As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Wondrous "Star" Of Bethlehem - An Object In Low Stationary Orbit

One of the more beautiful and interesting events in the bible is the star of Bethlehem, a truly supernatural event when you look closer.
Many claim that this "star" that appeared over the birthplace of Jesus was actually a star or supernovae or conjunction of celestial objects but it is clear that an object that remained in essentially stationary orbit over one location would not actually be a star and it would have had to stay in just one position to actually guide the wise men or anyone directly to Bethlehem. Just that very fact on it's surface indicates a real outer space star does not make sense. The fact that the three wise men or any one using an actual star could not determine a single location under it on the earth's surface rules out an actual celestial star. The following skeptics analysis proves just that. -
This really nails it down. The star of Bethlehem had to be an object or orb in low stationary orbit, the Angel of the Lord hovering at low altitude or whatever the Lord put there to commemorate the birth of His Son. The bottom line is that this "star" was low enough to appear to direct them to the small town of Bethlehem. The three wise men moved toward the "star" and probably saw it rise higher in the sky indicating to them that they would be very close to the exact location as they moved directly underneath it. This rules out any actual star far out in space which would have required the most sensitive of scientific instruments to even start to coordinate with an earthly point.

So what does this prove? It proves that if you believe the Bible's account of the star of Bethlehem then you can rejoice in the fact that the Lord God of all the universe was up for more than just an outer space star to indicate the birthplace of His only begotten Son. The wise men did not just see an outer space star, they beheld a wondrous miraculous event in the sky above Bethlehem.
I lean toward it being the hovering Angel of the Lord but it could of course be a portal between here and the heavenly realm where the glory of God shown through or whatever kingdom realm object God chose to use. I mean if you are going to believe don't be afraid to believe supernatural. This is the birth of the Son of God that brings salvation for all that had lived and would live. If a pillar of fire led the Israelites during the night in the wilderness and the sun one day darken and the moon darken and the stars fall from heaven is such a thing as a supernatural "star" too hard for the Lord when commemorating the birth of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Surely restraining Himself and keeping to the humble nature of Christ's coming the Lord gave us simply a point of light, a beautiful but supernatural "star". It should be abundantly clear such a thing is not too much for the Father.

With regard to the literal interpretation, there are a number of places in scripture where you have to use common sense. The earth is not square or flat because of the scripture describing the four corners of the earth and probably neither is heaven. Scriptures such as this were used so that people would understand what was essential to understand relative to their prevalent low scientific understanding. Since the star had to be somewhere in the lower atmosphere and since actual stars are usually very large powerful intense objects clinging to the literal would also be highly problematic.
And some would say that if it were the Angel of the Lord the scriptures would have said "Angel of the Lord" and that point is certainly well taken.

So what did these wise men see? They saw a miraculous object in low stationary orbit reflecting the sun or emitting the glory of heaven or perhaps the Angel of the Lord. They needed to only understand it as a star guiding them but we today have the mystery opened up by our knowledge. The reality that it could not have been just an outer space star or celestial object gives us a blessing realizing the wondrous miraculous nature of the Lord of all.

The Christmas cards are probably much closer to the truth after all.

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