As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Sins of Christians Choosing The Economy Over Morality

A similar thing happens about a hundred or so times a day lately, as I engage professed Christians who still support this President: they unknowingly reveal their true religion.

In the disorienting bombast of heated debate, they inadvertently expose themselves and their hearts.

When faced with the mounting evidence and growing laundry list of moral atrocities proffered by this President and his administration (affairs, lies, clandestine porn star payoffs, Russian election interference, unprecedented abuses of power, intentional healthcare sabotage, and separation of families at our border)—in a careless panic, they invariably drop a familiar closing salvo:

“But the economy!”

Unable to refute the reality of his sinful transgressions themselves (things they know to be antithetical to their calling and their Nazarene namesake), this becomes their go-to conversation stopper; the supposed surefire mic drop, that settles everything and closes the case and trumps the rest.

It’s also a flat-out heretical disgrace, and something a follower of Jesus should feel sickened even saying.

Let’s assume for a moment that a President is solely responsible for the present economy at any given moment (which of course, he is not.)

And let’s assume that all the economic indicators right now in America are universally positive (which of course, they are not.)

And let’s assume that these indicators will yield the personal financial windfalls they imagine are coming (which of course, they certainly won’t.)

Even if these things were true, in what version of Christianity does any of that mean a damn thing?

Since when is the point of our faith tradition to accrue cash and horde wealth and grow our nest eggs at any cost?

In what heretofore undiscovered translation of the Gospels, is financial security and material wealth a reason to overlook unchecked depravity and repeated assaults on humanity?

Seriously, this is some seriously jacked up, golden calf idolatry happening here—like table-turning-over kinda sanctified nonsense.

Let’s get some receipts here, shall we?

These are words attributed to Jesus, in the biography of him written by
Not very ambiguous is he? Not a lot of room for interpretation here, is there?

Here’s  from Jesus, just a chapter later:
And then of course, there’s  little chestnut written by the Apostle Paul to a young protegĂ©:

Do you see the problem?

Christian supporters of this President are in a really tough spot—and the Bible they claim to love, has placed them there.

There are no wild theological gymnastics that can somehow make one’s 401K more valuable than the lives of sick people losing healthcare, or migrant children still displaced, or people of color marginalized by alarmist rhetoric.

You can’t exegete your way into God being cool with you supporting a guy who daily breaks several Commandments and countless moral laws, just so you can see a little bump in your mutual fund.

For professed Christians to willfully ignore adultery, lying, child abuse, sexual assault, theft, bigotry, racism, obstruction, and treason, “because the economy”—is essentially to renounce Jesus while taking the money and running in the opposite direction.

It isn’t really about  God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, or about loving your neighbor as yourself, and it isn’t even about abortion—it’s about the cash.

In Matthew’s 16th chapter, Jesus poses the same  to his followers that MAGA Christians are going to have to reckon with, not because I say it but because the Bible claims that he does:

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

I wonder what their response will be, should their eventual afterlife meeting with God come to pass—the one they’re always threatening other people with.

I hope they do get the opportunity to stand before their Maker, and try to explain why they ignored and excused away and encouraged and gloated in this President’s prolific inhumanity.

My heart strangely warms, imagining them being asked by Jesus, why they justified a man who brutalized “the  of these” (the ones whose skin he preached that he would come here wrapped in)—and hearing them say (while certainly soiling themselves), “Forgive me, Lord, but the economy!”

I anticipate great weeping and gnashing of teeth, and lots of last second, hail mary prayers.

This isn’t about the numbers, it’s about the cost of chasing them.
In the Bible, Jesus is eventually betrayed by one of his own students and closest followers, for 30 pieces of silver.
The intoxicating allure of a few shiny coins proves to be enough to make him sell his soul and sellout his beloved.
He makes a quick cash grab and abandons everything of true and lasting value, all the while loudly claiming allegiance to a God he has replaced.

There really is nothing new under the sun, is there?

- John Pavlovitz

My take:
It's not hard to notice that the conservative Christian Right's primary moral issues are two issues that don't involve a threat to their increased taxes or government programs needing to be supported with taxes. Those two issues are - ban abortion and ban gay marriage. Talk life saving healthcare or assistance for the poor and needy or clean air or opposition to Wall Street corruption and they position themselves opposite those issues almost consistently. Initiate anything that could take money out of their pockets in the form of taxes and they oppose it. Ban something and that's alright, that'll work. Follow the money trail on this people. The love of money has customized their priorities.

Another highlight of this is how the Tea Party leaders( many, self-proclaimed Christians and hard right) thought donations to their PAC's and to their cause were mainly money making opportunities for themselves. They gave 7 to 12% of their collections from duped contributors to actually promoting Tea Party candidates other wise they spent the rest enriching themselves.

We have seen this from the Enron debacle and ensuing stories to the 2008 national financial crisis to multiple Wall Street corruptions to too many things to list to now.

This is something witnessed several times by this blogger and that is, so-called conservative Christians ignoring the greater cause exploiting it as a money making opportunity and make no mistake the group think effect takes over as if they all know this is what really matters: Making money to enrich yourself.

Christians should be of one mind but I don't think the above is what the Lord or the Apostle Paul had in mind.  

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