As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Monday, March 07, 2016

How Donald Trump Ironically Exposes The Republican Party

It is crazy funny how the Republican party has been brought out into the open by Donald Trump. You hear party leaders crying about Trump and how he will bring down the party but the angst at this point is even hitting a fever pitch as you witness on T.V.
You know why they are crying? Because Donald Trump blatantly and openly exposes them for what they are. The party base has become da fool for da Don. He exposes the GOP base or that is the people that fall for narcissistic inward self-centered politics. Trump knows this and he uses it.

The Republicans for a very long time used coded language(dog whistle) to keep the faithful in line but no longer. Trump, openly and in front of all people to see appeals to what lies underneath in the Republican cupboard of recipes for America. Republicans being the party of fearful white old men have always had narcissistic racist tendencies that translated into their political positions and Trump for all his downside laughingly reveals the underbelly of the GOP right-wing. He in fact reinforces what everyone already suspected; that the Republican party is politically flat out of it.

If you've been paying attention you know it by now.

Trump appeals to virulent anti-immigrant sentiment and it gets him big REPUBLICAN VOTES.

Trump appeals to anti-minority sentiment and it gets him plenty of REPUBLICAN VOTES. Yes, the well documented flaw of being overly suspicious of foreigners and others that are not like "us" the("real Americans").

Trump casts himself as not favorable to women, the coding for the Tea Party meaning not favoring women's rights and a general right-wing pathological resentment of the feminine  and yep, you guessed it, it gets him more REPUBLICAN VOTES.

Trump keenly aware that Republican humanitarian qualities do not rate the highest on the planet strongly emphasizes that he will bomb terrorists and their families. He knows this will be ok with the Repubs. Yep, more REPUBLICAN VOTES.

Trump endorses the violent rejection of protesters at his rallies while he stands on stage arms folded and glowering even threatening violence himself("throw em out, get em outta here") and oh yea, this gets him lots of REPUBLICAN VOTES. One might however ask themselves where have we seen this grainy newsreel footage before.

Trump asserts that Obama is a Muslim and not birthed in America and it gets him REPUBLICAN VOTES. That's an old one and Trump's original baby. How do you think he became the darling of the Tea Party in the first place? What this guy will do to climb to the top.

Trump appeals to torture, almost coming close to advocating the use of be-headings to match the terrorists and it gets him REPUBLICAN VOTES. John Dickerson, on Face The Nation almost brought Trump to an epiphany but da Trump didn't quite come to grasp the virtue of not using torture. You got the feeling that if Dickerson would have been able to counsel him a bit more Donald might have got it but that would of course have been a serious blow to his Republican support had he revealed such an insight. Gotta double down man, gotta double down.

Trump appeals to the paranoid jingoism of the party relative to middle-east migrants and those with the zeta virus seeking help in America and it gets him REPUBLICAN VOTES. Again, Trump doesn't really believe this. It's a con. Get it? We are ascending.

As you can see by default Trump is openly exposing to the American people the real Republican party and we know it's not all Republicans but we also know they have the market on it.

And boy, it gets funnier with each passing day. Why does Trump initially act as if he will not rebuke David Duke and the KKK?
Yea, you know as well as I do. By doing it this way Trump sends the message to the significant number of racists in the Republican party(and he obviously wouldn't risk it or waste his time if there were not plenty of them in the party) that he is on their side but "hey I gotta disavow you to the press but you know by my initial reaction that I'am with you". Who needs dog whistles when you got this. It's hilarious also because Trump is not really with them. He clearly "telegraphed" long ago he would say what he needed to say to you to get your vote. It's already in the calculus but they unwittingly fail to factor it in.

Trump's expose' of the Republican party is almost a laughingstock. One should almost believe that he is a plant in the Republican primary to sink the party but they keep falling for it so he keeps going.
Again Trump appeals to the "weakness" in the Republican party for facist efficiency by strongly pushing even more NSA surveillance and expansive invasion of privacy in the face of insignificant terrorist activity and yep, sure enough, it gets him more REPUBLICAN VOTES.

I haven't seen this issue put before Trump yet but you can be fairly sure that if asked about bringing more people into the voting process Trump will side on increasing restrictions on voting because---- it will get him REPUBLICAN VOTES. You understand the Republicans push their corporate self-serving agendas over any sense of constitutional truth and honor in expanding the voter base. Put simply; the more people vote, the worse Republicans fair. Documented fact. Exposed again.

To Trump's credit he refuses to kick the poor and low income people without health insurance to the curb but he is vocal about trashing Obamacare on his way to "taking care of the people" and this of course gets him Republican votes.

Trump is a very interesting character but also a very dangerous one in light of the nation's apparent weakness for fascist efficiency. Fascist dictators are made up of much of the stuff of Donald Trump. In fact the whole thing is almost a textbook scenario. Very strange.
We have been accelerating at an alarming pace the extensiveness of the invasive security surveillance super structure across this nation and for that matter the world. We have police and the military running exercises relative to martial law(they say it's for other countries of course). A very strange build up of military like police equipment as seen in Ferguson, Mo. and other cities that comes straight out of movies about future police state societies. And as all this is coming to a head a personage of the like of Donald Trump rises upon the scene. Strange days indeed!

And yes as you full well know by now this kind of character, Donald Trump, is way ahead in the Republican party because he is getting lots and lots of REPUBLICAN VOTES.

See the two guys in the back center left. 
Most peculiar mama!

To top it all off Trump is now asking for his supporters to raise their hand and swear a loyalty oath reminiscent some say of Hitler; there's that grainy newsreel footage again. All I can say is you asked for it and you got it. A part of me wants to laugh so hard I could cry but it is just too interesting and just too weird right now. Trump knows the Repubs have a weakness for certain fascist trappings and so he marches out this oath of allegiance for them to make to him. ..holding back the laughter..
Seriously though we probably should be praying that we don't have a big terrorist attack about now. Seriously.

When you hear Republican party leaders complaining that Trump will change the party and that it will never be the same is that something we should be running from or running to? I would say the rest of cognizant America is asking; Can it get much worse? Whatever else, you gotta at least chuckle.

Come the national election should Trump make it, it will be "I've changed my mind on this, i've changed my mind on that". That's it. And if the Republican Party is not "nice" to him then he will run as an independent having effectively baited and reduced the Republican party to a joke.
It's not the Republican train, it's the Trump train. You should have known.

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