As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

1977 Vision Of The Future - Dallas/Oakland Super Bowl-The Possible Emergence Of The Vision's Sports Element & S.F. Earthquake

What is happening now is the possible emergence of the 1977 vision's sports element. With the Chicago Cubs World Series win we are one third of the way there.

Over one year ago, August 2015, a prophetic vision from the Lord Jesus Christ originally received in 1977 by a friend began to awaken in my memory. At that time he told me how to remember certain parts of the vision for a coming future time. It appears that time may be at hand.

One year ago I sent out many e-mails to various news sources and west coast earthquake sites. At the time because of proximity to the awakening it seemed it would be occurring in that year but I also expressed it could be next year, this year 2016. Most elements of the vision are free to occur anywhere in a timeline of coming recent years but there are three parts of the vision's sports element, a triad, that are strictly tied together and they are this:

1. The Chicago Cubs will get close to or win the World Series. The ambiguity of "get close to" was included because I could not remember unequivocally that the Cubs win the World Series.

2. An Oklahoma team will win a National Championship. I remember me and my friend discussed this back then during the vision because I at first thought that meant the OU football Sooners but at the time I recall he questioned it. It was as if he looked up into the screen and saw headlines but in the next few seconds saw the headlines indicate another Oklahoma team beside the football Sooners. Whichever Oklahoma team it is, a prominent Oklahoma team wins a national championship.

3. The Dallas Cowboys will play the Oakland Raiders in the Super Bowl. I sent this out last year before the season and sent it out this year also printing it in this blog in early September of this year 2016 as the NFL football season began.
The Dallas Cowboys began this season with Tony Romo injured and out for eight weeks and Dak Prescott a rookie with little expectation of leading the Cowboys successfully. The Oakland Raiders improved some in 2015 with the expectation of more improvement but not to the point of being one of the two top teams now in the NFL. At the beginning of this 2016 season sports experts considered this Super Bowl match-up unthinkable but now today the Dallas Cowboys and the Oakland Raiders are the two hottest teams in the NFL. Even so this still might not be the year of the sports element. All three must come together but as you can see now things are getting very interesting and so why I'am writing this article now.

There are two other sports related events along with the earthquake that could occur in the year of the vision's triad sports element.

Along with the three events above there could also be these two sports elements and earthquake:

1. A cancellation of the NFL season could occur only to be quickly resumed.

2. The Oakland Raiders will win the AFC title game and proceed to the Super Bowl but their quarterback will injure his hand in the AFC title game and not play in the Super Bowl.

A destructive earthquake will occur in the San Francisco bay area. This earthquake also damages a stadium there in the bay area where an important game will be played. Plans are made to play in another stadium but the original stadium is repaired and the game played there as originally planned. I do not unequivocally remember this is Oakland's game so it could be a San Francisco 49ers game as well.
I would like to nail down the time of this earthquake. In my memory the impression was that the earthquake damaged a stadium before a playoff game or the AFC title game but the earthquake could occur anytime between now and a game that would be played in the San Francisco bay area before the Super Bowl and that is, if it even happens this year with the emerging triad sports element.

If I were to write out how this might proceed according to my memory and general impression of this part of the vision and including the other two sports elements and earthquake it should run something like this:

The Cubs have already of course won the World Series. There would be some event that will threaten to cancel the NFL football season very soon however the season will be resumed. Although not a sports element or earthquake, a national crisis could occur this fall throwing the nation into turmoil into next summer. There will be a San Francisco earthquake that will occur between now and the AFC title game. A football stadium in the S.F. bay area will be damaged by the earthquake but repaired in time to play a game that is scheduled to be played in it. In the AFC title game the Oakland Raider quarterback will injure his hand and not be able to play in the Super Bowl as Oakland is still able to win and make it to the Super Bowl. The Oakland Raiders will play the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I think it is wise to look for these two other parts of the vision's sports element to occur along with the main three events listed back up above. I don't know why they would occur in other separate years but they still could with the earthquake as well and for a very important purpose unknown yet.
One supposition might be the triad sports events occur in one year to establish the integrity of the vision and then perhaps the next year more of the visions elements occur giving real warning of the first earthquake event but it seems a few more elements of the vision would surface beforehand.

Again the three sports events that will unequivocally occur together in the same year/season are the Cubs getting close to or winning the World Series, A prominent Oklahoma team winning a national championship and the Dallas Cowboys playing the Oakland Raiders in the Super Bowl.

It is hard to determine the time of the vision's first earthquake but we have to err to it occurring during the vision's sports elements because it is connected to the damage of a football stadium. The extent of the damage of this first earthquake in the San Francisco bay area is uncertain but it is significant. As it is now it should be the Oakland Stadium that is damaged or Levi Stadium that is damaged prior to a regular season game or a playoff game.

What I'am remembering here is from a vision revealed to me by a Holy Spirit-filled Christian friend that received the vision in my presence as he looked through a spiritual screen to the future in the windshield of his car. You have to admit who would present a vision this way for believability if it were contrived but this however is exactly how it occurred. We have all heard of visions being received by many in glorious "spiritual" ways but evidently God just decided to present this one in a practical manner relative to our technology i.e the screen. I don't pretend to understand it.

This is a vision from the Lord Jesus Christ received in 1977 about certain events that would occur in the future. My friend said it was very important for me to remember certain events of the vision and certain events have come back to me at certain times but the center piece of the vision has arrived and came to my remembrance in August 2015 after experiencing the presence of the face of the Lord. The words He spoke to me in my spirit/mind in that moment were "Come and get close to Me, I love you so very much". The Spirit of the Lord was upon me and in the next couple days the heart of the vision from 1977 re-awakened in my memory.

The purpose of the vision as best I can discern is to bring many into the salvation of the Lord and warn eventually of a catastrophic earthquake on the San Francisco peninsula which will be the 2nd of two earthquakes. The first earthquake, tied to the damage of a NFL football game stadium, could occur this year and if this year can occur anytime between now and the AFC title game.

The integrity of this vision is the revelation that the Dallas Cowboy football team will play the Oakland Raiders in a Super Bowl in the same year the Chicago Cubs
get close to or win a World Series and an Oklahoma team wins a national championship.

When I get my friend to remember this vision he received back in 1977 or find his notes he made at the time of it we will clear all the ambiguity of it listed here subjected to my memory.
Prayer is in order.

All glory to the Lord God on High, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which gave this vision.

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