As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Thursday, December 29, 2005

A New Era Resolution

Once, not so long ago, America was a country of noble principles and aspiring wisdom when it's spirit operated on the notion of great ideals unhindered by the crass pursuit of money. It sparked the imagination of a world so used to centuries of unjust rule characterized either by lust for power or money and inspired so many in the world to seek more civilized honorable solutions for their people but now we ourselves have tragically succumbed to those age old lusts encouraged by the increasingly empowered servants of money and now not only repress those that once aspired to us but encourage an increasing spirit of global corruption where bribery and pay offs become a part of business as usual. If we are yet not too blind to break this fall we must as a people and a nation resolve to stop overthrowing other countries democratically elected leaders and governments in order to protect the interests of American corporations. The U.S. has caused much bloodshed and misery because we determined within ourselves that political and economic environments within other countries we wanted to do business with were not favorable to us. Selfishness, greed and indifference is the problem. Turning to God and denying more of ourselves and our darkness is the answer.

We must restore credibility and integrity to our media by moving from the present "market participant" approach back to the community trustee ideal. In short, money has bought off the truth from our media by offering and witholding ad dollars. We do not hear the truth that the interests of money do not want us to hear. The result is the ease with which we can be misled by those hiding behind faceless corporations connected to their own interests and the governments. Love of money is the problem.

The country must remove the corrupting influence of money from our political system. Campaign contribution money from large corporations and the wealthy have replaced the voice of the people. 90% of the candidates who won in the last elections also had the most money and that should be unteneable in a country with a history of noble principles. Yes, the love of money and the willingness to use it to corrupt ends.

We must have leadership that will not prey upon the fears of the people with manipulation but instead strengthen the peoples resistance to fear. Instill in the populace the kind of internal fortitude the nation once had when the founding fathers established the Bill of Rights in the face of terror from King George's British Redcoat threat. Lead us to shine with honor and courage in rejection of fear.

We must embrace the belief that God supports these kind of reforms and that He does not support our subservience to the power and economic force of money. It is true that many cannot deny themselves of the addiction to money and achieve this national reformation unless they change within, unless they reform their own souls, their spirits with a regenerated spirit by turning to Jesus and receiving his gift of rebirth. It means giving one's life to God and living for God according to what His word and Spirit of truth say to you and not just what your leaders may say, for America did not get into the shape it's in without it's leaders misleading. Listen to your leaders but consider them by first considering the Spirit of truth. We have a lot of reconsideration to do.

We must return to the integrity of principle over money & honor over profit. All of this will return true honor and integrity to ourselves and our nation here and abroad.

It distills down to this: The love of money is the disease - The enduring love of God is the cure. The prognosis - Love, Honor, Peace.

1 comment :

David Wilson said...

the elevators in the building where i work have screens that show various tid-bits of news and whatnot, yesterday i was reading there that america is down in the dumps, depressed, because of fears of global warming; because of having taken a few very hard knocks in the last few years: the new york terrorism, and the new orleans hurricane; because of the obvious failure of iconic (and some not so iconic) corporations: gm, enron, dot-com, etc., it went on but i got off at my floor and later in the day it was not there anymore

but it made me think more compassionately about what is going on, these are very good reasons for depression as i well know, and for a moment i thought i knew something ... but yes, america is still a country of noble principles, i am not so sure about the aspiring wisdom part - i find a deep and wide vein of anti-intellectualism here, a predisposition not to think, but that is another story

noble principles, yes, and the only politic on the planet that looks anything like free and came from a real and successful revolution, some people might count france in there too but i don't, simply because hannah arendt didn't ... superficial maybe

so, noble principles, and an inability to work it out in practice, a sure recipe for depression whether personal or collective eh?

sorry this is not a complete thought, but i have had in my life some experience of dealing with people having bummers, having bad trips, and i also raised three youngsters and learned a few things that sometimes work for the megrims

ok, here it is ... it is a new year right? everybody making resolutions? some of them will take root and some will fail ... ai ai, i just can't quite get there this morning ... there is something just beyond my grasp, can't quite think it ...

ah well, in God's time ...

be well, esteje bem