As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Beyond ISIS & Ebola - Conquering Fear Is Path To Our Freedom

How we humans love to praise ourselves for being rational and logical beings, the Noble Savage as they say, so easily forgetting that it is the primitive, animalistic part of our brain that can take control at any moment in the face of crisis and trauma, decimating that same logic and rationality we wear with so much pride.

Our base instincts of “fight or flight” kick into high gear, heightening our awareness by the necessity of survival. It is in this heightened state, where creativity is overshadowed by raw reaction to the perceived threats in our environment at that moment. No tomorrow or next week, but rather just focusing on the danger now, living in the present and usurping higher-level reason for savagery.

As the muscles, heart and lungs engorge with oxygenated blood and our senses heighten, we lose our civilized veneer as our ability to calmly contemplate our situation dissolves. We are at the mercy of our inborn process, as our irrational fears have been capitalized upon by politicians and corporations; a handful of appointed rulers, who have gained control by promising their followers that they will keep them safe from real, or more often, imaginary and vaguely-defined enemies.

One sadly famous fear-driven example of problem, reaction and solution includes 9/11, after which the Patriot Act was quickly passed for “the safety of the American people.” Our leaders capitalized on the high level of fear and uncertainty we all felt that day, spinning their now fateful terror-fairytale for the American people.

9/11 provided the excuse for our nation to invade Iraq, while in reality, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Yet those who questioned or doubted the Iraq war were silenced by the fear of not conforming as they were labeled “Anti-American” or “Unpatriotic.”

By using the extremes of fear’s reason, we were told “you are with us or against us” in an attempt to coerce us into blindly obeying our government’s unjust decisions with the threat of being sympathetic to the terrorists who wish to destroy us all.

Western nations have been accosted by an unending litany of psychological fear-mongering since that fateful day in September 2001. We were (and are) inundated by fears which by their very nature have posed absolutely no immediate, physical threat whatsoever. Instead these fears weigh heavily on the psyche, turning us into a paranoid population, looking for a boogeyman around every corner, thus creating nations of people with irrational fears.

It should be noted that as a people, we’ve yet to realize that we are being flooded by the fear mantra to ensure our compliance with their agendas. Politicians continue telling us about the dangers of terror, playing ‘savior’ by signing another surveillance bill to remove another slice of freedom and liberty from our lives. Meanwhile, the MSM bombards us with stories of terror from all corners of the globe, warnings of pandemics and food shortages, all causing us to want to retreat, disconnect from the collective where "We The People' formulate power.

If we fear, they win.

Afraid of failure? Then take no chances, and thus never realize your potential.

It must be noted that in order to maintain fear’s power, governments must vary the types of vague threats and the intensity of the fear, otherwise, it loses its impact under the law of diminishing returns.

If the government repeatedly tells its citizens to fear the same irrational threat, it is tantamount to “crying wolf” where even the most blindly patriotic citizen might wake up. This is precisely why successful leaders adroitly manipulate our fears depending on the social and economic milieu and politics at a given time.

The drums of war beat louder as the fears, here and abroad, drill into our mind that war is inevitable, which the reptilian portion of our brain blindly accepts, suppressing our cerebrum or rational brain from stating, “our leaders our lying.”

Note that regardless of the inescapable, ubiquitous security blanket in and around the United States, that somehow, these boogeymen cleverly snuck past every single high-tech security apparatus designed to protect America, these faceless terrorists bypassed and avoided all detection and now we have more reason to fear.

What is the price we’ve paid as a nation to feel safer?

Numerous violations of our civil liberties through a cascade of laws purported to make us “safe” from the nebulous internal and external threats. We obediently subject ourselves to high radiation scanners in airports and/or allow poorly-trained TSA agents to literally legally molest us.

The media’s relentless repetition of propaganda, rarely using logical or rational arguments, preys upon our base fears to generate as primal a response as possible. “Believe what you’re told or else” can sum up much of the media’s war machine, which like so many other emotionally charged stories, is “for our own good.”

While war profiteers grow wealthier and those already in power further consolidate their status, we clearly see contractors outnumber U.S. and allied troops in clear, abusive displays of power. Fear is profitable for those who know how best to use it.

Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski succinctly summed up the use of fear by world leaders:

“The term ‘war on terror’ intended to generate a culture of fear deliberately because it obscures reason, intensifies emotions and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of policies they want to pursue.”

We have become inured or conditioned into living in a fear state in which we now believe that phony dangers to us are real. Our constant anxiety and emotional stress is under the complete control of leaders who create our fears while protecting themselves and pretending to be our saviors.

Our fears have polarized us and divided us as a people, thus facilitating more police state rule and making it easier for the corporatocracy to manipulate us, polarizing us further with distrust and suspicion.

We have recently been told to fear each other, to be “alert and aware” of what our fellow Americans might be doing to pose a threat to our safety and since fear is so powerfully primal many otherwise intelligent, prudent individuals are listening to and believing this blatant fear mongering.

It’s a brilliant use of fear to achieve one’s objectives as Mao, Hitler, Mussolini and so many other leaders have done, in a rise to absolute power, which turns our entire fear-based governance into the absurd contradiction that it is.

We are both perceptibly and imperceptibly veering towards a fascist society, which bearing significant resemblance to past totalitarian societies, would give us many things to truly fear. From torture to starvation and death, the fear of conforming to what we’re told is “patriotic” has been shown not to be a defense against absolute rule.

Hitler’s rise to power was nearly 100% legal as the German people reacted to every fear Hitler exploited with near full cooperation. Hitler’s rule could not have been realized without the help of the masses, whose blind obedience made Hitler stronger, just as the citizens of the United States have given their leaders the legal permission to usurp our freedoms in exchange for the illusion of safety in an attempt to feel less fearful.

By Scott D. Snitzer

Today in our manipulative society many events are exaggerated in order to escalate fear. We need to be able to see through it and it is much easier to do so when we facilitate individual courage.
My best answer for overcoming fear is to believe in and follow Jesus Christ, to establish God as your foundation so that when the storms of life come you will have confidence in Him knowing that come to worst you will be with Him in eternity. In short God gives people the power to circumvent the extreme inborn natural fear processes thusly providing them the courage to do what they need to do. From such a point you have an opportunity to think clearly, divide the lie from the truth and take the wise path. Because you do not have the extreme effect of fear bearing down you can pause and make the right decisions free of what would otherwise be your frantic natural/carnal state. It is these opportunities of freedom from the panic state down through history that have allowed man to carefully contemplate detailed information and advance as he has, in particular since the time of Christ when the Holy Spirit was released and allowed to work within the body, mind and soul of man.
God created us, He knows how to guide us through if only we will let Him.

One caveat- Notice I said believe and follow. Who will you fool if you are not honest with yourself. God knows you. If you want to beat fear with the confidence and courage that comes from God you need to really follow and live for Him. Get real with God and as a secondary benefit use the courage you get from Him to take your country back

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