As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, December 31, 2016

1977 Vision Of The Future - * Sports Element Update *

The Oakland Raiders have lost their starting quarterback to a leg fracture and he is out for the playoffs and maybe the Super Bowl. It is a big deal, because unlike the Dallas Cowboys who have the best 2nd string quarterback in the NFL in Tony Romo, the Raiders have a backup that has a more limited skill set and has started only 6 games in his entire career. For the Oakland Raiders to now make the Super Bowl or even win a playoff game where the teams are playing at a rabid aggressive level in order to make the Super Bowl will take next to a miracle.

With this development a part of the vision that I haven't discussed yet on this blog becomes interesting. This part i haven't discussed yet is actually the part of the entire vision that has surfaced from time to time in my memory over the years and that part is the quarterback with two last names. 
All through the years sometimes more vaguely than others this memory stuck with me but starting especially in the 90's. This is when quarterback Jeff George became the Raider quarterback. I began to think that little memory was supposed to be about a quarterback with two first names and it's not hard to see why but when the vision awakened last year it finally reminded me that this was about two last names not two first names. Unusual without a doubt.
Back in 1977 during the vision me and my friend used a famous person who's last name was Derek to help remember Carr and there was some talk about perhaps getting that mixed up with the two last names quarterback but exactly what we said is still vague however that little recollection did remind me it was two last names.

This quarterback with the two last names is unequivocally related to the sports element where a Oakland Raider quarterback injures his hand in the AFC title game and cannot play in the Super Bowl. Either the quarterback that gets the Raiders to the title game is the last names QB or he is the QB that takes over after an injured Matt McGloin and plays for the Oakland Raiders in the Super Bowl. I lean to the latter scenario. 
So where is the the two last names Quarterback? As of  now in this year he would be third string quarterback Conner Cook. Cook was drafted last spring as the 4th best rated QB in the NFL draft and the now phenomenal Dak Prescott was the 6th best rated drafted by Dallas and look now at Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys. Would Conner Cook be able to perform like Prescott if he came in to play? Almost no one believes that and that is why Matt McGloin is set to QB the Raiders in the aftermath of Carr's injury.

When the Raiders drafted Cook last year, he is a rookie now, I had to laugh a little. After all those years and only now with the resurgence of the 1977 vision the Raiders in the next NFL draft pick a quarterback with undeniably two last names. Since Highlander's Conner MacLeod, Conner has become a more popular first name but overall it has been a last name or at least to us. In 1977 we would have known of no Conner first name but we knew of Mike Conners, Chuck Conners and O'Conner. Whoever the quarterback with two last names actually turns out to be, what I unequivocally know is, my friend told me to remember this as a quarterback with two last names. 
The question now is, is this actually the one he meant. Timing would seem to say so but I do not at all yet clearly remember the name Conner Cook.

And so here we are. The possible outcomes this year? The Raiders fall flat in the playoffs and that's it for the triad sports element occurring this year. The Raiders make the Super Bowl, Carr returns and plays in the Super Bowl or a backup QB plays. I think there were two years and two scenario's where the Raiders make the Super Bowl in this period of years. In one they go right in and in the other there is this quarterback with the injured hand and the two last names quarterback. 

And once again I want to remind I do not remember any years connected exactly with any part of this vision. For now I only recall being told to remember the year 2020 and what part of the vision that is connected to is not yet clear but it possibly might end up being determined by the process of elimination. If the timing of the awakening of the vision has anything to do with it then we should be heads up and on the watch.

Then there is the rest of the vision. 
28 earthquakes occurred in northern California near Lake Tahoe yesterday. West of Tahoe is the S.F. bay area.
The sports /earthquake element of the vision is still in play. In the vision a destructive earthquake occurs in the S.F. bay area also damaging a football stadium where a game is scheduled to be played however this earthquake as i recall does not have to be connected to any particular part of the vision except that the quake damages a stadium where a game is scheduled to be played. It seemed to be a significant game but that is all i remember for certain now.
The S.F. 49ers are out of the playoffs now so it would have to be Oakland this year. An earthquake and repaired stadium by Jan. 22 in the Oakland Coliseum is possible but the quake would have to occur soon in the coming days and the Raiders would have to overcome great odds to get there with their 2nd string QB . Again, if this is that year of the earthquake, the quake would almost have to occur in the coming week. Knowing what i remember these are just the possibilities that exist.
Pray that should the quake occur that no one or as few as possible will be harmed. Pray that people will be led away from dangerous areas.

The ongoing cyber-attack
 A cyber attack interfering in our election is at the forefront of the news today. We are at this moment retaliating against Russia for that interference. We are told that the attack was more serious that we were led to believe leading up to the election and had that become public could that have caused a delay in the election or even worse? Did prayer prevent a delayed election? Is there a worse cyber attack ahead? Stay alert.

At this time I vaguely remember Bruce revealing to me events that happen with the Trump Administration ahead. It seems he said something about Trump doing some good things but also something about impeachment or attempts to. That of course would surprise no one and would become more possible if Democrats take over congressional seats in the 2018 election.
I pray and expect to get more clarity on this. 

I realize there are a couple of well regarded Christian "prophets"(why they would allow themselves to be exalted as this is beyond me) that prophesy or prophesied the election would be cancelled inferring evil intent, prophesied because Obama is meeting with Muslims will fly a Muslim flag over the White House, will evoke martial law before January 20th 2017 and with evil Muslim intent remain in the White House. I guess you could extrapolate that the inauguration part of the election could of course still be delayed or cancelled.
It is certainly possible from the view of this one and relative to the 1977 vision that such a cataclysmic event could occur during the next three weeks that would impel such a continuation of the present President in power for a short time but the accusation of an attempt to take over the government because of evil Islamic/Muslim even satanic motivations is a very serious accusation upon an individual of any stature. We could continue to play Obama is the anti-christ game but he is on the way out folks. Trump is up next. Wanna go there?

When it comes to the Truth religio/political bias's should be avoided at all costs. Maybe it's not rational and maybe i'm naive but a nationally devastating cataclysmic event might warrant such a temporary extension for the standing President but how dare me for saying such a thing. 
Again stay alert but above all keep a clear head. 

All of this is for the glory of the Lord, His Kingdom and the day of Jesus Christ - Yeshua Hamashiach. 

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