As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Hard Reality About Privacy, Cyber-War, Encryption And The Nexus

It would be enough to articulate the threat of cyber-warfare if the public could grasp it post Y2K desensitization and 9-11 "overkill" but it takes a scary monster called ISIS terrorists to make the public pliable again to invasion of it's privacy. The corporate state(government) believes it must be able to access everyone's information and every encryption process. In fact Silicon Valley companies are working with the corporate state to achieve this. The relevant thought put forth is this - "we could be attacked by terrorists but we surely are in a war for our lives on the cyber-battlefield."

The corporate state cannot act like this and not mean it. If the threat to the nation is as real as it is purported then no passwords, no firewall, and no encryption process such as TOR can be allowed to succeed. It is then logically simple. Any enemy, state or terrorist, could hide it's plans within an encrypted network and succeed in planning and carrying out an attack. It is then logical to assume that all the brouhaha over encryption networks is mute. The security agencies of the U.S. have to and have penetrated every possible privacy protection. The sobering reality also is this - If the U.S. can do this then any sophisticated enemy state could and must achieve this and the U.S. thusly in this war must assume all encryption breaches are attempts to take over or seriously cripple the U.S.

The point here is to understand the reality and emphasize that any talk of a battle with the NSA whether it's involving TOR or any other encryption method is and must be a standoff that is already over. You can project that the uncertainty propagated about this is conveyed through a compliant media so that some enemies of the U.S. mostly the ill-informed will still be tempted to use TOR or other encryption programs, state enemies such as China are a different matter and will remain a continuing face-off. One can only imagine the number of our super computer calculations in nose to nose confrontation against calculations of an enemy state trying to breach our system.

It is not hard to understand that if this is what the U.S. believes it must also believe it must penetrate every encryption method without exception. In the seeds of this and the rest of the NSA surveillance effort is the very real possibility of the eventual enslavement of the human race. It is imperative that the people of the United States be fully informed about the reality of our threat so that the people can support the responsible choices and be adroitly aware of the possible internal dangers so that a people informed stand as a hedge against tyranny. A corporate state divorced from the people is a very true and real threat. No one said it would be easy but the power of turnkey tyranny in the hands of a "hidden" few must be overcome.

We cannot live well into the future with continued government secrecy and unlimited surveillance power. We have far too much of each right now.

The hard reality however is that cyber-attacks could be a very real threat. Trying to take out a critically important business partner such as the U.S. doesn't make sense but certain nations throughout history have been known to behave irrationally courting lust for power. If a nation such as China sees an opportunity, in the face of  U.S. national calamity, to displace a rapidly devaluing  U.S. dollar from it's reserve standard then an economic sea-change could occur catapulting China into the place of global economic preeminence.
There is another hard reality. The U.S. has constructed a global security super-structure that has "invaded" every nation threatening their sovereignty. Relative to the cyber-attack arena it is certainly possible other nations are acting out of fear and perceived self-defense. When you pray, pray that our future will be as free of "big brother" as possible, from whoever or wherever it originates. The possibility that the financial sector of the U.S. could have an overreaction to it's near demise could manipulate severe future restrictions on personal liberty in order to protect the financial sector with the potential to install an environment that could enslave us all. The future could be a tricky business and you only think you know the right choices therefore remember that the truth is more important than what you want to believe or what you are afraid to believe. To accompany the truth you must be invested in and committed to the Truth. Pray that our future will be as free of "big brother" as possible, by whoever or wherever it originates from and all according to God's will.

In the State's desire to maintain complete surveillance and breach all encryption we are faced with one of two things:

One, the U.S. is essentially taken over by a corporate state cabal that wants near complete control of the populace to maintain a stable financial order and this is true to some extent or

Two, Big Brother Inc. despite all it's foolishness does in fact have families, love friends and want to maintain a relatively free nation but is faced with the fact that the nation could succumb in short order to succeeding successful cyber-attacks on the defense, energy and financial complex and probably if true has been so close to it that you will not be told for fear of public hysteria from a public already manipulated to fear. The mention of quantum cryptography being developed ahead of us by an enemy state would then of course not be helpful. In the wrong hands QC could be the new H-bomb and it's nearing develop could expedite attempts by an enemy state to breach U.S. cyber defenses.

The government military exercises this summer in the southwestern U.S. preparing to implement a kind of shadow martial law are interesting. In the selected areas for the martial law anyone seeing anything unusual is supposed to report it apparently so that come the real thing the tweeks would be worked out and the operation run efficiently and completely covert.
Are we all under a shadow martial law now? Only if the government thinks the threat is impending or knows that an enemy virus has already been planted in our national computer base programmed to go off during a certain period. This period, this fall has been portended by some to be a very dangerous time in our nation from experts in terrorism analysis to wide reports of prophetic visions and prophecies to simple common sense awareness of current events ie, the FBI's request for the "keys" to breach all encryption.

We are at a very real nexus. In the face of potentially dangerous decisions to be made on a national level we need courage to do the right and wise thing. We need a lot more of Jesus, His wisdom, His courage and a lot less of our fearful selves. Yes, the Nexus.

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