Some musings on true faith, the religious right, left and the default right-wing establishment
I read this article titled "There Will Be No More Religious Left". Immediately to me it smacked of arrogance believing that they the religious right knowing that have the full support of the real establishment, the right-wing establishment, will of course and without a doubt prosper and survive. That article however is not about the political aspect, it is about the having or not having the fundamental close personal relationship with God the Father as opposed to the outward expression of faith through social action; feeding the hungry and helping the poor but there have been so many articles and commentary from the right-wing casting anything left as evil as in "don't get left with the left" at the rapture and various other plays off the the story of the sheep and the goats, the right and the LEFT.
The article addresses the issue using the conservative vs liberal notion of faith but it is from my perspective an unwise use of terms if for no other reason being tied by too many to the political.
But they, the religious right do know they have the power and the money on their side. They push the prosperity doctrine and all the legislative wishes of the right-wing power establishment so favorable to corporations and Wall street and so of course how could they ever fall from grace.
Today the religious right have the blessings of the empowered establishment and this religious right prospers because they tickle the ears of the money empowered establishment so that the "money flows" and the connections benefit the benefactors. The two are in bed together and it is a gross abomination promoting distortion of the truth.
Religious conservatives are tied to the system, to it’s comfort and luxuries. They support the policies of Wall Street and the corporations. When real persecution comes it is not going to come from a rag tag rebellion living on the streets it is going to come from the established system. It will come from the power structure that serves and is enslaved to the forces that money commands and the Christian conservatives will have no where to go. Their basis, their shocking lack of comfort will cause compromise and eventually a fall from faith for many.
So the assumption on the religious right is that the right-wing power establishment will always dance with the religious right because of primarily two social issues, abortion and gay marriage. If the right-wing power establishment which has little to actually do with either of those two issues decides to jettison both as an end-time scenario suggests, will the religious right stay with them on economic policy and the rest? Perhaps it's leaders will but will those masses that have been duped by religious right leadership stay? Will the religious right be based on morality or money. It is being tested right now as we speak in the form of support or slipping support for president Trump.
I fully understand the religious right's point of view. They believe their fundamentals of faith are real and the left's are not real. They believe the left is superficial, spiritually, only riding on the social causes common, as interpreted from the Bible, to left wing politics. I understand this point of view to some degree but there are many more on the left than they think, that have fundamentally strong faith because their faith is real and the real sprititual transformation that occured in them is real. Many that emerged from the Jesus Movement of the 70's did not compromise their left leaning social justice ideals.
Do you really think that the only true Christians are those that agree with money serving right-wing politics?
Do you believe that the only religious causes are those that the right-wing establishment has adopted in the form of banning abortion and gay marriage? Do you understand both those religious stands are ones that require no opposition to money serving agendas? And do you understand that God cares very much about people and the difficulty in many of their lives and that those issues will often challenge money, not cavort with it.
The game as it is laid out for us to play is clear as the establishment doesn't want all of Christianity coming together justly on all issues just like they don't want poor low-come working class whites coming together on issues with non-whites that both have much in common. Divide and conquer. Make no mistake about this my fellow human being, the establishment believes "divide and conquer" is essential to keeping us under their control so that essentially a few in high financial circles can exploit this nation for themselves with little regard to betterment of people.
Christianity is divided as many quotes from Jesus and the disciples regarding money and the rich are omitted from right-wing dinner tables and for that matter anywhere within what has become a right-wing bubble world where dissent is next to outlawed and those words of Jesus severely downplayed. At these dinner tables and in these circles the establishment have them right where they want them.
Many believe there are end-times coming. They believe the political left will become the establishment and religious right people will be persecuted but that is not the practical projection of political reality at least now. As in so many books from the religious right there is a left-wing European beast and anti-christ figure rising but it is not happening as yet and with the right-wing multi-national corporate iron hold grip on the centers of money,Wall Street and power it is not a realistic honest projection except in the bubble world of the religious right's dark imaginations of persecution that create deep seated prejudices to any other view.
These beliefs of the right-wing so play into the interests of the right-wing establishment casting a bias against any political ideals of the left-wing as if anything left was evil but therein on the right-wing you will find plenty of lies except in the message of basic salvation.
There is indeed this strange marriage between what I consider true fundamental Christianity and the right-wing establishment but that marriage is an abomination on the face of all Christianity.
The true faith of many on the religious right will allow them to persevere and yes they will last through it all when persecution occurs. Yes, this Christianity will prevail but in the day of persecution it will have nothing to do with political ideology married to faith. It will have to do with the essential aspect which is the true inner faith. True faith will survive in the day of persecution from both the left and the right.
Ever notice the political left-wing tendencies of those in the Jesus movement of the 70’s? Those were tendencies of soul that cared about people wherever they were. They were prepared and survived on the street because of their strong inner faith. The true Christians among the conservatives will discover that true faith once again. The love of God will be all they have and that will be enough….finally.
-Douglas Waterman
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