As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Friday, November 02, 2018

Major Intimidation Of Public Taking Place To Strike Fear And Confusion In Election Voters

A People showing up to do the opposite of what fear might have done to them. 
They came out and boldly made their voice known shouting down the repressive fascist-like measures 
that might have responded to those terrorist tactics of fear. 

It would appear that a war is going on does it not? Just before the mid-term elections Nov. 6th many highly provocative events are taking place. 

At first you have Trump grossly hyping up then demonizing a larger than usual but annual migrant caravan then we have the gruesome Jamal Khashoggi killing utilizing beheading and dismemberment to dispose of his body so that what you get with all this is a public manipulated to defer to the protection of a commander-in-chief for fear of scary beheading terrorists. 

And what a foil the migrants are for the Republicans.
This is all the paranoid of foreigners party needs to burn it up. The demon evil migrant caravan marches north like the Tao Tei or the hoards of Orcs. "We are being attacked, every one on the walls, troops to the front, all hands on deck", and Trump plays it like this as the ever predictable manipulator of stupid people he is. The net effect he hopes is a public favoring Republicans for protection against intrusive foreigners via the  GOP/military/police corollary however old hat and disproved the notion is. 

Next you have a bomb mailer sending potential bombs to all the Democratic operatives throughout the nation further striking fear in the public. It has the essential result of getting sympathy for Democrats but yet still it created that fear that could keep voters at bay behind locked doors in the near future.

Unbelievably next you get a white supremacist shooting two blacks in a Kentucky grocery store but it is unbelievable because the bomb mailer above was also a white supremacist and a big supporter of President Trump. That's two products of Trump's manipulative rhetoric in just a couple days going wacko murderous just before Nov. 6th.

As unbelievable as all that became then almost like the next day you again get a white supremacist that says he wasn't a fan of Trump but most probably manipulated by him anyway shooting 11 Jews in a synagogue of worshipers. This has now received the most news coverage as these last three happened within just days of one another and all three would ostensibly motivate sympathy for Democratic causes yet still further and further potentially strikes paralyzing fear in the electorate that favors Republicans because a public staying home out of fear greatly helps the Republicans. The fewer people vote, the better Republicans do in elections, especially mid-term elections.

So what a mess. One thing is certain, people are definitely getting motivated around election time this time around. The Right-wing have proclaimed that if the House goes Democrat it will ruin everything they the Right have accomplished under Trump and that just about says it all for what needs to happen on Nov. 6th

Yes, there must be a blue wave to turn back much of the damage done to everything from healthcare to immigration to net neutrality to, well you get it, on and on which leads us to the most important need for a Democratic House and that is a desperately needed CHECK on President Trump at every level possible. 

If America has ever had a devious, lying, reckless, callous SELF-ABSORBED president of this magnitude I would like to know who it is. You might find some doozies back in the first half of the nation but nothing compares to this president in modern history. 
If one didn't know any different we should think that this president's prime mission is to spread division, confusion and hate throughout this nation and leave it in shambles. Apparently Putin and the Russian government were thoroughly convinced that's what would result. 

Now at a funeral for those 11 Jewish citizens killed by a white supremacist Trump says nothing about opposing white supremacy but with clear indications that the people of Pittsburgh largely did not want him there he goes anyway causing division and resentment at the site and at a time, for crying out loud, when you should be able to at least mourn 11 dead but Trump's self-absorbed need to go and make himself look good trumped all other concerns for him. 

If all that wasn't enough now Trump thinks he can, with executive order end birthright citizenship protected by the U.S. Constitution. What? The Republicans are as we speak pulling their hair out over this one but what you should take away from this is that Trump thinks he can or even should do it.

Through all this what really matters here is that the wisdom, justice, fairness and the love of God be transmitted as much as possible through this government of the people to the people of this nation of which said people are ascribed to preside over. What's not important is the platform or policy positions of the Democratic party but only that which is needed to restore good, just and ethical government. 

Followers of the Republican party and some of it's Christian contingent seem to believe they must follow every element of that party but that belief is a serious error and a fruit of the very dark side of politics. All you have to do is follow the money trail to understand that.

The nation is in a pathetic state right now but we must pray that people will resist these attempts at repressive fear and break out like never before and show up at the election polls on Nov. 6th. 

People a lot is at stake this time. We were at a nexus during the 2016 election but we still have a chance to get a grip on Trump's reckless agenda that opposes the American people on almost every political and economic issue before this nation.

Such a state of the nation cannot endure and it is clear that opposing the people on so many issues is clearly unjust and seeing the nature of most of those issues illustrates the corrupted slide of this nation but we need only realize and remember that Jesus in all he said and did had the favor of the people.

Plow through it all. Whether you are a political Independent, Democrat or Republican, VOTE for a nation-saving Democratic House of Congress and if possible a Democratic Senate on Nov. 6th.

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