As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Friday, September 26, 2014

ISIS Boogeyman Created By Corporatocracy's Calculated Neglect

The Islamic militant army referred to now as ISIS is primarily an army on the ground, NOT A TERRORIST GROUP and as armies go only a low-level threat. And it was by nature not a terrorist threat that is until the corporate media hyped them into a jihadist magnet where the terrorist threat now comes from the fringe. Beheadings and brutality are scary but not terrorism per se.
In the beginning it was a rag tag group of rebels fighting in Syria but with the acquisition of arms and tanks it grew into the army it is today spreading into Iraq. At any point it could have been prevented with airstrikes but that was withheld until this army began knocking on the door of Baghdad and purportedly distributing video of beheadings of two Americans and one Briton in order to get would be interventionists stirred up enough to intervene.  :-?
The Islamic army needed to become at least a legitimate newsworthy threat for the geopolitical purposes of the corporatocracy and so they have as you witness now under the continual onslaught of mainstream corporate media exaggeration of this actual low-level threat of Islamic militants in the mid-east.

The Corporate Media's Introduction Of The Boogeyman ISIS

The corporate media gave this Islamic army the scary acronym, ISIS, magnifying the fear in the heart of the public and foolishly, if you believe not intentional, creating a high profile bad-boy magnet attracting jihadist recruits. Foolishly? They are not that stupid.
The fact is the acronym ISIS cannot be derived without re-interpreting what the Islamic army in Iraq was actually calling itself. This acronym was a U.S. media creation only. If this had been downplayed referring to Islamic militants as Islamic militants as had always been the case for this group then none of the present jihadist wannabe attraction phenomena would be occurring. There would be no allure to this Islamic militant group(ISIS) or purported and exaggerated blow up of Islamic militant(ISIS) terrorist cells occurring in Australia, the U.S. or anywhere else for that matter and of course false claims of a surge of terrorist cells on the back of the usual Islamic militants would be doubtful.

Again, the Islamic army in Iraq did not give itself a high profile acronym, our corporate media did. Our media "glamourized" it. I mean who is going to just start flocking to the usual Islamic militants in the middle-east. This situation could have and should have been easily diffused and kept at bay.

Do you think the government and their elements in the corporate media do not know what they are doing in this matter especially where terrorism is concerned? They are blowing up a low-level threat into a terrorist contagion and there is no way they are that stupid after so many have died and suffered in the global terrorist arena unless they have serious ulterior motives. Think that is anything new? Didn't think so. Think regime change in target countries such as Syria, continued expansion of the global security structure including mass surveillance of U.S. citizens and perpetuation of the money-spinning American military-industrial complex by creating an endless security threat. Precedent is certainly abundant.

You don't accidently create an overheated terrorist frenzy as is being reported in the media now. The only reasonable conclusion is that it is intentional. The U.S. corporate state is not an idiot. They had to decide whether to hype all this up or not. All they had to do was refer to the Islamic army as just that or Islamic militants and downplay beheading videos as they have on occasions before, initiate air strikes on the Islamic army's lead positions and the Islamic threat is diffused. You can be sure the word, diffused, is not in the government's vocabulary right now. With a little critical thinking, if you even need that, one should be able to see that the government/corporatocracy intended to create a new boogeyman.

What a truly independent media should have been reporting is the corporatocracy's attempt to bamboozle the people with hyped up reports of a terrorist threat that does not or didn't need to exist but even now corporate news reporters are mum on the subject. News program after news program may have one bold reporter mention the net effect of terrorist news on legislation to curb NSA domestic mass surveillance but then you could hear a pin drop as the conversation quickly moves on. Are they told not to discuss it with one bold reporter breaking out now and then or do they just know what they shouldn't talk about. One of the biggest issues of our time concerning NSA domestic mass spying, freedom and constitutional privacy rights circumvented by sudden eruption of terrorist media coverage and the reporters are mute. We are being grossly underserved by what our constitution provides, a free press with free to be skeptical reporters, but we are where we are so now the drama unfolds.

After several weeks of ISIS media coverage indoctrination you became pliable enough for a speech from Obama setting the stage for legitimate presentation of the great enemy ISIS, our new boogeyman.

On one level it was embarrassing watching as the increasingly establishment controlled puppet Obama, strings almost perceptible, presented the so obvious Orwellian best laid plans of the puppeteer, the corporatocracy, on national TV.  It was all presented as if expected to be taken without doubt or suspicion of deception, as if you are oblivious to the timing and forgetting the many times the government has tried to manipulate public opinion in the past and one year ago when the media went on a heated frenzy blowing up bogus threats of al-Qaeda just as the U.S. Congress was threatening to then neuter the NSA's domestic mass surveillance spying.
Yet here it is again, an almost perfectly timed inflated terrorist threat on the doorstep of the Senate as it is about to seriously curtail NSA mass surveillance but initially you are afraid to do anything but take the corporatocracy's presentation on face value. There is something in your mind that will not immediately accept the insult of not getting the whole truth but the realization of it is there nevertheless. You have been watching the mainstream media and if not convinced already you are probably convinced now that what you have been hearing about these militants must be true or then again you may be looking around in disbelief at those falling for it. Hopefully the latter.

The Corporatocracy's "Creation" Of The Boogeyman

The situation in Iraq/Syria does exist and these militants are organized but al-Qaeda was certainly organized. Al-Qaeda was all but snuffed out so you might wonder how such another organized group of militants could rise up under our nose to an on-the-move state of militancy as ISIS is now covering an area the size of the state of Maryland.

Consider that NSA international surveillance knows exactly what is going on where and when and you can be sure in the high profile middle-east more than anywhere else. Our satellites can watch movement of questionable terrorist groups anywhere across areas of Syria and Iraq or anywhere for that matter. Moreover our drones watch and listen in closely to any suspicious groups in the middle-east looking for al-Qaeda which is the reason al-Qaeda is virtually no more. The drone surveillance and bomb initiative in Bagdad is what so effectively crushed the Islamic insurgents during "the surge".
How could an Islamic State monolith suddenly be on the march in the middle of the most watched area on the face of the earth keeping in mind there are no jungle or heavily forested areas there for cover.
The Islamic State insurgents or ISIS as they are called have been allowed to form and rise up to such a point approaching the doorsteps of the Iraqi government. Our satellites have seen this long before they got close to Baghdad. The NSA have known all about this and drones have no doubt compiled detailed records of every movement the group has made.
So why would our government and the NSA all step back and allow a serious terrorist threat characterized by them as much worse than al-Qaeda to raise it's head and progress to this point. We have been snuffing out al-Qaeda as fast as we can load our "guns" so how could it be we would allow a terrorist group, as it has been characterized, to prosper and proliferate under our nose. At the very least we are looking at negligent terrorism but in an area so focused on is that even a possible excuse.

The Seemingly Neverending Need For The Boogeyman

When Edward Snowden exposed the breadth and depth of NSA national surveillance, beginning a move in the U.S. congress to curtail the powers of the NSA, the corporate media, in service to the corporatocracy, began drumming up fear of al-Qaeda where there had been no concern only a week before Snowden exposed the NSA. The fear and hyperbole from the corporate media was alarming and nothing like we had heard in years concerning al-Qaeda. However. at this point, the media alarmist onslaught did not intimidate the move to limit the NSA and the reports of al-Qaeda were quickly shown to be bogus thusly eliminating that boogeyman.
The corporatocracy(government controlled by corporate interests/wall street), the military industrial complex and the NSA desperately need a boogeyman to keep things moving along as they have projected and planned(essentially globalization). Because of inflated concerns they are compelled to continue pursuit of construction of security and control structures abroad and in the U.S. with NSA domestic mass surveillance as the backbone.
It was estimated that U.S. neglect of these Islamic militants(ISIS) would allow their actions to rise and hit the "newsstands" at about the time the U.S. Congress would be seriously considering limiting the surveillance power of the NSA but this time there would be no evaporating of the boogeyman as in June, 2013. With the public afraid, gullible and duped all should be well except for the nagging relentlessness of a certain logic:
You can get away with not intervening in a country in order to let it solve it's own problems as in the Syria/Iraq arena but you cannot get away with ignoring a terrorist group which you have characterized as much worse than a terrorist group you have been pursuing relentlessly for ten years. You cannot claim you did not know the extremist nature of the terrorist group at hand when you were able to listen in to everything the first terrorist group said and did and thusly destroyed them.

The Islamic militants now known as ISIS were allowed to develop and become the boogeyman needed to boost continued promotion and construction of a security superstructure where global mass surveillance is the key(sounds scary and should be scary when the nature of man is involved). It also rallys support for Obama administration foreign policy on the eve of an election and essentially gains support to address militant action in general then last if not least while the blood pressure is up, 3000 troops to fight Ebola in Africa. All coming at once with the "assisted" rise of the boogeyman ISIS. All courtesy of calculated neglect.

You would be naïve to believe that great effort, sacrifice and mass deception are not employed to move and manipulate public opinion. Billions of dollars depend on it. It is historical fact that the 1964 The Gulf Of Tonkin incident was staged in order to get public opinion behind our entrance into the Vietnam War. Think big? Remember the deception and blatant lies about Saddam Hussein's Irag and WMD in order to get us into the Iraq War. Remember the lies and deception perpetrated on the American public in order for the 1% to make billions on Wall Street of which tanked the economy? Need I go on?
All that was needed here in 2014 was calculated neglect releasing a boogeyman delivering fear-driven public support of war expansion, bowing to surveillance expansion and regime change.
Consider this: Corporations have spent millions to be "endowed" with personhood so shouldn't a corporatocracy be accountable for negligent terrorism?
Orwellian exaggeration and manipulation are occurring before your eyes. You are expected to not believe it or have a clue and if that is the case it is because you forget. It is painful to doubt those you cling to for leadership but they count on you responding to that pain by ignoring the doubt and it works every time after time after time and for a long enough period of time each time for the necessary goals to be accomplished.

A quick history primer: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it...or be duped over and over again.

"Society would be dominated by an elite which would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control."

Zbigniew Brzezinski
former U.S. National Security Advisor

"Americans don't understand that terrorists cannot take away habeas corpus, the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution. Terrorists are not anything like the threat that we face to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution from our own government in the name of fighting terrorism."

Paul Craig Roberts
Former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy 

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments."

James Madison, 1820

"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes."  

Abraham Lincoln, 1861

"By the time facts become clear, people are emotionally wedded to the beliefs planted by the propaganda and find it a wrenching experience to free themselves. It is more comfortable, instead, to denounce the truth-tellers than the liars whom the truth-tellers expose."

Paul Craig Roberts
Former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy 


Some people are not thinking like the corporatocracy would have them think, they are thinking for themselves, maybe like you.
Don't be afraid to speak up against such simple, blatant manipulation they use now. It would be fair to say the legitimacy of our opinion and thusly the weight of our vote depend on it now more than ever. They are gauging gullibility. Give them a reality check.


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