As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Monday, October 16, 2006

For The Religious Right And All Of Us

What is disturbing about the religious right is not their certainty about their faith or the word of God, that I would say is their asset, but what is very disturbing is the certainty with their interpretation about how that connects to this world, this life and government, that is, their ideology.

Faith in an infallible word of God is one thing but to transfer that faith in the Word or faith in God to one's political ideology can be deceptive and disastrous. This is where their error in stubborness comes in and only leads down the road to darkness.

Certainty in ideology is as idolatry and only survives by prideful determination as you have seen in the unwavering support of a party politic steeped in corruption and error here and abroad.

Entanglement with politics in service to money, military expansion and corruption must be re-examined and rebuked. Far too much emotional attachment and political entanglement with this nation clouds the judgement of rightwing Christians. Far too much dependency on their host government clouds their judgement. As Christians we must feel, in reality, supported by the kingdom of God and not a worldly nation. Our confidence and trust must be in Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God. It's interests are of our highest priority, not the worldly interests of a worldly nation or lawless nation.

The word of God implores us to know ourselves in the same way we know Christ is in us. We must examine ourselves and root out what is emotional and from the flesh from that which is truly spiritual. Fear is an emotion and fear of loss of worldly things overwhelmes far too many. That is a battle we all face but we surely should not surrender or be given over to it. We should have it under our feet and to know the truth in the things around us we must truly have it under our feet. To truly know the degree our spiritual integrity overcomes the influence of material things and material protections we must examine ourselves in the same way we know Christ is in us.

We are set apart as individuals individualy accountable to God. Who will we fool if we do not face ourselves to know the truth of ourselves. Is the comfort of avoiding it worth it?

The comfort of a nation and it's luxuries, like a drug, numb and fog the truth of what we must face but with the truth of Christ within us and the confidence of God's foundation we can find the strength to face it. In this the love of God is our comfort and our guide to the love of the Truth.


David Wilson said...


Karen said...

What David said. I can't really add to this.

Captain Great said...

I agree completely.

It reminds me of when christians refuse to take their sick children to the doctor because they believe they will be cured by the power of prayer.

It's quite terrifying when such logic is applied to international politics.