As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Right-wing Establishment/Deep State Have All Eyes On Kavanaugh And Christine Blasey Ford.

Everything that has occurred since the 2016 election, the Comey subversion of Clinton 10 days before the election, the collusion, or what there is of it,with Russia and all the machinations and devices used to see that Trump got elected are on the line right here and right now

It was critical, pivotal and imperative that the right wing establishment install a "right-wing" justice that would uphold all the devices created in recent years to maintain and "keep" the advantages accrued during that time for the Corporate right-wing establishment and even more importantly to shut down any attempt to correct advantages they had accrued in the last 30 years. You see Clinton would have most likely installed SCOTUS justices that would have overturned many legal decisions made against workers and unions and certainly would have more likely challenged the incursion on the people's privacy rights since 9-ll. The excesses of the surveillance state were in danger of being corrected and in the stability starved mind of the right-wing this could not happen and any measure would have to be taken to see that it not happen and so the stakes from their point of view were sky high. The 1% right-wing establishment deep state is willing to take these measures against the American public in order to protect themselves and their advantages accrued over the years.

So now you can imagine the apoplectic panic of the 1% right-wing establishment coming with this seemingly very serious question of their treasured SCOTUS nominee by of all people a university professor whose work has been widely publicized in academic journals.
The danger for them is not so much that Kavanaugh is replaced, it is that this could all be delayed one way or another until Trump himself is found incompetent or a Democratic House is elected in November that will oppose and refuse to install one of Trump and the right-wing establishment's extreme justice picks.

For the Deep State much of what has happened since the 2016 election is just window dressing in their mind because they know legislation can change with elections but they know a right-wing Supreme Court stocked with relatively young conservative justices for life can maintain control and rule in favor of the corporate deep state for decades to come. They could care less if the justice is pro-life or not and to the extent they do care is for the purpose of maintaining the Christian voting block to get them the votes to push their right-wing political and economic agenda. These justices are there to serve the interests of the 1% so there are the odds that Roe vs. Wade would actually ever be overturned and risk disengaging an essential voting block.

The installment of Supreme Court justices sympathetic to and on the side of Deep State political and economic issues is the all end all. Everything they have initiated up till now rides on this.

- Douglas Waterman

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