As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Some Christians Blind Loyalty to Bush - Forgetting Prophecy Books on Terror

We have some Christians in this country who will not tolerate disagreement with Bush and will look the other way with a strange indignant resentment when anyone points out error with Bush. Christians are seemingly translating the same devotion onto their presidential choice as they do for their Lord. There seems to be an unquestioning blind loyalty to George Bush that should only be reserved for the Lord. What all this does indicate is that American Christianity is becoming ripe for the arrival of an Anti-Christ. Bush looks like a lamb, that is, he says he believes in God, prays, reads the bible and goes to church but the Bible says you will know them by their fruits. Attacking a country without provocation, supporting torture of captives, favoring the rich exclusively, misleading a people, who are your own people, for war. These are not pro-Christ but are rather anti-Christ. Bush says he is against abortion but he has submitted no real legislation to stop abortion even with a republican congress. When he becomes involved with faith in government he almost always comes out supporting all religions in the matter. Jesus first, not Bush, said : If you are not for me, you are against Me. In other words there was no compromise with other religions. So one has to wonder, when all the evidence is tabulated where is the effective Christianity in the Bush administration from other than lip service? It should be a concern for Christians in America as well as those abroad. There are drastic measures being taken by this president where invasion of privacy of U.S. citizens and surveillance techiques are concerned, using the threat of terrorists as the basis. The groundwork and structure for future threats to privacy and control of the public are being laid by this president. An almost arrogant air of infallibility or destiny runs within supporters of Bush, but especially Christians it seems. It is as if Bush's supporters fully believe George Bush when he says he is directed by God to do what he does. We do not want to think that Bush is a Hitler or anti-Christ but it should be of concern that there is a rising tide of dangerous unquestioned allegiance to Bush which has earmarks of facist mentality, most notably during Bush political rallies all across the country. People showing even the slightest opposition to Bush are being thrown out of these rallies and that is even people only wearing T-shirts opposing Bush. Today 3 women, even though they were fully peaceable, were thrown out of a Bush rally for wearing a T-shirt bearing the American flag with the message under it: "Protect Our Civil Liberties". The problem is this is not isolated, it is standard practice for those organizing and controlling Bush rallies. Not to go so far as to say Bush supporters are acting like Nazis but these are similiar tactics the Nazis used. Just what is going on here. It has always been traditonal fairplay for leaders and especially those running for office to be exposed to freedom of expression in this country. Past presidents and candidates have been up to the task, so what is different with Bush. What is different with Bush is probably not good news and Christians need to look into what is going on. The Book of Revelation says that if it were possible the evil one would deceive even the very elect. For us that means the evil one will probably not come as a promiscous liberal democrat. For the very elect it means that he will come as someone they could especially trust and believe. In virtually all contemporary prophecy books prior to Bush's election and 9-11 it was projected that the Anti-Christ would come using a 'war on terror" to consolidate his power. That prevailing thought in comtemporary prophecy is reflected in the recent movie "Meggido; The Omega Code".although you never hear the point discussed by Bush Christians any longer. Relative to the "war on terror" theory, theologians went on to explain the social tactics and reasoning the Anti-Christ would use in consolidating power. Amazingly some of those tactics are being used today without much concern from the very people who wrote and sold these prophecy books and you have to wonder if they wrote them only for political convienence since Bush Sr. & Clinton were president. Having said all that it still does not seem, from this perspective, that Bush is the Anti-Christ but he may be observed by the evil one as a test-run to see just what adjustments and tweeks he needs to make for the arrival of the real A.C.


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Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

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