As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sons & Daughters Of The Delusive Religious Right

The presidency of this nation no longer belongs to George W. Bush but how many times will we continue to see the Religious Right holding up Bush and his war on terrorism with glowing adulation treating this ex-president like he is a hero or something more.

Listening to religious right programming on T.V. or radio one would never think George W. Bush had done anything even questionable during his presidency. One would think everything had been just rosey with his Whitehouse and it's policies, policies that greatly ignored the wishes and desires of the American people of which this president desired to preside over. Such a shutting out of the truth by religious right media of what went on with his presidency reveals that age old weakness of the Religious Right and it's intolerant idealogy when they refuse to face up to facts that have clearly revealed they, the Religious Right, were wrong in the first place. They will not print the other side of the story not only because of spiritual pride but because they have elevated their misleading and delusive idealogy to the level of Godliness where there of course can be no disagreement at that level. When your political beliefs become projected up to the level of God's unquestionable Word there can be no dissent and you see it very clearly in the Religious Right's news media, so whitewashed, so onesided that many on the religious right do not even know that their religious right endorsed congress of the last 6 years was one of the most corrupt congresses in U.S. history. It is all such a robbing of the truth from the minds of the innocent and truly faithful in God.

So who suffers at the hands of this censored onesided media onslaught? Yes, the most vulnerable ones who would act upon this media deception. The sons and daughters of the Religious Right who would naively go forward into a war situation they have been misled to believe is a noble, honorable endeavor of a great and honorable president. With fervent religious like commitment they are mislead into service at the worst of times in one of the most immoral and unwise wars this nation has ever engaged in but the religious right media with patriotism and nationalistic banter continually exploit and implore young christians to support George W. Bush's war in Iraq.
It is such a sinister weaving of the youths whole concious world into a politically inflexible and narrow point of view with the net effect of insuring these sons and daughters of the Religious Right are unquestioning front line volunteers for future wars.

Only why? Because spiritual pride implores religious right leaders to elevate their ideology up to the unchallengable level of God where they think they are then free to shut everyone else out and in the process project this mentality onto their followers; people and families all across this nation that then tune out political debate fully refusing to listen to the other side of an issue in print or on TV leaving their sons and daughters to bear the weight, the bloody sacrifice of such a neglect in battle and tragic suicides.
Locked into their onesided world, but charged by God to cull between the truth and the lies with their children's lives on the line, the religious right parent forfeits their highest responsibility.
Such a neglect brings an accounting and it is a hard rain that's gonna fall.

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