This is a focus on the emanating behavior and therefore the effect on our people, our children, our land coming from the highest office in the land.
It might be easy to say Trump is doing this with evil intent but that would be to demonize. I have no doubt however that evil itself is exploiting through the manipulation of his mind and spirit. I believe the evil one is trying to re-introduce a debasing spirit into this world that had once been more so placed under our feet and that is the spirit of conflict.
I not only sense this but I see it on the face of others that they have sensed it too as if we are quickly approaching a moment of truth that may fleetingly slip by us if we do not become shielded with the upmost of diligence to do something seriously about it. It's as if the animals of the forest have finally looked up and see the predator closing. Trump would laugh but that is unimportant as he is either a willing accomplice or, risking naivete', more probably an ignorant one.
And make no mistake here, the impeachment of Donald Trump without clear consensus and broad shaming is a perilous option and could be a tragic choice. Anything that will cause Trump to become iconic will be a tragic long suffering mimicking disaster. That effect is spreading now as we speak but is in it's infant stage relative to what it can become.
This president and all his callous spirit toward others, lack of insight, promulgation of fear, hate and division must be rebuked not only in words, but in words that are tied to and born out of our heart and core. It must be for the most part a collective rebuke in as much is possible. We must understand that we are not "going there". One of the most seductive spirits of this will be believing that all this has a manly component, that it will be the way we should go because it is part of our nature and a calling to our "true" self-centered place in nature but nothing could be so tragically far from the truth.
If it turns out that people will not examine themselves to face themselves in being honest about their potential true nature and the road it could lead down we may have already lost this fight but I do not believe that. I believe enough people still remember how society and people should interact civilly with real class.
We have come to a moment, to a time in all this, all of this presidency of Donald Trump that we must begin to act. We have been at one nexus but we are now at a nexus of the heart and of the spirit and of the way this world will begin to turn out in the future. We are at a crossroads of what we will become in the future and how fellow human beings will conduct themselves one to another in the future. Already some politicians are beginning to use the same language and exhibit the same behavior that has emanated from this presidency the last two years.
I cringe to think that fellow evangelicals have been a part of this dark ascendancy and it would be easy to ask what could they have been thinking but many are manipulated in many ways and through the most sinister calculated means as we are in world of struggling democracy where the iron hand of authority has been replaced by a hand desperately at work controlling public opinion. The evangelicals are casualties as so many others are but they have a Father in heaven that can lift them up and out and open their eyes if they will only see the whole truth of the big picture before the worst part of all this comes crashing through.
As we know there is the scripture that states: "and if it were possible he would deceive even the very elect." The scripture is what some believe to be a reference to the anti-Christ's influence over normally well grounded influential Christian leadership but I write this here not because I believe Trump is the anti-Christ but to impart that Christians are and will be vulnerable to deception but I take the above scripture to indicate what the deceiver will do to deceive, not what Christians would finally believe.
The Christians that support Trump of course do not believe they have been deceived but believe they are part of an effort to place a president into position that would stop abortion and keep certain promises about religious freedom. The evil one working through Trump has promised this because he sees an allegiant voting block as the key to dropping his paradigm changing bomb of hate and division upon the world. The evil one as well most assuredly understands that complicity in all this will taint and weaken Christianity's witness so for him it is a win-win and should the end-time schedule of the Christians supporting Trump ironically be accurate the complicity will be a coup.
The question here is, if there is any question at all, whether it is wisdom that's at work here or the impetus of a moral/political imperative disengaged from true discernment regarding the whole of who we are. It is as though the hands of the very elect have been tied behind their backs as darkness begins it's paradigm changing new phase of dirty work and it is indeed a dirty road that we are positioning ourselves to head down.
I sense even now that some Christians that have been involved in supporting this president are having second thoughts because I know they see the impending tidal wave of damage coming into the souls and hearts of people in this nation and around the world.
This that is happening now is not a locally infusing of darkness but an all encompassing descending spirit upon the entire world. It is like a teaching of the evil one. It will place and nurture it's seeds now that will grow much too quickly inflaming a world into deeper division, hate and fear simply because it will appear acceptable. What will become acceptable that wasn't acceptable in the conduct and commerce of people will be the spark that begins it all. The sparks are flying now.
I know that when you step back, take a deep breath and look around you do not see this at first but when we normally take a deep breath we do so hoping to see things perhaps in a less serious light, thusly the directive to "take a breath" but we are standing amongst a creeping thing working it's way up that is not so obvious. If you listen to Trump's rhetoric and watch as hate groups of people grow larger you know something is different this time and we are only two years into this presidency. Nothing seems all that serious on the surface now but if you are versed at all in the projection of human behavior it is clear that it is because of Trump's broad power and hugely vocal charismatic influence. It is apparent we are in a very perilous crossroad changing time.
We are in danger of getting to the point where it is acceptable for large groups of people to gather in the name of hate and acceptable for more people in high places to engage in and exploit that hate and those groups and even to the point of it developing an economic factor in becoming profitable and marketable on a more openly, broader public scale. When it takes off it just takes off like a fire as we have seen with so many other public trends and when this happens we will have wrought out of Pandora's box what can not be put back in without the many paradigm changing sufferings of our past history.
This is similar to the change that occurred in the Reformation and Enlightenment except in that change we had many good rising aspects relative to man's ignorance. What we are experiencing now is a loosening of our better prudent spirit into a darker spirit that deceives us into believing all this hate and division is a part of our nature and alright after all.
What we need and what we must have is a collective-
We won't do that,
we won't go there
because that's astronomically stupid and destructive for all of us.
What I'm afraid of is that too many people are not sensing and seeing the dissolving corrosion under our more civilized spirit that the manner, words and action of Trump imparts. This is a trigger and a tipping point and it is the real nexus for our heart, spirit and soul for our time.
We are all in this together. Which direction?
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