It was interesting to hear early on certain political operatives in the Republican religious right talking about praying for a political candidate, they can support, to emerge against President Obama. One can only wonder why God would be answering any such prayers when the religious right has yet to learn any lessons from it's previous debacle with political issues and George W. Bush.
And so now with the religious right's doubling down into the errant anti-government ideology that helped in large part to create that economic debacle, those prayers will not be answered since Mitt Romney has clearly been disdained over the years by the religious right. The religious right all but cursed Romney when Perry was rising with 15 million in campaign contributions saying they could not vote for Romney if he were the nominee because Mormonism is widely considered among the evangelical community to be a religious cult. They made it abundantly clear they could not vote for Mitt Romney in the general elections. No way. It had to be Rick Perry.
The religious right fell head over heels for George W. Bush II, a.k.a. Rick Perry the following governor of Texas, even almost claiming as they did with Bush that Perry was God's anointed, until over the course of several painful debates he embarrassingly wilted on the vine leaving the religious right to hang out and dry. The misleading of the religious right was once again in broad dislpay again before the entire nation and in the fashion it occured almost as humiliating as the fall of Bush himself.
The Republican establishment with the endorsement of Romney have clearly demonstrated they do not want to be led by the misguided religious right political ideology again and there is good reason why; the curse of intransigent stubborness when in the wrong.
The religious right were so sure they were right and so sure about the blessings that would be showered on America when they supported George W. Bush for president. They thought they were so very right about their positions on issues and that God was on their side and would bless their effort but just the opposite happened, even worse than the opposite so much that a rational person should conclude that God was trying to show them they were not so very right about their positions on issues but in fact very wrong on many and stuck in a self-centered religious state of mind.
Almost as soon as the religious right and their president took office the U.S. was successfully attacked in the worst terrorist incident in history taking over 3000 lives and leveling the two tallest buildings in the largest city in the U.S. When that lesson did not take hold on Bush and his religious right God had to send the worst natural disaster to ever come on the U.S. in the form of Hurricane Katrina then on top of that exposing the incompetence of the Bush administration and the error of their anti-government ideology that weakened most government departments, FEMA in particular, which was magnified by the disaster's demands on it.
Even after all this, Bush and the religious right continued to insist on it's errorant political ideology passing every bit of legislation it could under cover of the "war on terror", substituting dismantling of government regulations and the Bill Of Rights, patriot act infringmentments on privacy and surveillence everywhere for good government.
If anything God had cursed the government under George W. Bush and his religious right but they would have none of that, so spiritually proud, self-centered and full of emotional based nationalism. Even to this day they have not allowed themselves to be humbled but then that is next to impossible to those that will give the same allegiance to their positions on political issues that they give to the infallible word of God.
Now consider this: If you believe in biblical prophecy in the book of Revelations have you ever wondered how so many curses and plagues from God could come on a people and they still not repent and turn from their sin. Ever wondered what kind of mental state they must be in to stubbornly continue in their errant ways opposed by God. This is the stupid and stubborn state of mind of the people in charge of the world in the book of Revelation just before the end of the world as we know it. Evidently they will have precedent but I digress.
So the proud George W. Bush and the religious right learned nothing from it's experience in politics even after Hurricane Katrina but the worst as we all know was yet to come and would show above all preceding it that the anti-government ideology of the religious right was so very disastrous.
Before George W. Bush and his religious right would leave office they would effectively dismantle and destroy the U.S. economy by employing one of the most prominent tennants of their anti-govenment ideolgy that is of, demonizing and shutting down proper necessary regulation of Wall Street. Their motto was "The marketplace will regulate itself" essentially abandoning eons of accumulated wisdom about human behavior and money but for them that was not really it of course, what they wanted was for Wall Street to make all the money they could any way they could and the relaxing of government regulations was primary to that end that eventually culminated in the bankrupcy of AIG, LehmanBros, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Citibank and virtually every major U.S. bank.
It was the self-centeredness of making as much for oneself as one can regardless of collateral damage. It's called greed and the one thing the religious right will not compromise on is the making of money. They will say they put God above money making but actions speak louder than words. For them you don't let God get in the way of making money whether it's child seducing tobacco companies or home wrecking gambling casinos. I have seen it time and time again. It's as if they say "hey get real this is about making money" as if that nothing should get in the way of that, even God or His principles. " We believe in God but hey let's get real here." That is their bottom line and they'll do anything to get around heavenly principles in order to toe it.
This is the mindset and mentality of the religious right and that error gave them and their president George W. Bush the second if not the most cursed political period in modern American history.
You would think after the last curse of economic debacle, their ideology so strongly bound to it's economic counterpart, they would finally see they are wrong and relent or repent. They have not.
In fact if anything just the opposite has occured. With no one in the fundamenalist Christian realm willing to stand up and deliver them the correction they desperately need they have fallen prey to false teachers and political pundits that exploit them for personal gain and fame perpetuating their error and giving them false reasons to continue on in almost cult-like doubling down stubborness. Spiritual pride is a dog that hunts and hunts and the exploiters know it so well.
A Supreme Court ruling allowing the rich to spend all they want to back money serving candidates has embolded the Republican religious right knowing nothing is in their way of resurrecting and keeping alive their false ideology. This is why they are doubling down so strongly into all of it now.
When spiritual pride and greed knows it is unconditionally backed by the national powerbase there is ample room for imagining, fantasizing and pretending being right against the reality of being way wrong. It has become a psychosis. It's closest counterpart is the characteristic of drug addiction but this is about the one thing man would have more trouble with than even drugs. It is why instead of God saying "you cannot serve both God and drugs, God and sex or God and war" He said "You cannot serve both God and money".
All the suffering, all the debacle of one kind or another suffered by the Republican religious right and this country has been at the hands of one thing. Selling out to money, the bottom line.
After all we have seen, the reading of Ch. 13 in the book of Revelation may take on a different complexion. It is not that much of a reach interpreting 666 as representing, as much as anything else, the sellout to money. If that is true it should not be so hard to believe. Should it be any surprise that the ideology of that future prophetic time be the same as the beyond belief rightwing intransigience of our time. The rightwing love to demean the leftwing about it's lack of intransigence(imagined by them as commitment) but let them laugh. In every empire the rightwing has been the powerbase by it's very nature and every empire fell when it lost discernment of the truth remaining intransigent in the wrong.
And the point? The fundamentalist evangelical community need to exit stage left back to the center where Jesus Christ is.
The truth is more important than what you want to believe or what you are afraid to believe.
And so now with the religious right's doubling down into the errant anti-government ideology that helped in large part to create that economic debacle, those prayers will not be answered since Mitt Romney has clearly been disdained over the years by the religious right. The religious right all but cursed Romney when Perry was rising with 15 million in campaign contributions saying they could not vote for Romney if he were the nominee because Mormonism is widely considered among the evangelical community to be a religious cult. They made it abundantly clear they could not vote for Mitt Romney in the general elections. No way. It had to be Rick Perry.
The religious right fell head over heels for George W. Bush II, a.k.a. Rick Perry the following governor of Texas, even almost claiming as they did with Bush that Perry was God's anointed, until over the course of several painful debates he embarrassingly wilted on the vine leaving the religious right to hang out and dry. The misleading of the religious right was once again in broad dislpay again before the entire nation and in the fashion it occured almost as humiliating as the fall of Bush himself.
The Republican establishment with the endorsement of Romney have clearly demonstrated they do not want to be led by the misguided religious right political ideology again and there is good reason why; the curse of intransigent stubborness when in the wrong.
The religious right were so sure they were right and so sure about the blessings that would be showered on America when they supported George W. Bush for president. They thought they were so very right about their positions on issues and that God was on their side and would bless their effort but just the opposite happened, even worse than the opposite so much that a rational person should conclude that God was trying to show them they were not so very right about their positions on issues but in fact very wrong on many and stuck in a self-centered religious state of mind.
Almost as soon as the religious right and their president took office the U.S. was successfully attacked in the worst terrorist incident in history taking over 3000 lives and leveling the two tallest buildings in the largest city in the U.S. When that lesson did not take hold on Bush and his religious right God had to send the worst natural disaster to ever come on the U.S. in the form of Hurricane Katrina then on top of that exposing the incompetence of the Bush administration and the error of their anti-government ideology that weakened most government departments, FEMA in particular, which was magnified by the disaster's demands on it.
Even after all this, Bush and the religious right continued to insist on it's errorant political ideology passing every bit of legislation it could under cover of the "war on terror", substituting dismantling of government regulations and the Bill Of Rights, patriot act infringmentments on privacy and surveillence everywhere for good government.
If anything God had cursed the government under George W. Bush and his religious right but they would have none of that, so spiritually proud, self-centered and full of emotional based nationalism. Even to this day they have not allowed themselves to be humbled but then that is next to impossible to those that will give the same allegiance to their positions on political issues that they give to the infallible word of God.
Now consider this: If you believe in biblical prophecy in the book of Revelations have you ever wondered how so many curses and plagues from God could come on a people and they still not repent and turn from their sin. Ever wondered what kind of mental state they must be in to stubbornly continue in their errant ways opposed by God. This is the stupid and stubborn state of mind of the people in charge of the world in the book of Revelation just before the end of the world as we know it. Evidently they will have precedent but I digress.
So the proud George W. Bush and the religious right learned nothing from it's experience in politics even after Hurricane Katrina but the worst as we all know was yet to come and would show above all preceding it that the anti-government ideology of the religious right was so very disastrous.
Before George W. Bush and his religious right would leave office they would effectively dismantle and destroy the U.S. economy by employing one of the most prominent tennants of their anti-govenment ideolgy that is of, demonizing and shutting down proper necessary regulation of Wall Street. Their motto was "The marketplace will regulate itself" essentially abandoning eons of accumulated wisdom about human behavior and money but for them that was not really it of course, what they wanted was for Wall Street to make all the money they could any way they could and the relaxing of government regulations was primary to that end that eventually culminated in the bankrupcy of AIG, LehmanBros, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Citibank and virtually every major U.S. bank.
It was the self-centeredness of making as much for oneself as one can regardless of collateral damage. It's called greed and the one thing the religious right will not compromise on is the making of money. They will say they put God above money making but actions speak louder than words. For them you don't let God get in the way of making money whether it's child seducing tobacco companies or home wrecking gambling casinos. I have seen it time and time again. It's as if they say "hey get real this is about making money" as if that nothing should get in the way of that, even God or His principles. " We believe in God but hey let's get real here." That is their bottom line and they'll do anything to get around heavenly principles in order to toe it.
This is the mindset and mentality of the religious right and that error gave them and their president George W. Bush the second if not the most cursed political period in modern American history.
You would think after the last curse of economic debacle, their ideology so strongly bound to it's economic counterpart, they would finally see they are wrong and relent or repent. They have not.
In fact if anything just the opposite has occured. With no one in the fundamenalist Christian realm willing to stand up and deliver them the correction they desperately need they have fallen prey to false teachers and political pundits that exploit them for personal gain and fame perpetuating their error and giving them false reasons to continue on in almost cult-like doubling down stubborness. Spiritual pride is a dog that hunts and hunts and the exploiters know it so well.
A Supreme Court ruling allowing the rich to spend all they want to back money serving candidates has embolded the Republican religious right knowing nothing is in their way of resurrecting and keeping alive their false ideology. This is why they are doubling down so strongly into all of it now.
When spiritual pride and greed knows it is unconditionally backed by the national powerbase there is ample room for imagining, fantasizing and pretending being right against the reality of being way wrong. It has become a psychosis. It's closest counterpart is the characteristic of drug addiction but this is about the one thing man would have more trouble with than even drugs. It is why instead of God saying "you cannot serve both God and drugs, God and sex or God and war" He said "You cannot serve both God and money".
All the suffering, all the debacle of one kind or another suffered by the Republican religious right and this country has been at the hands of one thing. Selling out to money, the bottom line.
After all we have seen, the reading of Ch. 13 in the book of Revelation may take on a different complexion. It is not that much of a reach interpreting 666 as representing, as much as anything else, the sellout to money. If that is true it should not be so hard to believe. Should it be any surprise that the ideology of that future prophetic time be the same as the beyond belief rightwing intransigience of our time. The rightwing love to demean the leftwing about it's lack of intransigence(imagined by them as commitment) but let them laugh. In every empire the rightwing has been the powerbase by it's very nature and every empire fell when it lost discernment of the truth remaining intransigent in the wrong.
And the point? The fundamentalist evangelical community need to exit stage left back to the center where Jesus Christ is.
The truth is more important than what you want to believe or what you are afraid to believe.
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