As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Religious Right Hypocrisy On HealthCare Up For All To See

This article reveals that the religious right is behind the opposition to the new healthcare law.

What a tonnage of hypocrisy and what a blight on Christianity that the religious right would oppose a health care law that benefits all poor and low income families on the basis of this: "that it violates the religious freedom of those who choose not to have insurance because they rely on God to protect them from harm". That is the second of two points that the American Center for Law and Justice use to oppose the new healthcare law with the first being bad enough concerning the individual mandate of which the rightwing have previously supported in various legislation but....

What a load of hypocrisy when the Christian right, that strongly promotes and supports military protection and military invasion in the name of protection, makes this claim about the sufficient protection of God instead of healthcare. What a load of hypocrisy after they have rebuked and demonized those that protest war and oppose relying on the military for protection. The religious right will not uphold the honor and principle of non-violence, that every true christian has supported and lived and died by down throughout history. They fully support and depend on government military aggression in order to save themselves but they, the religious right, will oppose life saving government health insurance for the poor by regarding the protection of God.

The religious right love government when they see it protects their own hide and possessions but they demonize it if it should be the means to help and protection for others and worst of all this is about protection for the poor. This is all the utter height of hypocrisy and is a wholesale and blantant hypocrisy for all to see and for all to see that modern "Christian" religion is little different from the world when it comes down to the tough gut check decisions that have been a hallmark of it's integrity from the sacrifice of Jesus, His disciples and thousands of martyrs down throughout the ages. They stood up for the love of God refusing to use swords, guns or weapons to save themselves or their loved ones but today's religious right will destroy others in a second in order to protect and save themselves then will turn around and deny life saving healthcare help for the ones Jesus loved, the poor, by claiming the reality of God's protection for the poor.
And all this because in the one government with the most checks and balances to power the world has ever seen the religious right decided their fear of expanding government in an expanding world is more relevant and more important than the health and lives of the poor.
Love had integrity but today the religious right have sold out to the military complex, corporate greed and corruption. The hypocritical case that the religious right American Center for Law and Justice has brought against the new health care law will do more to tarnish and drive consciencious people away from Christianity than anything in the last 50 years.

I pray that before true Christianity can be persecuted by association with the religious right's hypocrisy there will be a monumental change in the integrity of all Christianity back from the sick and hypocritical Christianity of today to the tough inner constitution really confident in God Christianity of the early disicples. This was when the conversion of people to christianity resulted in real conversions that produced real witnessing Christians that changed an empire and a world. There will be a new outpouring again but it will only come to a church that is capable of receiving it.

Let the world support worldly protection by destroying others in order to save themselves. We are not of this world but we are of the Kingdom of God which is not of this world and the real inner hope of many in the world is that we remain so, so that when it is time for the real thing, the real thing will be the real thing. Inside of every man and woman is a spirit that percieves truth and every man and woman is appointed a time to be called to God and although they tarry in the world their unconcious spirit knows and hopes for a real church of integrity to be received in. A church of integrity is a draw to the yearning spirit of men for real authentic conversion as a wide net is a draw to the fish of the sea.
It is for the lack of this that the world is in the shape that it is in. 

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