As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

U.S. Corporatocracy Using Fear Of ISIS To Advance Police State

You are being manipulated by fear of terrorists, courtesy of our corporatocracy, in order to establish a surveillance police state. It's that simple. The corporatocracy which includes YOUR bought off government, the NSA, the compliant media and it's alarmist operatives are bringing fear of Islamic militants to a fast boil just as YOUR congress weighs whether to truly limit the most important aspect of an ensuing police state - NSA mass surveillance - or essentially give it free reign to spy on all of YOUR domestic communications into the future.

The main stream corporate media have magnified terrorist incidents at almost every turn when NSA domestic surveillance has been under scrutiny. Just as the biggest vote yet comes in the Senate to truly stop mass surveillance of the American people, Islamic militants on the move in the middle-east have been coronated with the acronym ISIS by our corporate media in order to elicit fear and create a high profile terrorist entity. The magnification of the presence of terrorists abroad has yet to stop the effort to limit the NSA so the corporatocracy and it's media are now magnifying the presence of U.S. citizens in ISIS in order to create fear of a terrorist presence stateside and justify, you got it, continued mass surveillance and increasing militarization of police here at home. No effort since 9-11 has tried so hard to tie presence of Islamic militants to our domestic heartland and all coming just as the Senate votes to finally stop domestic mass surveillance. Timing is everything folks. You are being scammed. You think?

Last summer after years of relative quiet on the al-Qaeda front and years of doing nothing about seriously limiting the Patriot Act or NSA the corporate mainstream media suddenly and franticly hyped up bogus reports of a resurging al-Qaeda just after the House of Representatives began to consider shutting down NSA's mass surveillance. Two things spring up at the same time that needn't be related at all depending on of course which one comes first. Did we as a national collective notice anything or was that just another blonde moment?

A police state surveillance security structure in America is key for the corporatocracy since globalization (export of our industrial base to cheap labor third world nations) cannot proceed on an orderly level unless the American people allow it. The 1% anticipates you will not go quietly into the night as your standard of living falls and the middle class evaporates. They fear an eventual American uprising and the instability it would bring to global economic markets but whether they fear civil unrest from increasing poverty, global pandemic, cyber war, impending asteroid impact, bio-warfare or cataclysmic climate change, mass surveillance of the American populace is fully unwise and wholly and unequivocally unacceptable.

The over blown militarization of our nation's police forces, as witnessed most recently in Ferguson, Missouri, with it's police state surveillance counterpart is only a bridge to a darker future but the corporatocracy doesn't see it just like they didn't see the 2008 economic collapse coming. There is a bright future only if the ruling elite discards facist efficiency and patiently clings to the promise of democracy where the will of the people determines what the corporate dominated government can and will do. Do you understand where we are? Are the people free to exercise their will and is their manipulation the only option? 
We can voluntarily and peacefully dismantle many things but a well entrenched surveillance superstructure in misguided hands is not one of them.

The bottom-line here is that the American people and it's congress are being manipulated to back off limitation of the NSA domestic spying program and we must resist that manipulation.
Terrorist crises, inflated or not, are being used as an excuse to set up this national security apparatus as they have been since 9-11 and as you see the corporate media so eagerly fan the flames of fear.
You are expected to be the clueless frog in the subsequent boiling pot and as I have always said:

In The Name Of Peace, Safety And Security You Will Walk Right Through
 As The Cell Door Locks Behind.

............however, you do still have a choice.

Contact your congressmen and let them know you reject the House of Representatives version of the Freedom Act. Let them know it does not limit the NSA enough essentially allowing the NSA to continue spying on all domestic communications. Tell your congressman he should support the Senate's new version of the Freedom Act WITHOUT AMENDMENT and while you're on the line encourage them to discourage further militarization of our police.  You think?
The core concern in the Freedom Act is it's language regarding specific selection terms.  A specific selection term must be defined as an “individual, account, or personal device.

And just one more reminder - Democracy is not something you have, it is something you do. If you don't do it you don't have it.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

i have a book,that book tell us about the ISIS,, you can visit my Store in this link +++>>>