As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Our "Law and Order" Suckling Pig Congress

Ok, so the Judiciary committee has voted. Now where in there do I see the words making businesses accountable for hiring illegal aliens. What are we doing here? tailoring the law around the refusal of businesses to obey the law? What more evidence could you have of the sucking up to, and paying off of favors back to businesses for "gifts" to our congressman. Our congressman have become nothing more than suckling pigs to the business lobby's mothers milk. I actually expect this from the Democrats on this issue but you might expect some backbone from the right-wing "law and order party" when it comes to immigration but no, once as it has, so many times before, money, big money trumps principles and values. And this is not about our traditional hypocrisy of looking the other way on agricultural workers, this is about all the millions of illegal aliens across the country relative to all business.
These Senators are not giving illegals temporary status to be nice to them they are doing it because it is profitable for business in this short-term and if the illegals choose to go illegal in the first place why would they go along with a plan that requires even more legal cooperation from them. This temporary plan is just telling illegal immigrants that it is all the more ok to fudge on obeying the law, or "Hey, no big deal to the gringo, no big deal to us, we sneek across", and so business gets it's continuing full complement of cheap labor. Your Congress fufills the deal.
And what is more, our government would rather put up a big brother orwellian survelliance system across the borders instead of standing tough and penalizing businesses that break the law. You can choose to make a habit of putting up surveillance to solve everything acclimating all of us to an impending police state or you can choose to stand against the influence of money and retain our openess and freedom. What if this was the war on drugs? Yea, right. We are all expected to play by the rules and when we don't we get penalized. This kind of spineless garbage in OUR Senators & Representatives just makes you want to give up. We are expected to stand up for our principles and for our values in obeying our laws and if congressmen cannot do anything but play us all for fools then they must go. We will not give up and they must go. It's time.

A note on the protests. What do you expect? Thousands of illegal immigrants families want their millions of illegal relatives and friends to stay. The legals and illegals are all out in the streets and you can no doubt be sure that business networks across the nation encouraged their illegal employess to gather en mass, especially in L.A.

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