As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

New Supreme Court Justice Can Help Dismantle Corrupt Corporate State

The corporate state and all it's servants are seeing their "in service to money" lives pass before their very eyes about now. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would if he could and Hillary Clinton might but a new Supreme Court Justice could effectively help overturn the underpinnings of what has, for over 20 years, come to prop up our money corrupted governmental structure.
This brouhaha over selecting the next justice is really about how the whole state of politician's suckling pig dependence on corporate mother's milk money will be affected, from the congressmen and varying politicians that are bought off by it and the media owned by it.

The corporate state(government bought off by corporations and the rich and thusly controlled by the rich) is a behemoth that has, for 30 years, depended on right-wing tilted Supreme Court decisions which have allowed it to buy off congressman and control virtually all legislation in the country.
We can clearly see what that has given us, from a Supreme Court selected greatly misguided president in 2000 of which we are still suffering from to favoring deregulation of Wall Street that gave us the 2008 financial collapse to a grotesque gap and continually growing gap between the very rich and the rest of us punctuated by record profits for corporations and the rich while maintaining stagnant wages for the rest of us. Not to mention as of late the decision to allow unlimited contributions by the rich to elect it's candidates. The equating of money with free speech and corporations with person-hood for the last 30 years has been an abomination to any sense of justice for the 99% of Americans and the Scalia dominated Supreme Court has underpinned most of it.

Indeed this coming fight over the next Supreme Court justice is first and foremost about the continuing corruption of the corporate state. It's tentacles run throughout society which provides an almost iron grip on the ability of our nation to rise above injustice and be what our nation should be for all the people. From the time of Ronald Reagan, when he nominated Antonio Scalia to the Court, to today the Supreme Court has been handing down decisions that have led to the rise of the corrupt corporate state.
You should not accept but you will surely see the corporate owned media coming down on the side of the corporate state by slanting all talk of Obama selecting the next Supreme Court justice to replace Justice Scalia with a kind of defeatist tone. The media will try to hedge to the side of Obama surrendering over his right to select the new justice over to the next president. Yes, the right given him by the U.S. Constitution. That of course is an outrage since this is only the middle of February and not a distracting election year for the sitting President himself.

Expect the operatives of the corporate state to use social issues against Obama but it is well known now that the already right-wing tilted Supreme Court was going to rule favorably for same-sex marriage and on the issue of abortion we could not get a ban on it even with a right-wing tilted court working with an all Republican congress and George W. Bush as in 2005, so these two social issues are not as realistically relevant as some on the right will claim. They are dwarfed by the broad and transformative subjugation of our government and society to the ever-expanding corrupting influence of money of which globalization for corporations is tied. I should say I rue the connection of these social issues to resistance to reforming corrupt money in our government. It is clearly a marriage/bondage straight out of the pit of hell and how that "marriage" is maintained is an abomination on our government and the religious intent of many. 
Having said that however it is clear the plight of globalization on this country can be completely tied to the congressmen bought off by corporations, Wall Street and the bloated misguidance of the military industrial complex, essentially the corporate state.  

The solvency and efficacy of the corrupt Corporate State and it's control is dependent on the newly selected justice. The Corporate state and it's acolytes will consider this time a crisis in much the same manner as they considered the 2008 financial collapse and they should. If Obama selects a justice that will hold up privacy rights for the individual and oppose corrupt money in politics then real change will become a reality. Cases will be sent up that will challenge the repressive and unjust rulings handed down by the Scalia tilted Court that have bought off our government and constructed a massive surveillance structure across our country.
If Obama throws a bone to the left by nominating a justice favoring the social issues but opposed to reforming money's grip on our nation then expect nothing. Obama has already been forced to accept corporate state decisions so it will go against most realistic logic if he does get a Supreme Court justice through that truly takes on Wall Street and it's ownership of our government. His first two nominees Kagan and Sotomayor would do that and since they were accepted he should by every right be able to put another similar justice through but everything is on the line now for the corporate state and it's Republican(and some Democrat) suckling pigs full well know it. You have to know that tremendous pressure will be on Obama to not rock the boat of the corrupt system as it is now.

Any system that can buy off votes and the representatives of the people is unrighteous and it should be so easy to see that reformation of this system is at the core of restoring the integrity of our society and government. You do not get what you want because someone circumvents your influence on your representative and that circumvention comes from corrupt unlimited money being offered to and in many cases effectively forced on your representative.  

From Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump to a new Supreme Court justice, if you were looking for drama you got it but you cannot sit by and watch. If you want real change you will have to fill the streets this spring, this summer and this fall. The government and corporations will make the adjustments if you demand it.

Seriously, you will have to FILL THE STREETS!! Democracy will be laid on the line. 

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