? He would know it would all clear soon but he knows it's not fake news. He knows this president accusing the intelligence agencies is descending into wacko.

Next the man Trump chooses as his Secretary of the Navy turns Trump down. You see Trump followers; The news has not been fake and these men want no part of a president that engages in incompetent loose cannon accusations of fake news.

Here again, Trump bald-faced lied to the American people when he said he would drain the swamp, reform corrupt money and Wall Street, return power to the people and provide even better healthcare to the people(Trump's pick, Tom Price, ideologically fought tooth and nail against any gov't assistance). He went so far right with everything kicking the rest of America to the curb, giving no place to their concerns and knowing he stoked their hopes and so those lies, those blatant deceptions are coming back around. Trump and team now are reaping what they sowed with so much going wrong.
Just perception? Just temporary?

It's week 4 and half of Americans want Trump impeached.

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