As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Republican Brickettes In The Wall

The foolish economic ideology of the Republican party is what has brought this nation down and the party itself has been out of step with the will of the American people for far too long. Look at where the people stand on so many issues and you see the always sycophant servile to the rich Republicans taking exactly the opposite opinion as they stand, or make that cower, in the way of help for the nation. In polls covering issues such as health care, worker safety and the environment you see poll numbers from the people at about 70 percent for these issues while the Republicans will be far out of step at 80 or 90 percent against them and it is that the people question the size of the bailout not the particulars that the Republicans would make hay about.
With a nation so desperate for economic stimulus not prescribed by Republican policy the Republican party already at the bottom of the toilet with nothing left to lose has decided to dig holls in the basement for the rest of the country by rejecting the presidents stimulus bill and rejecting it based largely on opposing the issues above that the American people favor by clear majority.
Why do the Republicans do this? Because they care more for the issues of the rich and powerful and in knowing this economy will only worsen before it gets better, believe they will be in line for favor from the people at the next election if they will only oppose the Democrats stimulus bill now. For all the Republicans past talk of love of country they have rejected that patriotism purely for the sake of politics. They know that based on most expert economic projections this economy will be even worse in the coming years up to the next election almost regardless of what we do now so they, the Republicans, think it's a win win situation for them by opposing legislation to help this country because they know it will not work in the short term and they are looking toward the next elections to be able to feed off the peoples inevitable discontent and say, "see, the economy is still in a shambles, Obama's legislation did not work, we were right to vote against it. Vote for us this time." The Republican party has become a sorry incompetent lot that screwed up this country and would now try to benefit from it being screwed up. Would it be too much to ask to have them replaced by another political party with at least a little honor and integrity.
And it is one thing to be out of step with the Democratic party but quite another to be so far out of step with the American people. Look at the polls on those few issues the Republicans oppose in the stimulus bill and you will find the people in general have long favored those issues. The Republicans strain at a knat in opposing a Democratic bill but swallow a camel for the wealthy. They would have you believe they are standing strong but the Republicans are really just 'snivelling up to the rich' spineless brickettes in the wall against the peoples programs. Call it what you want but it is time for a new political party that is no longer such an intransigent obstable to the will of the people and to desperately needed help for the nation. Time to flush the toilet.

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