As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Past Vision Of Our Future Now - Updating The Vision

I have remembered more about the vision in the last several weeks but have waited till now in hopes of resolving several question marks.

First is the year 2020. I do not remember being asked to remember 2016 or 2024 but I do 2020. My friend as usual told me to use something to remember this element of the vision of course easily I said "ok, 20/20 vision, perfect eyesight." What exactly is supposed to happen in 2020 I do not remember as of yet and I hoped to recall it before i posted again but this needed to be posted now. 
Exactly what part of the vision is associated with the year 2020 is not clear but one might think it is the election but it could be the sports element of the vision as well or the earthquake as a separate element.

The next thing is the Oklahoma team in the Oakland-Dallas sports element. I remember Bruce telling me "It's the Oklahoma Blazers". I googled this and the Blazers actually ended their franchise in Oklahoma City in the year of this vision-1977. So he may have been telling about the franchise returning in which it did in 2014 or he may have been telling me it is the Oklahoma team that wins a championship the same year Oakland and Dallas play in the Super Bowl along with the Cubs winning or getting close to the World Series. My surprise that I remember exhibiting at the time makes me think it is the Oklahoma championship team but i do not feel certain yet.

I recall my friend telling me to use something to remember the name Prescott which is the name of the new Dallas Cowboy quarterback. I remember telling him the only thing I could think of was Prescott Arizona, which was the city I would drop down through from I-40 as my alternate route to California. I remember telling him this and the bottom line is that it works, right? One would think that surely is Dak Prescott but it may even be the name of the political figure in the vision. This is the difficulty of not remembering the connections between these individual elements.

The last but most critical is the number of years between the first earthquake and second catastrophic earthquake. I have begun having doubts about the 11 years because I now remember him telling me a number in the twenties like 23 years or 27 years. I clearly remember at the time being put back by that number of years because of the length of time and I remember being rebuffed for my disappointment as if I should not want to see it happen at all and of course I shouldn't. At that moment I must have been in the wrong spirit about it and my friend conveyed that. Such a long time between the election/sports element of the vision and the 2nd earthquake was disheartening to me because apparently we would not be around long enough to see it. You see, I should not even want to see it.
I remember those years between the first and second earthquake being a long time relatively and something in the twenty year range is what I remember now. It was definitely not over 29 and it was 21 or higher. It could be 22 years, double of the 11 years. Maybe I was using the number 11 doubled to remember 22 but I'am not at all certain yet. This must be resolved and there is an exact number and I say that unequivocally without a doubt. There certainly is time but I pray it is resolved quickly to prevent confusion. The timing is one thing but the truth is more important than what we want or what we fear.

I also retroactively remember him telling me about a terrorist attack and about two towers of buildings. I don't remember now that he said they were destroyed and I shouldn't say i remember the two towers were  related to the terrorist attack but I remember being told to remember something about two buildings and that I would use J.R.R. Tolkiens book the Two Towers as the way to remember this. I knew about the book because my best friend was a big big reader of Tolkien. I vaguely remembered something about this when it happened but it was very blurry in my memory.

I have to admit sometimes I wonder if the national crisis in the vision could be the 2008 financial meltdown because the nation was in turmoil and we did not really get back to business as usual until about the next summer but did something happen so profound that it was very important for my friend to emphasize to me that we as a nation would not be the same. In the vision my friend strongly emphasized that after this national crisis we would not be the same. Did the fallout of the financial crisis of 2008 leave us so changed?

As I write this the Chicago Cubs are down 3 to 1 in the World Series and they play tonight. As I recall in the vision, the Cubs get close to or win the World Series in the year of the sports element. I seem to remember him telling me it is not the Cubs first try or maybe even the Cubs first World Series of recent years but that may be just the influence of the present on me. I lean to the Cubs winning the World Series in the vision's sports element year because I recall being so surprised by it but i'am not at all sure.

The sports element of the vision is not necessarily tied to the vision's election year but the earthquake is possibly tied to the sports element year. 2020, sooner, later or now? We shall see. 

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