As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Media Becoming Quiet About Trump, Muellar, And Russian Collusion Just Before Mid-Term Election

The media is beginning a strange silence regarding President Trump and the Muellar probe or for that matter anything possibly connecting Trump to Russian collusion. We are supposed to evidently forget about all that has transpired over the year just before the mid-term election. Muellar is expected to avoid interfering himself but we and the media are not the Muellar investigation.

Evidently we are pretending now that there has been no association between Trump and Russia's attempt's to interfere with U.S. elections or the written in stone CIA, FBI attested to fact that this interference by Russia was for the primary purpose of electing Trump over Clinton. Yes the press is now suddenly moot on this and you know it's true if you have been watching and listening the last couple weeks.

Like it or not this Trump debacle has been a fact of life for all of us over the past year. Does this suddenly not have a bearing on reality any longer? Is it not something to be considered while voting to check or not check the power of Trump's White House. How strange and very weird now when it is of the highest importance that his power be seriously checked.

It of course does make sense for the Muellar investigation to not come out with any big indictments just before an election as is traditional in this nation but to suddenly become moot on what has been already going on regularly is tantamount to trying to swing an election. You have got to stay real but real is not what is happening right now with regard to Trump's pre-election treatment by the media.

What you get is lay off the guy treatment so his approval rating goes up helping the Republicans all of which is no part of reality or the reality we have been going through the last year so just what in the world is going on. You don't go into this kind of twilight zone weirdness now, you have to cover any politician the way you have been covering them.

The very reason there is a Democrat blue wave coming is because of all the stupidity exercised by the Trump administration including most importantly possible collusion to interfere with our election and or  obstruction of justice by Trump so that now we are going to step back from reality and let the motivating factors for the blue wave subside so that it weakens now just before the mid-term election?

I mean, whatever was important before this election period is still if not even more important now so enough now with this lightening up whitewashing of Trump. You almost have to wonder if he wasn't out on his own shooting himself in the foot regarding his behavioral stupidity would there be much of any negative coverage of Trump on serious issues?

What are the two issues they are covering in the news now? A Trump hyped supposedly scary migrant caravan moving north to our border which if anything will cause people to defer to protection from the Commander-In-Chief and an uprising of rogue Saudi leaders using ISIS-like beheading and body dismemberment which if anything, yes, you guessed it, will scare people into deferring to the protection of a commmander-in-chief. We have a sudden lack of anything Trump/Russian and the above.

I don't want to have to start throwing around terms like "the corporate owned deep state media" but it has been that way before on several critical junctures in our recent national history ie the media's cheerleading into Irag when there was ample reason to see it was bull and the alarmist re-birthing of al-qaeda just when Snowden via the U.S. Congress was about to clamp down on NSA domestic spying and the list goes on. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention the deep state tentacle in the form of FBI director James Comey interjecting suspicion of Clinton 10 days before the election.

Take a deep breath and think. The reality check is what was important then is as important now or even more important now. 

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