As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Brainwashing Of Voters Using Fear To Repress And Mobilize As Trump Confirms Republican Racism

Assessment Of What Has Transpired Pre-Election In The Last Two Weeks And A Ray Of Hope

Step back now and look at how all this has played out before us.

As the election period approached, the mainstream media and Muellar investigation backed off their highly visible pursuit of President Trump on Russian collusion and virtually all matters of the Muellar investigation of Trump including all the angles of obstruction of justice essentially lightening up on the one aspect that drove people to oppose Trump all of which is primarily responsible for the Democratic blue wave that is supposed to take back the House and possibly the Senate.

Essentially the manipulation machine lightened up on Trump so that the Democratic blue wave would begin to wane leaving that news gap created by the lightening up to be filled by Trump greatly ramping up a blatant and obvious manipulation of the electorate to get his voters mobilized by using the tried and true motivators of Republican voters; fear, hate, resentment and grievance.
Muellar and the media lighten up then Trump hits it heavy. It is as though one side is backing off laid bare and defenseless as the other goes on full blown attack.
The prime motivator of the blue wave has been retracted and the prime motivator of a red wave goes fully operational and media heavy just as the election approaches.

The incidences of the Jamal Khashoggi killing and the migrant caravan strike fear into the electorate causing them to defer to the protection of a commander-in-chief but especially motivating Republicans to vote ostensibly for Trump. Did Trump and the deep state wag the dog with the Saudi Prince to manipulate a particular public reaction? Probably not because the Saudis would much rather have Trump in there so no outside manipulation should have been necessary for that sorbid incident.

A rash of near bombings and killings just days before the election certainly stoke fear in the electorate but the fact that all three incidents were the work of a white nationalist supremacist should reflect poorly on Trump and the Republicans. The GOP has done little to really push back on white supremacy and Trump with his new clearly racist T.V. ad just magnifies the motivation of the above attacks even more and of course this is not lost on the public.

They, the right-wing are willing to go this way and court racism to rally their base and if that doesn't say it all about their base. If it were not so completely pathetic you would just about have to laugh but they clearly are putting everything on this and hoping beyond that, that enough of the broader electorate will credit them on the economy.

Isn't it so strange, Trump is essentially confirming the accusations of racism in the Republican party. For all the denials and pretending, actions finally speak louder than words in the form of Trump's actions from Charlottesville to these blatantly racist TV ads. Can the Republicans ever deny again that they have at the core many prejudiced and racist party members or otherwise how and why would Republican President Trump even take the chance of being seen openly motivating and using them.

What America's voters need to do is understand this and vote accordingly if they do not want to go down that road and what a choice if you hate the racism but love the economy.

Democratic President Clinton served 8 years reduced the deficit and gave us an exceptional economy and Democratic President Obama served 8 years saving the entire economy and banking industry nationally and globally from Republican George W. Bush's economic disaster. Remember also that Obama gets significant credit for the economy we have now as attested to by economists and admitted to by the GOP.

Vote Democratic Today Nov. 6th for the sake of our nation. Put a serious rein on the racist unabashed self-worshiping Trump and bring this land back to a state of sanity. 

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