As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Friday, November 10, 2006

Long Last Some Light Breaks Through

Finally after 6 years of secrecy, greed and corruption some light will break through the darkness. The light is a chance to right some wrongs, heal some wounds and bring the truth to bear on exactly what has been going on in this country for so long now. With a Democratic congress we should be able to turn around some legislation on worker and consumer rights, Medicaid, competitive drug prices and the environment, although a lameduck Bush veto will stand in the way of some of it, but also important and desperately needed is investigation into the false premises for the Iraq war, war profiteering cronyism ie haliburton, Abramoff, K street and all the other corruption in Washington. That is the up side. The down side? The new congress can do little about Bush's debacle in Iraq except to cut funding but they will not imperil the troops so this is yet to play out. Domestically Democrats also are dependent on money from corporate america and although House speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she will run the most honest ethical congress in America's history lobby reform and campaign finance reform will be the democrats battle against themselves. Senators such as Russ Feingold and John McCain will however keep the heat on reform of money's influence but that is also where we need to keep the heat on, the democrats weaknesses. (also support the clean elections movement spreading through the states).
Should the Democrats suffer under the illusion that this election is a referendum on now ignoring issues of the religious right they will do so at their political peril but if they honestly look at the voting results they will wisely continue to remind themselves that they took many congressional races because they the democrats offered more candidates supporting family values issues. For now it appears they will heed that wisdom but as it has been time and time and time and time again it will be the doom of Democrats should they forget and fantasize they are riding a tidal wave to the left. I have heard some bloated talking buffoonery from a few but largely most of the Democrats are keeping their heads.
Our new congressmen must again remind themselves that they won primarily because of independent voters and remember that the issues of lobby reform and election reform are independent mainstays and not to forget that these independents are not stuck to you the way the religious right blindly stick to the republicans. Fail to pass real lobby and election reform and you lose the independents straight and simple. No theocracy, no misguided faith and allegiance. Just,you lose. Don't lose.

So that is where we are now. What can we expect? Much of the legislation will probably be vetoed and then used as democratic campaigning points in 2008 but investigations, hearings and subpoenas are another story, they will not be vetoed, hidden, or "Cheneyed" and all I have to say to that is.....THANK THE LORD And Thank You, People Of America!

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