As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Big Baby Trump's Base Quacks And He Goes 180 Back On Poor Immigrants....At Christmas

What we've come to expect from this president is the Trump Me, the ego that has to get his way even when everyone wants to get away to celebrate Christmas but wait, this president, president Trump doesn't like Christmas so with disregard for everyone else and when half of congress is out of town the Trump little child ego is gonna crash the party.
But he had agreed to not crash everyone's Christmas, that's why congress was on it's way out of D.C. then he saw a window of opportunity to crash it for everyone when a few extremist right wing pundits from Fox News gave him a hard time about signing a TEMPORARY funding bill to get us through for now that didn't have any funding for a Wall to keep poor immigrants out of the country and note something here you might recall about the spirit of Christmas that comes up in about every story about Christmas....kindness to the poor.
Well we don't expect that too much from Trump and the right anyway but I guess they wanted to party on their favorite word double-down. One can almost hear the final searing of what little is left of the consciences of this right wing base.

 I wonder how many of the hypocrites on the conservative right that lately and uncharacteristically have been crying about civility and kindness now are super alright with all this from their pundits and their president.

The Fox News pundits gave Trump the chance to crash the party and be a stick in the mud at Christmas and he took it in spades. A few quacks from the right and he goes 180 in the other direction. He doesn't like Christmas or Thanksgiving because it's NOT about the self, any one's self focusing on it's self, these holidays are about people turning outward toward others, thinking and caring and looking out for those others and he doesn't like it. This just doesn't interest Trump and of all things if the recent shame of his so called charities doesn't highlight all that.

The Republicans and the right-wing have always been thin on outward caring and is it no surprise that Trump seems to be their main man poster boy even so that they will not break ranks over even this. They are so all in one that what the whole thing looks like is a very weird political religious cult as if now they have finally after so many years found their ideal cult leader and it is so because actions speak so much louder than religious facade with religious sounding words.

Just before Christmas the imperative is NOT to go to lengths to help the poor but even to go to lengths to interrupt, to impair other's Christmases to build a wall to keep out the poor.

I suppose this is what a Trump Christmas should all be about with all his followers setting at home relishing their accomplishment around the parochial warming hearth.

And the truth?

The truth is nothing is so bad that we have to build a wall here. It is just a manifestation of the ultimate for isolationists. I mean what do we want to be like, the former east Germany, China, the communists? Are we so afraid? This nation overcame a massive enemy in the beginning and now we are going to be fretting about poor immigrants to of all things build a massive wall?
The founders would be rolling over in their graves and probably laughing at our current leadership's  lack of courage and inner fortitude.

I think the Founding Fathers must of had some really great and well deserved Christmases.

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