As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Past Vision Of Our Future Now part II - A Politicians Death, Cyber War, Delayed Election, San Fran Quake1&2, Cowboys-Raiders & Oklahoma

This is the continuation of the previous article "Past Vision Of Our Future Now".

According to my memory of a vision a friend of mine received years ago there should be several significant events soon to occur. I want to essentially summarize those here and then elaborate on some of them. The memory of this vision began coming back to me last year so the proximity to my remembering of it is my basis for believing it begins with this election year but I also do not believe the vision's events listed below all happen within this year. I cannot be 100% positive the election part is not in 2020 or 2024 or even later but if so it makes no sense relative to the timing of the "awakening" of the vision and they say timing is everything so here we go.

Let me quickly add this here; One must admit the presence of a candidate for president like Donald Trump makes all this interesting but as of yet I do not remember the vision concretely stating this is the rise of the anti-Christ or even a despotic dictator as some Christians have supposed. I do recall in the latter part of this vision after mentioning to my friend I had doubts about the "Anti-Christ" literally being a man, my friend then said; "you will not have those doubts for long". Whether he meant my skeptical view of Trump now or what he would become is not clear. Just say'in.

Everything amps up around an upcoming election.

The first significant event is the death of a very prominent political figure seemingly before an election. It could an assassination or health related death but it seems like it was health related. My friend, at the time, even had difficulty determining this from the vision.

There is a national crises related to a cyber war.

A national election will be delayed. This could be because of the major political figures death or the cyber war or both.

There is a crisis that causes much calamity in the U.S. and this could be the effects of the cyber war, financial or global financial meltdown or pandemic but whichever it will have a catastrophic effect on the nation and we will not get back to normal until the summer as then it will be said it is back to business as usual but the nation will not be the same. My friend seemed to emphasize that the nation will not be the same.

The NFL football season will be cancelled somewhere near the latter part of the season or perhaps in the playoffs. It will however be decided not to cancel the season and the Oakland Raiders will benefit because they are having a comeback season.

My friend talked much about the election itself and even mentioned the names of the candidates but for whatever reason those names or most of that have not come back to me the way these other events have. Sometimes the events themselves having occurred already jog my memory but after watching this election all year long I cannot say I unequivocally remember the names. Me and my friend sat and talked much as this vision occurred and I think my friend said a woman was running that was the wife of a previous president. I think he even mentioned his name and asked me if I knew of a Clinton and I think I said the only one I knew of was a Clinton in Arkansas that some article suggested would make a good "conservative" vice-president to partner with a more "liberal" presidential candidate someday. Remember I'am just trying to recall this vision and be as honest as possible so cut me some slack if you haven't already,ha. I seem to remember my friend disbelieving, in the vision, having a black president and it seems that even cast some doubt in him about this whole vision but back then it is not hard to see why. The names in the election are still however too vague to me
Ok enough of that. Back to the summation.

The Resevoirs are as you probably guessed, directly over the San Andreas Fault
I'am not sure that what happens next is in this same year or in the next few years. This is the sports element of the vision i mentioned before tied in with the San Francisco earthquake. Since the names that ignited my memory again are the names of quarterbacks one might expect the sport related events of the vision to be occurring fairly soon so this year cannot be eliminated. Since I cannot nail down the year of this I will go ahead and expand upon this now and I'am sure you can guess why.
All in the same year the Oakland Raiders and the Dallas Cowboys play in the Superbowl and an Oklahoma team, either the OU Sooners or OSU Cowboys in football or basketball or the Oklahoma City Thunder win a national championship. My friend said Oklahoma but then it seems there was some discrepancy about basketball or football. Just to keep you off guard I guess, ha. He also mentioned the Chicago Cubs and I can honestly say this part did not come to me until I noticed the prominence of the Cubs now but I'am now sure he mentioned it. All in the same year. Yea, I know but don't even think about it, you'll most likely get burned. I should say here that the only reason I expanded upon the sports aspect here is because it obviously will contribute to the integrity of the vision down the line. If you live in the San Francisco bay area it would be understatement to say this will be important sooner and later.

An aside here about the vision's two quarterback's names- Back in the nineties I was at my old house where I grew up. That day a strange peace came over me and I remembered the part of vision about the names. I had never really focused on it before or tried to put it together but I felt led to there and then. I wrote down on a page within a notepad these words: Vision Of the Future. Below that I wrote " The quarterback for Oakland will be named Derek Carr and the Dallas quarterback will be named something like Tony Rome or Roma or something". At the time we just thought or I thought no one would have a name "Romo). Below that I wrote "The Kansas City Royals do not win the World Series" and then put the notepad back into the desk for the future. Listen up. If that is not true then I do not exist or have ever existed. That is how certain I'am about that. What happened to it? Many years later it was removed by another individual but i won't go into any of that. I even thought about looking at the lower notepad page to see if it is impressed there but haven't got back there for that yet. Strange how something like this can be forgotten in ensuing years so that I didn't notice when those players came to the fore but we go through a lot of stages and a lot of life was lived in between. Alas.
Bruce my friend said if i found the original page it could be analyzed for age and essentially proven. I was thinking; how often are specific future visions or predictions proven? What a loss, beyond frustrating. Alright back to these prophetic events

My friend went into some detail about a comeback season of the Oakland Raiders. They fight long and hard and it is a tough season but they make the playoffs. In one season the Raiders make the playoffs and go to the championship game that would send them to the Superbowl however the quarterback suffers a hand injury that keeps him out of the Superbowl. They do win that championship game but I remember that he said he could not tell me whether they win the Superbowl or not. Is this the year they play Dallas? I'm not sure but it would seem so.

The San Francisco earthquake is tied into football mainly through an earthquake that damages a stadium in the bay area. I cannot say that this stadium has a connection to the Oakland Raiders but it seems so. More important is that this stadium is damaged before the game to be played there by an earthquake on the San Francisco peninsula. They make plans to play elsewhere but the stadium is repaired and the game played there. There is apparently worse damage around the bay area but this is not the so-called big one. Also he said the world will marvel at the relative small damage to Oakland just across the bay. I do not remember if that refers to the first earthquake or the second but the second one would be quite a reach to have small damage across the bay as you will see.  

My friend made it clear that the big one, at least for the bay area would be 23 years later.
In that earthquake all the buildings in the San Francisco skyline would be collapsed except for the Trans-America Tower. The city will sink down to the extent that the only object visible in the bay will be the tip of the Trans-America Tower. My friend said California doesn't break off and fall into the ocean as some would suspect but San Francisco sinks or "slips" down to a submerged depth. Being the curious person I'am I had to ask him about the rest of the coast and L.A. He strangely said something to the effect "L.A. is not your concern". I then said this must be when California falls into the ocean and he said "It doesn't break off into the ocean it just becomes submerged". He probably meant just the S.F. area but that is not absolutely clear to my memory.

This is essentially the end of the vision and whether there is more tumult going on in the nation or the rest of the world is not clear.

I also recall back then that as my friend was receiving this vision he also was writing it down and said I would later regret not writing it down. I remember to myself being cautious but listening sincerely to him but knowing I also had to protect against the usual accusations of naivete being a newly hatched college grad so I shied from writing down anything. Not funny now however.
Today he says he remembers a few parts of it and thinks it might be among some of his old papers somewhere. We shall see.

The third part to this article will be next. The best part. The solution part.

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