As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Thursday, July 03, 2014

The Freedom Act And Media Timeliness in Erecting Terror Crises As NSA Domestic Surveillance Faces Restrictions

The House of Representatives have passed a bill to purportedly ban NSA mass surveillance and it is on to the Senate to strengthen it or accept this bogus version of the Freedom Act but in less than two weeks a supposedly terrorist faction called ISIS has cropped up in Syria and Iraq posed by the media as the biggest terrorist threat since the heydays of al-Qaeda.
Last summer when Edward Snowden initially exposed NSA spying tactics it took less than two weeks to see how the media was blowing up a resurgence(bogus to be sure) of al-Qaeda and this just as the congress was getting serious about curbing the NSA.

As I have said before this need to spy on all of the American people's calls and e-mails and other communications has apparently been of obsessive importance to the NSA. One would think that common foresight and caution would warn any government agency of the potential abuse of such power but especially if codified for future use by a most probably, if the history of nations is any guide, dark repressive regime and if present times are a guide, a regime installed because of successful terrorist attacks.

The clear danger in all of this is ourselves. Our fearful reactions to such a string of terrorist attacks. I submit that such fear does not really originate in the people. It is a fear that is conjured up by the media. Of course there is concern and a desire by the public for our government to take action but a method of complete domestic mass surveillence is not one of those actions. The tendency of our government when manned by rightwing ideologues has been to declare a perpetual war on terror and rightwing ideologues are the ones that are most likely to be installed when danger threatens our nation this being not the wisest choice but a choice indicative of our vulnerable to fear human nature. 

Fear, make no mistake, will drive us to open up to the pushers of fear that tell us how badly they must lead us through such a crisis. It is a vicious circle but one we can rise above with bold and courageous leadership. President Roosevelt said that we have nothing to fear but fear itself and this was in light of the threat of Hitler. He knew our nation could be thrown into a heated frenzy if the manipulators of fear and fascism get control of the national dialogue and we today are so very vulnerable to this and the media do exploit it. President Clinton vowed he would not let a fearful paranoid state of mind to emerge under his presidency and he downplayed those events that curried to that national state of mind but as for our current executive the reliance on President Obama to be a hedge against tyranny as Clinton was is now non-existent. He is under the control of the national powerbase which essentially controls every president as the opportunity presents itself.

The point to all this is to show how events concerning terrorists follow attempts at legislating constraint of the NSA. The group labled now as ISIS has been present in Syria/Iraq for several years but only now is it blown into a major concern, now just before the Senate must vote to strengthen the Freedom Act.
It is not out of the realm of possibility that the events surrounding 9-11 were indirectly allowed to escalate because those in power saw this terrorist act as the opportunity that has been sought all along to have a reason to install a superstructure of mass surveillance across the nation.
The NSA should be ready to allow wise curtailment of mass control but it is unreasonably not willing. It is not unreasonable to suspect that the magnification of ISIS's previous minor threat is a part of the pressure to be used to push Senators to back off limiting the domestic scope of the NSA and the media is full throttle behind establishing legitimacy of the newly magnified ISIS threat. It surely exists but that is not the issue, the issue is the use of ISIS's presence to manipulate our national security and privacy which is in danger if the NSA is allowed to go ahead and codify into law NSA's freedom to spy on all Americans.

The version of the Freedom Act put out by the House allows NSA spying to go on hidden under the fog of legalese and if established now will be next to impossible to amend in the future since passage now will establish it's air of legitimacy. Yes, these are very perilous times relative to our integrity as a nation of enduring freedom and liberty and religious freedom in the coming times of polarized beliefs.

You have got to love the acronym ISIS since it exudes fear and the sense that a terrorist monolith is present and on the march. ISIS sounds like something serpent-like, sinister and evil and it is wholly made up for us by our own media. I submit that Orwell himself could not have propped up a better name for a terror threat in his seminal book, 1984. We all could have been served by a prequel from Orwell setting the stage for the emergence into the conditions that set up his Big Brother government but he probably thought those were already all around us. If he wasn't right then he would be very right now.

Understand none of this is necessarily about turnkey tyranny right now. It is about the almost assured future possibility of a dictatorship in the U.S.

Forty years ago many of our leaders in congress warned us total control was fully possible then in 1978. With our advancement in technology it should be clear what is on the line now.
Our rights to privacy must be protected as the most precious rights we have. We must hold them up and make them a bedrock civil right in our constitution and we do this for our children's children and beyond.

Admittedly a dictatorship could take over in America regardless of our security structure, they simply would have, once in leadership, absolute control over any dissent expressed by the people and that is the beginning of the danger. They would rule with a iron hand if they desire and if the rise to power of Hitler is not a warning for a fearful and vulnerable nation nothing else could be.

World War 1 was the war to end all wars and everyone believed that the wisdom learned from that war would not be tossed out and trampled on by the lust for power in 1934 Germany. Hitler created fear by demonizing the Jews. Certain of our leaders and our media create fear by demonizing anything terrorist. A future dictator of some kind is a certainty and we will do well to ignore any blow ups of terrorist threats when vital laws protecting our privacy are on the national stage.

The time is now. We must push our Senators and congressmen to pass a strengthened Freedom Act. They will need our support because all of their political adversaries will use their voice to accuse present congressmen of weakening our protection against terrorists(a product of our cutthroat society) by limiting the NSA. Keep in mind there is no call here to limit NSA spying abroad, only here in the U.S. where the last refuge of real freedom can still survive almost any threat. However no people can resist tyranny if their government has total surveillence and control and that is the issue before us now in this effort to truly end NSA DOMESTIC mass surveillance.

And remember this, our leaders were vulnerable to leading us right into the complete collapse of our banking system and economy and they should be expected to be no less vulnerable to constructing a national security apparatus that can enslave us all. Just as they recklessly rolled ahead under the power of green they will also roll recklessly ahead under the allure of having complete control in an illusory desire for a society without crime and threats to economic stability.

In the end it is really once again about money as it always has been but you have to seriously want the truth to make the connections.
Make the connections. Contact your congressman and implore him to strengthen the Freedom Act ending domestic mass surveillance of all our communications.

Get your congressman's phone number and e-mail here >

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