As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Trump, Barr, Epstein And The Oligarchy Or Real Change Rarely Moves

When someone really tries to change things or expose and overthrow corruption it usually barely happens. John F. Kennedy tried it and he was shot. The changes he started and the changes he made he paid for.

When the entrenched interests need to be changed it hardly ever happens. Along came Ross Perot who was going to get corrupt campaign money out of politics and bring to bear a transformational change to the system akin to a Kennedy change wave, was leading the pack through the middle of the summer 1992 and then mysteriously began backing out from pressure from the oligarchy serving GOP.  Real change never happened although reform movements tried and U.S. Senator John McCain backed real campaign finance reform which fizzled. Keep in mind here, some very important people thought this issue was of the highest importance but only a few with the courage stood up.

Barack Obama made changes but beyond healthcare they were mainly peripheral. The core change that should have happened, reforming money in politics, of which early on he said he would strongly pursue was laid on the back burner as he strangely began taking big corporate money in the midst of his campaign sending the signal to Wall Street he wouldn't dog them. He didn't and for that he was "allowed" to carry on with his "smaller" agenda. I should add Bill Clinton had this "understanding" with Wall Street and he always was reticent to talk the get money out of politics talk. If you were paying attention you know this is true and at the time it was no secret and I should say this was also at the core of doubt about Hillary Clinton. People still however thought Bill Clinton would go after that corruption but he didn't just like people, particularly independents, thought Trump would but did and continues to do just the opposite.

Recently the NSA began spying on all Americans and nothing has really been done about it meaning it essentially continues. The rich and powerful so uneasy over uncertainty and even minor instability want their imposing security state and it remains. It remains.

The nation desperately needed a more balanced Supreme Court to curb the expanding surveillance state and the undo influence of the rich and powerful on our democracy but at the very crossroads we get a candidate that should not and was not expected to win in 2016, the candidate that would put justices on the court that would instead reinforce everything that needed changing and he won and reinforced the status quo.

You have a two year investigation into Russian cyber meddling into our elections and possible criminal wrongdoing by the executive branch and you get an Attorney General, William Barr, put in place by the presidential candidate that favored Wall street and the rich and powerful that should not have been elected, doing everything possible to cover for and protect not only Trump but the rich and powerful with unnecessary redactions in the Muellar report and then constricting his testimony to congress so that little is said and little exposed about the rich and powerful and the truth.

Now we have Jeffery Epstein dead in a jail cell supposedly by suicide, an individual that was ready to testify in court and blow open ties to child sex slaves involving many high profile names of the, yes you guessed it, rich and powerful. A list of names remains but one only knows who else Epstein would have implicated.

And that's just the political aspect. Just when Christianity seemed like it was on the cusp of making a real difference across the board in the late 70's it began to take a much more conservative defensive turn siding seemingly at almost every turn with those who, yes you guessed it, represented the interests of the rich and powerful. A dynamic transforming movement was transformed into a protector of already entrenched interests. The Jesus movement did contribute to Christianity in its new conservative focus but in it's attachment to a growing materialism and right wing politics missed the influence it could have had on a broader public and massive mission field. Once again an opportunity for real transformational change is thwarted by the oligarchy of which the founders of this nation warned about.

You know full well there is so much left out above that could be included but I just wanted to get something down about all this. It has been frustrating all my life from Kennedy to now when just before a blockbuster testimony in court an individual with Jeffrey Epstein's ties to the rich and powerful maddenly and mysteriously appears to have been allowed to commit suicide when so much was on the line.
And with that thought more comes to mind as in the strange aligning of the media to support the Iraq war when it was so clear little of it made sense and then in 2008 bankers across the board getting off from their responsibility in the financial meltdown and how such a strange subservient document like the bogus "Citizen United" scam could get pass the Supreme Court except that this court is one stacked with right wing idealogues by representatives of the oligarchy.

A book or make that books could be written but this is just a little venting for now. One thing is for sure, the continual failure of government to bring the rich and powerful to account or expose corruption erodes the public's confidence in our institutions and government and it is exactly what our adversaries around the globe desire. With the likelihood that future control of nations will be transferred via result of "covert" cyber-war the stakes are even higher. The more distance between our We the People government and it's people the more precarious our situation.

One more thing, a thought of possible encouragement. Changes often are blocked up front but once a leader begins a change wave initially successful or not, the people, the American people, in various groups across the nation often begin working toward these worthwhile changes. They have and they are.
What the oligarchy, plutocracy, deep state or whatever you call it gets out of this resistance to change, besides getting their own way in so many of these matters, is they also in the  process discourage you from participating in the democracy that has authority over them but your job is to do just the opposite.

Don't be discouraged, be stubborn and persistent in your duty prescribed to you by the founders.
Be encouraged and join in.   

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