As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Past Vision Of Our Future Now - A Politicians Death, Cyber War, Delayed Election, San Fran Quake1&2, Cowboys-Raiders & Oklahoma

This article is about remembering a vision a friend of mine received years ago. The vision was a warning for me but also surely for others as well. 

The time is about here to unveil something that has been with me for years. It has been with me I should say in part because I have yet to remember all of it. Many years ago after I had graduated from college I was about to leave my hometown with my friend to move to the big city in pursuit of a career. About a month before we were to leave my friend Bruce, a youth pastor, had a vision of the future or it seemed to be in part a vision of my future. We were both spirit-filled, charismatic Christians so visions, prophecies and miracles should go with the territory. Thankfully.

First off there is no claim here to prophet-hood or conversely false prophet-hood. For me this is strictly a memory exercise except where led by the Spirit of God to recall and besides my friend had the vision, not me. At this point he claims to only remember a few things in the vision so he is not taking the fall for it either, ha. But really he doesn't remember most of the vision however it should begin coming back to him soon but time as it is now has become of the essence.

It occurred in January that year and we were scheduled to leave in February. Bruce came and told me he had this vision about the future and in the vision he saw terrible things happening to me so he said he was led by the Lord to pray and he went and stayed in a friends abandoned country house to pray about this and other things for three days. That first vision had me shot in the head while sitting on a couch. He said he saw it graphically explaining in detail much of it. I was sitting on a couch with flowers and something like trees in the design of the couch. A shot came from an adjacent room saying he couldn't quite see them but he said it was revealed to him that it was someone looking like my brother or his brother. Yes, very strange. As you can imagine it wasn't hard to remember this down through the years even though this was before his three day prayer vigil in which this part of the vision changed because of his prayer and mine or anyone he asked to pray about it.

With that the terrible aspect of the vision had been addressed and altered, glory to God. The next vision he received soon after is what this article is primarily about and will be revealed in as much as i can remember the parts of the vision.

The reason I'am even bringing this forward now is because the "markers" Bruce placed in my mind to remember this vision for future reference have appeared. Lets cut quickly to what these markers mean. After the dangerous part of the first vision had been altered by prayer Bruce said he was supposed to reveal more of the future for me but of the future in general. These would be things going on then that were to warn me of a trying time in my life but it is surely a warning for all that would heed it and be delivered.

It was critical that I could recall this latter part of the vision come it's time. Listen up. If God works in mysterious ways then what is about to follow should fulfill that axiom. Of course for some the axiom is already well underway here.

The two mental markers that would spark my memory of this vision are strangely enough, the names of two pro football quarterbacks that would be playing come the time of the latter part of the vision. At the time of this vision my two favorite football teams had always been the Dallas Cowboys and the Oakland Raiders and although mostly disinterested then could not have been missed by me now apparently.

These two teams will be prominent soon but the presence of the quarterbacks names have already appeared. The names are Derek Carr and Tony Romo. For me this is a mind blower because I recalled the means Bruce used to cause me to remember these names but the remembering of these names caused me to recall much more but probably not all of the vision yet.

Ok, here we go. I vividly remember me and Bruce sitting in his car with Bruce dispensing to me this vision as it occurred to him. Yes you got that right he was having the vision as we were sitting there. Remember this was the second vision after he had prayed and changed the first vision. As Bruce sat behind the steering wheel he was looking up into the windshield and like a screen to the future he saw in the windshield this vision occurring real time. Red flags going up I know but bear with me. We were and are charismatic, spirit-filled Christians believing in the incredible, all things are possible with God God so this is like not totally unexpected right? Hold on.

As Bruce was looking straight ahead he then turned to me and asked if had ever heard of Microsoft or Untel. I said Untel? You mean maybe Intel? Yes were having this kind of discussion about this vision as it occurred to him in real time looking through a screen evidently present in his windshield. Wow! I know, hold on now. He said these would be two very prominent companies in the future. I remember he told me about details such as being computer related companies but I don't recall all that as of yet. I remember he spoke also about a nuclear "event" between India and Pakistan. After this everything I remember moves right up to essentially about this time now although the India Pakistan incident or war is not necessarily set in time as I recall but we all know of the one in 1991.

It was last year that I recognized the names Derek Carr and Tony Romo. Carr had just entered the league and Romo had been around but as of yet my memory had not been set in motion. As we sat there I remember Bruce trying to figure out a way for me to remember these names. He asked me if I knew anything Carr and I said all I knew was something like Carr & Carr Productions I had seen on the back of several rock albums. That i guess took care of Carr and He said to use the name Bo Derek to remember the first name Derek. Something there was made of two last names discussing the nature of Derek and Carr being two last names apparently to help me remember. We used the Italian restaurant Tony Roma and Tony Rome to remember Tony Romo. Mysterious ways indeed but effective.

Now we get into the essential parts of the vision. During this time either this year 2016 or 2020 there is going to be a death of a very prominent political figure before the election and the election will be delayed. This could be 2020 but the proximity of the Carr - Romo appearance makes it favorable to this year's election. The delay of the election may be due to the political figures death but it is possible that it is relative to something else like a cyber attack which is part of the vision. There have been several future prognosticators that have predicted the delay of the 2016 election but several of those seem to tie it to some evil intent of President Obama. This vision is most likely tying it to the death of the politician or the troubled time envisioned in the cyber war aspect of the vision and now to that.

Bruce helped me to remember this part by finding something that sounded like the word "cyber". At the time this word was not a working part of any of our vocabulary so the closest thing was the Ceylon cybernetic robots from Battlestar Galactica. Cyber, computers, robots - good enough for remembering.

In the vision The United States experiences a crisis that will have an apparent devastating effect on the nation only for the nation to emerge from it later that summer but it will be said that we are back to business as usual but yet the U.S. will not be the same. Everyone may not realize it but the U.S. will not be the same. I'am not sure the cyber war is the cause of this but a cyber war is very significant in the vision however it is that or some kind of calamity that causes this distress in the nation. The delayed election and the cyber war could be different years but the cyber war should occur this year or the next few years.

This year or one of the next few years will see the cancellation of the NFL football season near the end of the football regular season. This will cause an uproar and the season will be resumed. In the vision the resuming of the football season was good news for the Oakland Raiders because they were having a big comeback season.
That's how I remember this. With regard to the cyber war it may not be that but instead football that is not the same anymore later on based that is on some change from concussion issues but i think this business of the nation not being the same anymore is because of a national crisis and not a football nation crises but that is where we get into my fallible memory.
Remember this article is only about me trying to remember a vision so lets keep the blood pressure down if at all possible.  Bruce explained this vision to me with more details and I pray i could remember those but this is where its at for now. Were not done yet.

There is more of a sports element to this but I'am not ready to reveal this yet. I don't know if I should. If you are smart you know too much already. You would have to have faith in several aspects of this already and that is going to be a stretch for most smart people. The most dramatic and climactic aspect of the vision is connected in part to the sports element and I think it is ok to include that.

After Bruce told me of these things he went into what will happen in the California bay area either this year or one of the next few years. I believe the Oakland Raiders post season play ties into this but that is not rock solid. There is going to be a significant earthquake on the San Francisco peninsula. This quake will also damage, if i remember correctly, Levi Stadium? enough to make officials contemplate moving a playoff game or championship game to another stadium however repairs are made and the game is played in Levi stadium?. Here's the catch. It is either Levi stadium and Oakland is or isn't involved or it is the stadium Oakland plays the game in and it is not Levi stadium. In either event a significant stadium in the bay is damaged by the earthquake and repaired in time to play the game there.
That of course is not the important part here. The important part is the earthquake in San Francisco. There is damage but this is not the big one. Bruce clearly emphasized that the big one comes exactly 23 years after this one. In this earthquake 23 years later all the buildings in San Francisco will be collapsed with the exception of the Trans America Tower. The end of the San Francisco peninsula will sink so that the the tip of the Trans America Tower will be the only object extending above the water. Obviously this is the end of San Francisco at least as we know it and it primarily is the end of this vision.

Now on a more personal note:
My friend explained that a very important part of the vision for me is to reveal that if i will only face my troubles and dilemmas with love they will not be as bad as they could have been. The final thing I remember him saying was that I will know what to do but will not do it. To be told that the future is set and I will not in fact, when all is said and done, not do what I'am supposed to do is not exactly encouraging. So, did I have a choice? Could anything have happened except what the vision said would happen? This vision was a warning about what would happen if I left my home town and went to the city. I was supposed to stay but I didn't, I went to pursue my career which only had a future in a larger setting. So did i go to college to only do something else? I didn't think so so I ignored the vision. Maybe that's what he meant when he said you will know what to do but not do it but I just disagreed based on what clearly seemed to be a practical logic. However I thought at the time he meant I will not do what I should do later in life. I was at a young vulnerable time in my life, a crossroads by any definition. I needed clear direction. Why then did my friend even go with me if this was true? He would be a part of leading me along in the wrong direction. I think he saw that I would get to where i needed to get to either way but going to the city then would be the longer harder way. He said he wasn't allowed to reveal to me certain parts of the vision.
We are all allowed our choices in life and I guess I got mine. There were two other visions in my life both received by someone else which caused a stir among the people involved, one a family and the other a church. Bruce's vision came in between. I would love to hear from others that have had experiences with visions like this. Something must be going on but right now nothing much is really going on. Both of those visions it could be argued caused much distress because it was virtually proven, at least in some people's eyes, that they were correct. My take at the time in the dour nature of it was almost that it might be better to not even get anywhere close to religion if this is what happens but both of these visions included personal warnings for the future. They were not forgotten. God loves us so much that He gave his only begotten Son. Sometimes the help we need maybe has a lot of ourselves to get through so it's not always soft and cuddly.
Ok, enough of my melancholy reflection. We gotta move ahead from where we are so let's see what we can do with this.

My next article, part two of this, will be an elaboration on the practical possibilities for each part of the vision or perhaps it will be just a summation of it, I've elaborated to some extent.
Because the time approaches I feel pressured to get this out so I may re-write some of it. I sent a version of this out last fall to some sources with the condition some of it could be this year so here we are.

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