As in the song "Lawyers In Love" we have a land, a nation with too many in high places willing to do anything for money neglecting people, honor and principle but a change is coming. No more falling for the lie of living only individualistic and independent lives leaving us divided and conquerable by powerful special interests but a people, a nation collaborating for the greater common good in various groups all across the nation. A land of people working together to help one another with a vision moreover as Jesus would have us be. Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Kindness....something about another Land. The change is coming

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

We Need A Lot More Of Jesus And A Lot Less Of Our Political Selves

The people of America are being divided by unscrupulous politicians that will just about say and do anything to benefit themselves politically. They are using fear, resentment and vitriolic arguments to fuel grievance. Politicians are doing this but we should not imitate them and be manipulatedly corralled into their stage play.

But this is not just about them, this is about all of us. So let's step out from inside the political arena and the contentious debate we are in day to day and take a look at it from the outside.

We are being divided but it takes many to obey and manifest that. Somehow, somewhere, someone, all of us need to begin to examine ourselves and short circuit all that.
We all need a lot less of our self-centeredness, selfishness. We need a lot less of wanting what God knows would eventually destroy us. We need to do self-inventory and understand it is God's love that will save us and save anyone else.

We must open our eyes and see we are being manipulated into this whole thing. Politicians and even misguided religious leaders got us into believing their politically laced tripe and all they need to do now is to manage it and feed it. God is way, way, way more crafty than any of that if only we will let Him guide us with His love.

Polarization and tribalism are tearing this nation apart. We need a lot less demonization of others as if they or their thinking, their political thinking is the incarnate of evil. Many may be dishonorable, even shameful but acting like or pretending that those with differing political views are the disciples of evil is evil behavior itself.
Yes, scurrilous, craven politicians are exploiting this to almost unthinkable levels but we don't have to bite, we have to take a look at ourselves and say loudly and boldly this is not who we are. This is not America and this is especially not the Christian church. We are not going to play this game, this game that only and really is happening to benefit the selfish political gain of the politician.

I have seen and heard the hateful vitriol but I think I know and hope it's not as bad as all that. We can all debate and argue over what is right or not and be passionate in our give and take even to the point of incisive critique making our points but in final analysis the guiding principle should be for all of us to work together, help one another and make this a better place. To consider the common good over the individual self. To put an outwardly shining sun in the place of a inwardly black hole.

When I go out to the store and see and visit people around they are generally friendly. People I know that may differ with me will be friendly and they will be friendly with you if you insist on being friendly with them. It works almost every time. Put as many cracks in that pane of fear and hate as possible. Ignore the calls for division and hate and kill that monster with love and kindness. Keep it up. Keep it up this Christmas and way beyond.

Each one of us needs to unseat the dark self that so often falls for the dark manipulator and let Jesus fill our lives with His love. He has a great future and a great place for us so revel in His promise.
Be joyous in that where the foundation is God's love.

This nation and it's people need to turn back from the relational trajectory it has been on.
We need a lot of softening of our hearts on how we view each other and value each other.
We need a lot more of Jesus and a lot less of our political selves and ourselves period.

So with that in mind here is the greatest gift that anyone can an ever receive, the gift of salvation by praying this simple prayer and sincerely mean it in your heart. God has been waiting for this moment for everyone that has ever been born. He is listening and He promised to get real if you are real.

"God, I know that, in my lifetime, I have not always lived for you, and I have sinned in ways I probably don't even know yet are sins. I know that you have plans for me, and I want to live in those plans. I pray to you for forgiveness for the ways in which I have sinned.

I am choosing now to accept you, Jesus, into my heart. I am eternally grateful for your sacrifice on the cross and how you died so I can have eternal life. I pray that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that I continue to live as you desire for me to live. I will strive to overcome temptations and no longer let sin control me. I put myself--my life and my future--in your hands. I pray that you work in my life and guide my steps so that I continue to live for you for the rest of this life."

In your name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

To strengthen your walk now with your Father in heaven and Jesus read His words in the New Testament. Take your time in this and let it fill and be written on your heart.
Begin to pray sincerely as a child to your Father in heaven, He loves you so very much, He is listening. The Lord encourages us to pray in secret so pray when you are alone as much as possible such as at bedtime. It's you and Him, one on one. When you are getting real in your heart with Him He is getting real with you. He sees you deep and knows when they are just words or when they are words from your heart. Few things in creation are as important to Him as when you come to him in this way in prayer. Few things in the universe are more influential than truly sincere prayer but remember we don't always understand what is best for us so just as a good earthly father with his child we do not always get what we may pray for. As we mature in Christ with love and wisdom we begin to understand better. In the beginning we need a lot of help prayer but then because of His love within us we increase our prayer for others and your faith will grow as you witness His love and deliverance at work with those you pray for.
This is me but I think we should always finish our prayer in Jesus Christ's name, Amen. There is power in the name of the Lord and it makes the difference. He shed His blood and died for our sins so hey, let's take the half second more and get the full notary stamp of the universe on each of our prayers. Prayer is a much bigger thing than some people think probably because the results are so often unseen that stopped something bad from happening. There was no news except in the kingdom of heaven. Again, the Lord knows the intent of our heart.
Find others that believe and find strength in their fellowship and encouragement. Many groups or churches will say they believe in Jesus but find those that also believe in the fullness of the Holy Spirit open to His spiritual gifts for you and all the help the Lord would have you receive so that you can overcome this world. All of us need this especially in the beginning. After you have read the word and feel you have grown stronger let God's love that is in you reach out to share your new faith with others. This is how the love of Jesus grows and spreads. You came to the Lord at this time in your life and there will be others ready to repent and turn to the Lord. The Holy Spirit within you will help you, guide and lead you to the opportunity to share with them.
There will be resistance and at times frustration but every disciple and follower of the Lord has experienced this from the beginning only because the darkness of this world can be so stubborn but God will lift you up. Appeal to Him as a child and pray to him as your Father and He will help you overcome. His love, Jesus and the Holy Spirit that now dwell within you will help you overcome as He said in 1 John 4:4 " the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
In all things let His love be your guide.

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