As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Peace, Love And Pope Francis

In my lifetime there has not been a pope like Pope Francis so unafraid to incisively confront the status quo and the 1% and yet with so much grace. It is a wonderful and beautiful experience seeing the rise of a spiritual leader like this. Pope Francis sees the corruption and influence of money throughout the world and he speaks truth to it. No other pope has done that with the kind of seriousness and priority Francis has. At the same time he emphasizes joy and evangelism and the words he speaks reflect that of concern for the spiritual, of what I believe Jesus would say if He were arriving in the world incarnate. Pope Francis understands the nature of man and what should be addressed.

After so many bland and establishment courting popes it was hard to imagine there would be a "Jesus people" pope, in word and deed, to break out of that old mold but here it is and just in time. Jesus and Christianity should be about love and hope and capturing the favor of the people. Jesus did just that 2000 years ago challenging everyone and the people knew it rang true. It was cool, cutting edge, and revolutionary like love for real is revolutionary.
This moment may not last so long so let it be a time of joy. Everybody wear some flowers in your hair and let's make it like it always should have been sharing the love and grace of Jesus(getting a little carried away but isn't it about time).
This is the herald of the return of Jesus soon as there are so many signs coming together now and a troubled time too of which it would be nice to forget for just a joyous moment.

I have seen many predictions through the years but this is different. Something is happening and I can even witness to it on a personal level which would also be enough even without all the other signs emerging and that is without words to express. Life is still tough but I keep my feet on the ground if possible. My life long, well learned cautious joy is getting hard to maintain. I've tried to be a realist rejecting many purported signs of the end because of concern over the crying wolf syndrome but now it is time to stake out some ground and take a stand. I will cling to the patience of the saints yet the signs are everywhere.

Dig this. You know what is also cool? Pope Francis is the 266th pope. On this day as he speaks to the U.S. Congress it is the 266th day of the year. 38 months or 266 days is also the number of days in the average pregnancy.  The end of a pregnancy is the beginning of a new life. There is also a prophecy in the Catholic Church that says the 266th pope will be the last and although there is question about it's veracity it is interesting that 266 was chosen or did various catholic saints all pick a different future pope as a last pope. Interesting.

Some sources claim that the period during Sept. 2015 - Sept. 2016  is near the end of 6000 years since creation. The issue here with the Gregorian calendar is a stretch but still no one knows the exact date God actually considers creation. Remember, you put God in a box and He is going to get out. The point is so many things are coming together at this time.

The super blood moons and super shemitah are highly significant for Sept. 2015 since they will not occur for another 600 years far after the completion of the Hebrew 6000 years.

And so how is the end of 6000 years significant? It is not the end of anything really that is significant, it is the beginning of something that stands out. The end of 6000 years means the beginning of the seventh millennium and by default the beginning of the third millennium since Christ. With regard to the third millennium the biblical number three means completion or complete works of God so Jesus coming to reign now would take us through the 1000 year millennial reign as prophesied to completion. With regard to the seventh millennium the number seven is symbolic of the whole or the completion or the ideal situation or the perfection of things. Seven constitutes a complete cycle so Christ coming to reign 1000 years in the seventh millennium also brings completion.

Biblical Numbers : 1 – 10

So what you have here is the possible end of the papacy, end of a spiritual pregnancy, end of man's reign and end of the church's reign without Jesus incarnate. These are then signs of the beginning of something, something so wonderful that it is hard to even imagine. The signs should begin to manifest as we now begin to move forward. They however will not be all good signs for some offenses will be removed before Jesus returns to earth again. Just as the high places of pagan beliefs in Israel were an offense to God and had to be removed before God would exalt Israel so some must be removed today before the earth is exalted under the reign of Christ. This could be what is described as the tribulation period and I would suggest caution with regard to interpretations of the book of Revelations because Revelations is like the default negative of what to avoid and our place in that timeline is uncertain.
Looking at the world today there may need to be much travail and "cleaning" as any objective view can see this world is a mess from genocide brutality to accelerated greed and perverted carnality spreading across the earth boastfully, proudly and loudly. Certain cities such as San Francisco but especially San Francisco need to take care and I pray there are no more, yet there clearly are. We should pray that the people of the bay area humble themselves, repent and turn to the Son of God. Some will.

So something incredible is happening, something wonderful is about to be born beyond the coming birth pangs and Pope Francis is so well suited to set up the correct tone of Christianity before Christ's coming. I see joy everywhere, people realizing this is what Christianity should have always represented, concern for the poor, evangelism in the streets and speaking truth to power just as Jesus and his disciples did 2000 years ago. It rang true with the people then and it is ringing true today.

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