In the present occupant of the White House we have a president that behaves like his sense of self-worth is always at risk. He is very defensive and lacking in the confidence that should allow him to blow off many shots across his bow but he never lets one pass. He always runs after it with a reaction as if his ego is hanging out with the sensitivity dial set on high and it is very strange how he obviously with the style of his speaking exudes an outer force of confidence but then is easily betrayed as the content of that speaking demonstrates such inner insecurity. With all he has been through and all his money and still his sense of self-worth is always at risk. The affirmation process is virtually perpetual and risky for all of us. What if we included all national security risks?
So what is happening or what has happened here? It is really more akin to a school yard adolescent that has not discovered the faculties that enable examination of oneself where the reason for it is obvious: the individual has carved an environment for himself where he is never challenged or disciplined and so never is forced to truly examine himself or question his ego. This president is emblematic of an individual that has been given position and power but has never been forced to actually grow up emotionally.
He has been and is still in the school yard of his own real estate world but now he has been brought out finally into the world at large where he will hear people tell him what he does not like to hear and just like the school yard adolescent he only brags and hurls childish personal attacks at his critics because he has never heard anyone really tell him how wrong he can be.
For those that would manipulate him or world leaders that would manipulate him the opportunities are many.

Donald Trump is actually a big boy still a spoiled brat but the reality is this is the inner make up of most of the previous tyrants throughout history. These are people that cannot or will not feel the pain of others, do not recognize or respect class and character. Overcoming others is the only vindication for his soul. For the brat it must be win at all costs and yes it is because of a low self-esteem that must be protected against time and again no matter the cost. He throws a bone to Christianity but makes sure everyone knows he hasn't come before Christ to ask forgiveness. Get it?
You would think a lot of money might allow some to work out of that immaturity one way or another but some set on it and keep soaking in only the vibes that feel good for them and they can do that because they have miles of insulation continually shutting out the pain of others.
Tyrants of the past have tortured and persecuted people for this very reason; they always have been able to shut out the pain of others. They, within a rare set of circumstances have been allowed to rise without the tempering of their soul. Trump is of course only a template for a tyrant at this point.
Strange how people fear tyrants when they actually should pity them but when power comes to the spoiled soul everyone suffers. It is the terrible act brought about by the little tyrant in the school yard unleashed and magnified upon the world.
We should have seen it when it was coming but you put money over wisdom and in some cases over your faith.
I'm not getting my way so you're fake,
you're fake news, you're fake facts!
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