As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Republicans Owe The Billionaires So They Cut Billions From The Poor's Healthcare To Pay For It

So how do the Republicans callously and coldly vote to eliminate affordable healthcare for millions of Americans? Because of the millions they depend on to get re-elected, not people, money.
They the Republicans are supported by money, by the unlimited millions provided by the Supreme Court's Citizens United(ripped off) decision where corporations and the rich can give as much money as they want to congressmen that will serve the purpose of those corporations and rich.
This is how the Republicans are disconnected from the voice of the poor and low-income and for that matter most Americans.
This is why they just don't care what the majority of Americans want and the majority don't want what the Republicans are doing on healthcare. 

That would be bad enough except for the reason they are actually cutting billions from healthcare and it is of course the reason they demonized it for 6 years: it would have been billions they could have returned to their billionaire contributors in the form of tax cuts but because a black president denied them they fumed, cried and pouted ad infinitum. Money for favors caught a glitch.

So what has occurred since the GOP could not pass their first sorry excuse to replace Obamacare back in March?

Republicans working on tax reform(you bet, there is another word for this) complained that reform could not be done without cutting billions out of healthcare. In other words in "good conscience", if they really even have one, they did not want to provide billions of dollars to the rich in the form of tax cuts before cutting those billions$ out of healthcare and they wanted to be sure they could deliver for the rich contributors. And so there it is before your very eyes. The Republicans and yes again, before your very eyes are taking billions of dollars away from the poor to give to the rich. They cannot do this unless they take the billions away from the poor first. If you are puking then at least you know you have a conscience.

It is on one level almost unthinkable and inhumane considering that the working poor are often exposed to conditions that severely wear on health but the Republicans don't care and they don't care because they don't depend on the working poor, they depend on money from the rich.

The Republicans promised much less expensive coverage and lower deductibles. 
They promised people who can’t pay for coverage would still receive coverage. 
They said their plan would take “care of pre-existing conditions.” 
They promised healthcare would be much better, that we would have great healthcare. 

They bald-faced lied to the American people and the working poor to get their vote, and they knew exactly what they were doing, only to turn back and now screw the working poor doing the opposite of what they promised and not just on healthcare. That the Republicans that voted for this abomination of a healthcare law should be recalled, impeached and removed from congress is probably not asking too much. Stripping them of their citizenship and deporting them to some third world country where there is no healthcare would certainly serve some forms of justice. You think I'am joking? If we stay on this path where money continually circumvents the vote of the people and especially where it has consequences like this you are going to be looking at a new "french revolution" and it doesn't take much wisdom to see how to avoid it but we don't seem to be able to even start down that road. More and more with each passing day we are becoming the United Banana Republic of America.

In all this the Republican party chooses to operate in the shadows, to use skullduggery and every devious method available to scurrilously undercut the weakly represented and serve the very rich and powerful. 

The Republicans cannot win an election unless they discourage voters from voting using intimidating voter I.D. laws that are widely proven unnecessary, stock a Supreme Court essentially putting the fix in with right-wing justices that would and did rule under law a rich corporate entity is a person and money is equal to free speech setting the stage to rule that the rich and powerful can give unlimited amounts of money to congressional elections in all states essentially guaranteeing the servants of the rich and powerful congressional seats to pass laws bowing to the rich and powerful.
With their bought off congress the Republicans then gerrymander every congressional district possible tilting the result strongly in their favor further guaranteeing  re-election. They don't have to worry about what the people want, the fix is in. They don't like to be widely exposed as in the first attempt to repeal Obamacare but in the end they don't care.

When they tried to repeal and replace Obamacare the first time the whole world was watching and they could not get it done because they knew they were exposed in the tidal wave of articulation against their immoral and corrupt healthcare bill.

They know, when no one is really looking, when everyone believes that because they have not even read the bill and are supposed to be waiting for a Congressional Budget Office score(since no bill like this has ever been voted for without the C.B.O. score and is the height of irresponsibility to do so), they can go ahead and vote essentially in the media coverage shadows to remove affordable healthcare from millions of Americans and expose those people to the old threat of pre-existing conditions. They think they can "get away" with it. To this I give you the words of Jesus during the dawn of his darkness.

"Even though I taught during the light of day in the temple you come in the night to take me like a thief."

Just like the Pharisees would not "approach" Jesus in the light, today's Republicans do their deed in the symbolic dark of night when the eyes of the nation have turned to other things. They come to thieve Jesus who has been ministering to the poor's health through the willingness of the government.

And all this so the Republicans can receive wealth and power when they serve the rich and powerful.

We come back around to this time and time ad infinitum  that campaign finance reform and taking money out of elections, taking campaign money for legislative favors out of politics is the key to removing rampant corruption, fixing the system and giving the people back the kind of government they want. You cannot fix the problems until you fix the problem that keeps you from fixing the problems. When will this simple but exactly true logic sink in? The answer? You hit the streets hard.

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