As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, March 04, 2018

The Republican Hypocrisy of Trying At Every Turn to Subvert Obamacare Then Complaining Obamacare Doesn't Work

Obamacare was doing fine with the risk corridor program but Republicans sought to block it knowing it would hurt Obamacare and it did. Clearly the premium increases can be tied to the blockage of the risk corridors Republicans sought. They cry Obamacare turns out to not be working but they subverted it at every turn. You see, such a complex comprehensive program must be supported across the nation in order for it to work. All parts of it work together to make it viable and efficient and the Republicans throughly understood that and so they attempted to sabotage it. When Republican states decided to block the Medicaid expansion it immediately put harsh burdens on the exchanges in those states causing the health providers to raise premiums. They now cry about higher premiums but their intentional impairment of Obamacare is a prime cause of these higher premiums. 
Understand here, the Republicans are trying to sabotage a program that makes healthcare affordable and accessible to all but especially the poor and low-income of which rarely could afford it. What do you do in such a situation? Children used to use scurrilous tactics like this to undermine their playmates and when the parents found it out those children got the hello spanked out of them. 
These imbeciles are playing with peoples lives. They undercut a program for the poor then cry it doesn't work when it starts limping along.

We are in an area here of supreme hypocrisy and dishonor. A group of politicians that will resort to these tactics to in such a way have no place in the halls of the U.S. government let alone any government unless we are talking about typical banana republics of which the bribery laced money serving ideology of the Republican party has us headed toward. 

Are these then the men that call themselves Christians, that parade themselves before right-wing conservative churches as honorable men of integrity. To the millions of poor and low-income people, of which there are many more than millionaires and count just as much in the kingdom of heaven, these men give Christianity a bad name but oh yes they can quickly step in behind and hide within the mammon world, the material world, the monied life pretending all is fine on solid ground.
Isn't this just the in your face bald-faced hypocrisy of the Republicans crying how Obamacare is not working when in fact they did everything they could to undermine the program. How can these people even be allowed to walk the streets let alone serve as as congressmen. What hypocrites! Obamacare is not working as well because of these shin-kicking, backstabbing, undercutting money serving sycophant ideologue spoiled brats all from very rich families and so very indifferent to the plight of others that did all they could, at every turn, with every chance to undermine help for the poor.
Do these people, these congressman, any of these call themselves Christians. Do they in their insular world have any idea how un-Christian their ideology is never mind their tactics in undermining help to the poor?
These are exactly the kind of right-wing religious leaders Jesus was talking about in the Bible and right-wing leaders means they coddled in with the established authority just as was the situation trying to indict and undermine Jesus. They loved themselves, their position, their affluence and influence with authority.
Jesus kept talking about how they gave little regard and turned away the poor.

These hypocrite political and right-wing religious leaders are the same today as then. They love their money, their mammon, their saved tax money. Their ideology of putting "getting money" over people is their god but especially getting money for their rich campaign contributors. 
The Republicans cast a very dark witness upon Christianity that testifies to the world that Christians are about money and self and possessions and the ME. It is so opposite of everything Jesus taught about love compassion, treating others as you would be treated, understanding, wisdom. 
The tragedy is that far too many of these right-wing self-proclaimed Christians are vocall about it and oh yes, just like the scribes and Pharisees were so very vocal and in your face. The people, the world begin seeing these hypocrites as representative of Christianity and in the tug of war against Islam it is devastating to the Christian witness. 
In the end as it is written in the Bible Christians will be persecuted for something but will it be for their love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness or for their greed, selfishness and callous service to money and it's god. The word of God says we will be delivered up for His namesake.  We will be persecuted and killed for His namesake. I notice it doesn't say we will be persecuted for love and mercy but for His namesake as if in the end the most vocal of Christianity, the right-wing hyprocrites, fell so far into the love of money and disregarding the poor that it became so very easy to persecute Christianty for it's callous selfish hypocrisy. 
The tried and true Christianity of Roman Times changed an empire and transformed a world but the political religious leadership of the richest nation and most powerful nation on earth is dead set to undo it all and turn it back upon itself. 
The vocal contingent of the Republican party spouting any talk or any allusions toward God leads the way in turning people and nations against Christianity because of their cold-hearted, uncaring hypocrisy toward the poor and more so the sinister efforts to hypocritically undermine the best healthcare program for the poor in the history of the U.S. at every turn and then turn and claim that Obamacare is not working and is a failure. These Republican politicians are Christians? They claim to be and they tragically represent Christianity in the news day after day but they intentionally tried to destroy healthcare for the poor. 

This blog since it's inception has been in part an effort to undo exactly what I wrote about above. The hypocritical effect of right-wing politicans claiming to be representative of Christianity. We can embrace the personal morals of Christinaity while still showing love and compassion to the world and especially it's poor whether here or abroad. If Christianity must be persecuted in the end, must be, then let it be for our love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness and not our brazen
callous selves under money's power.

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