As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Religious Right In "A Christmas Carol"

I wonder how the religious right were able to deal with their conscience this christmas season as they witnessed the Christmas Carol story and other similiar stories on TV or experienced them in plays. I wonder just who do they think they are in these scenarios. Do they see themselves as the persecuted, the rejected or denied or perhaps as the compassionate peripheral observer. Maybe they see themselves as the messenger ghosts of Christmas but I have to wonder just how many setting there experiencing these stories begin to see themselves as the old crank himself, Scrooge, the man that would not empathise and would not relent.

If the religious right were to experience a modern story about a family without healthcare they just might see where they do stand, for they, the religious right have done all they could not only to ignore healthcare reform but have worked to prevent thousands of poorer American families suffering without health insurance to continue suffering without health insurance by preventing reform. Have you ever seen a family devastated because of lack of health coverage, losing their homes, their quality and dignity of life and then their lives?.
With that a modern version is not really necessary because the Christmas Carol is essentially analagous to the plight of many families today except that is to the necessary evasive minds of many on the religious right needing to avoid the connection to today surfing the thin membrane of realization that keeps them from seeing that Tiny Tim could be someone they know without health insurance and so as it goes for the religious right it's, hey, no way...and why? Because they are the tough guys whose leader is George W. Bush, the guy who does not relent, no longer repents and does not regret, his 3 R's and their 3 R's. They wear their callousness of heart with pride and honor and their political ideology like God so that their concience can bear the load. You have to wonder what kept Scrooge going for so long and no doubt it was some of the same. Just as the greedy Scrooge dweedled in his mind to put his money over the needs of his own workers, the religious right follow that self-centered characteristic in their political ideology into the darkness of indifference where there is little empathy or insight into the suffering of poor American families without healthcare. For them the love of God has been rationed out and can only be under exploitation but the good news is....

Proverbs 31:8 - (Commandment to kings.) Open your mouth for those that cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.

Proverbs 22:9 - He who has a generous eye will be blessed,
For he gives of his bread to the poor

Proverbs 28:27 - He who gives to the poor will not lack,
But he who hides his eyes will have many curses.

The love of God is not what they think...

Matthew 5:40-42 - says if one compels you to go a mile with him go two instead and if one would steal your cloak give it to him instead.

Luke 12: 13-15 - When you give a dinner do not ask your relatives nor rich neighbors, lest they also invite you back, but invite the poor and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.

Matthew 18:21-22 - says if one offends you forgive him not seven times but seventy times seven. (Yea and it's sure not what the world thinks either, is it?)

Would it be so hard for the religious right to support subsidies for low-income and poor families and do the supporters of healthcare reform have to make it sound so economically palatable for the religious right to accept it and in a Christian light isn't that kind of pathetic. Must every initiative to help the poor have a concrete economic advantage? Cannot the religious right even discern the blessing that would come from God when helping the poor. Have they abandoned the words of Jesus?
For the religious right it would be better all this were only about a traveler, a thief or trespasser as in the scripture but it is not, it is about our own fellow families in desperate need.

Now the religious right generally claim to be fundamentalist Christians and one of the principle teachings of fundamentalist Christianity that we hear preached frequently is that of stepping out in faith when the goal sought appears too difficult to attain. If the religious right will practice their own teaching and put faith in God and His love for people over their idolatrous economic and political ideology they will begin to find the inner constitution to support healthcare help for the poor and the blessing that it will bring to this nation. One way of practicality and surely of little faith, is putting the priority of healthcare over funding again and again a defense budget that can destroy the world umpteen times and then never getting an outlet to relieve the pressure of that military buildup must then unnecessarily invade someone but the religious right's teachings are not about the concrete and practical, they are about trusting in the words of Jesus and stepping out in faith. God will reward this nation, as He has many times, through channels and means this people cannot yet perceive when we follow His commands to help the poor.

Even if it doesn't appear the bridge can be gapped God will provide a way if only we step out in faith. You see, its not that we want the religious right to just hold their position and lose this fight, we want them to be with us because we need their help and their faith to achieve the just and right thing that does indeed appear difficult to attain but with faith can be attained. It is about doing the right thing and not shying away from the challenge of the love of God.
Will we and shouldn't we work together? Will we step out in faith?

Are any of us in a position to ration God's love when seeing desperate need in the wealthiest nation on earth and is it not to Christianity's benefit to not only get out of the way of God's love but to fully support it's manifestation?
2nd Cor:9: 8-13


Norma said...

Since the religious right, as you call those who nurtured your faith, are much more personally generous than the religious left, this falls a bit flat. Jesus never suggested that Christians meet their obligations by applying for government grants, only that they give from their hearts.

New book comparing evangelicals and liberal Christians in the NW might help you sort through some of your angst and criticism. Evangelical vs. Liberal: The Clash of Christian Cultures in the Pacific Northwest.

Doug said...

No, but Christians can meet their obligations by choosing which programs taxes should be paid to. Can you pay the poor's healthcare coverage with your personal givings? They surely appreciate what you give but they need what you cannot personally give.
You give from your heart when you vote to pay taxes for healthcare for the needy. What is the difference? One way you are anonymous and the other you can be recognized with accolades from your church and the organizations that put you on their best giver lists. You know what God prefers, that you not get recognition here so that it counts as treasure in heaven. You pay taxes one way or the other and certainly in private but the point is supporting what God is concerned about that being the needs of the poor when they cannot meet those needs.

I will check the book out although it has long been acknowledged that the left gives to the poor in large numbers personally but that is beside the point. This is not about who gives more but rather the intent of seeing the poor get the help they need. You see, it is where your heart is at in the matter. You can give because you were commanded or you can give because of the love of Jesus that resides in you.

Also,Jesus said "Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasars and give unto God what is God's" for a reason. He understood God had ordainded government for good things and he also certainly understood the selfish nature of men.

With regard to the nurturing of faith, true Christians nurtured my faith and only one of them I would call devotedly religious right but much of the spiritual fundamentals are the same. Since the time I was saved a great delusion has extended itself over Christianity in the form of what is called religious right political ideology. Those truly into the religious right i'am afraid are more nationalists than Christians but much prayer is needed here now and most notably in the future.

Thanks for your thoughts!